Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Top 50 Best Hanna-Barbera Opening Themes

Dreams 7/30

 Dreamed that I was a lesser sort of Indian super hero. I was dealing with a psychotic murderous bitch. I can't recall the details...

The internet has been out. Why am I calling out The GOOGLE Monster? The other day I couldn't get online but could watch Netfux, and we only have internet TV. Anyway, certainly not to be included in More of Dana's Dreams, but you know I like facts. This was another pickle and mustard induced dream. The three main dream foods are pickles, pepperoni, and mustard, so I'm thinking vinegar is the culprit. Funny that I clean with that. Anyway, nothing is working. The washing machine is broken, but probably Kate's worst song: 

Washing Machine

Yes, I've blocked and reported Caballa Embarrass's ads as New World Order BS, but continue to receive them. 😠

Some days, stay in bed. Went to the laundromat down the road that was closed due to the fact that they have no water. Wanted to flip the cable guy the bird along the way. This 💩is building up. Going to see The Donald again tomorrow. Means nothing in our RIGGED world. Probably not, so fed up with Ron's BS, told him to take Tim. 🤮

What else? Oh, feed your fish at noon, it makes a world of difference. TTYL. ☮

Monday, July 29, 2024

Hello, Govinda!

I got another cory catfish for Vishnu's tank, Govinda makes three. She's an orange sun burst Glo Fish. Ector is my electric green one. He and Oscar, my oldest fish, an albino cory, have so much fun playing with Vishnu that I had to get another. Oscar started off in my smallest tank with a Betta alone. He's lived in all three of my tanks. He used to be white, but he's taken on a blush since moving in with Ector. He seems happy. I also did some rearranging, and got my frogs a paper flower Peijing. They love it. Not only do they have more room to swim and play, but they climb it, and hang out under the roots. Adorable! And, no post would be complete without a hello from Merlin, my big bumblebee Betta boy in the community tank. I now have six different types of Coryadoras cats. Ector, the electric green Glo Fish, is my favorite. My cats always ate what my other fish were eating, but I've been feeding these algae wafers, bloodworms, and catfish pellets too. The Betta and frogs go after the catfish pellets. Everybody seems to like them.  

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Pillow Sale

Today only save 20-40% on pillows with the coupon code. 

Shop Pillow Sale

Super Summer SALE

 Spent the morning with a big cup of coffee in my Ebay shop slashing prices and allowing offers, so if you had your eye on something, check-it-out. You'll find: handmade, one-of-a-kind dolls, original watercolors, dolls from my collection, books, and more. 

Thank You! 

Shop the Summer SALE

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wicked Little Letters

Hillarious. I 💓 The Decameron too, you foxy motherfuckers. 🤣🤣🤣


 My buddy still sleeps with his fox, who is a bit tatty and blind. Why would I watch The Olympics? That's as RIGGED as Everything else. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Oak

Darling little acorn, perfect and true,
how I adore you. 
I'll put you in a pot in the sun, 
loving you is fun. 
A green sprout, you've started. 
Now, I'll plant you beneath my window, 
we shall never be parted. 
I will climb and hang from your strong branches. 
You will watch while I take my chances. 
Together we will grow. 
Always, I'll love you so. 
I know, I'm just a girl, 
you are so much wiser than me. 
You will house birds and bugs, 
I will give you hugs. 
Even if I move away, 
my love for you will never sway. 
You and I are one forever like the winds. 
Around you I dance, my true love, widdershins. 
My, Oak, if you were only a man and not a tree
oh, how perfect it might be. 



 I've got real friends back to kindergarten,

it's true: The Kindergarten Crew, 

what about you? 

Friends don't care if you're cool. 

Friends don't quit you because you're a fool. 

Friends don't seethe with envy when you are happy. 

Friends don't only like you when you feel crappy. 

No, friends are true, magical, and kind. 

Friends are the rarest treasure you can find. 

    Most people will sell you under the table for a dime. 

Friends don't pick or scold. 

Friends never grow old. 

If you've lost my friendship I feel sorry for you, 

really, I do. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Decameron | Official Trailer | Netflix

Dreams 7/25

 Dreamed about Annie again. I had gone down to visit, but she was busy, so I came home. I wasn't feeling well so went to bed. I had woken up and puked some yellow bile into my right hand. I was getting up to go to the bathroom when Annie appeared at my bedroom door wearing a summer hat and a pale blue tee shirt. There was a bit more to the dream, I don't remember. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Hurting

Ah, let's go back to junior high... 💖

Phoria - Saving Us A Riot

Can't help but notice that the Killing Eve soundtrack is almost entirely feminine. No complaints, but a rare boy song. Don't want to castrate boys, not a commie. ☮ Looks like there are a couple girls in the band. Might be prerequisite. Anyway, as male as it gets. I do want to read the books, written by a dude, Y'all! ♂

Dreams 7/22

Dreamed that we had another terrier, same size as Shiner, only with a shaggy face like a Westie. I had no idea about him, Ron was keeping him from me. 

Mer-Maid Toilet Cleaner

 These are fantastic. We get a lot of black mold in the neighborhood. These last for three months. I thought eight dollars was a bit steep at the little market, but they cost twice as much at Hell Mart or Amazon. This is the second one I've bought. I'm going to get one more next week. Like most people I want a clean commode but hate cleaning it. Besides books, dolls, wine, and cider I'm not a great endorser. But, I like sharing the good stuff. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

A'Pizza Day!


Portrait of Jennie 1948 1080p BluRay H264 AAC RARBG

Robins at the Bath

The young robin family like spending steamy Sunday mornings at the bath. They are the most frequent visitors being born this past spring outside the laundry room. Our robins stay all winter. They didn't in Pittsburgh, can't blame them, that place is loaded with commies. Other bathers include: redcapped finches, sparrows, wrens, bluejays, catbirds, grackles, doves, goldfinches, woodpeckers, and more. Keep your bath clean and fresh, and you will be charmed with birds looking to cool off. 


Mummy's Treasure #1

 Wow, while things are selling, (Thank You!), I've listed one of Mummy's Treasure Boxes. I've sold a couple of these on regretsy, but they haven't been available for some time. I inherited a dragon's hoard of jewelry from my great-grandmother, grandmother, great-aunts, aunts, and mostly Mummy. This stuff is from the turn-of-the-century to the millennial. I kept the special stuff, sold a lot to the Cash for Gold guy at the mall, but am still left with loads of costume jewelry mostly from the sixties through the nineties as this first treasure box is. This one has a lot of earrings. I try to match them, but some are mismatched, others are broken. Anyway, check-it-out. It will be fun for a crafter or if you find one special piece you like. I will list other treasure boxes as they sell. Thank You, again! 

Get Treasure #1

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Monika Mechling's Tea Cup Timmy for Sale


Liri by Annette Himstedt for Sale

 Selling beautiful Liri to pay for my next trip to Gettysburg. Sold her sister, Pauline, to pay for the last. Decided I didn't need a coven of Himmies much less three German girls. She's from the 2004 Play Street line. 

Buy Liri

Friday, July 19, 2024

Mozart - Don Giovanni - complete (English Subtitles) - HD

Shiner and I enjoyed The Magic Flute so much we decided to try this. It's kind of Mozart's version of Investigation Discovery. I still don't care for opera, I used to use it as a form of punishment for the boys I babysat, but I'm starting to believe that with Mozart you can't go wrong. Besides, Giovanni and his servant are hot. I fell asleep halfway through, and it inspired a dream. 

Update: laughing at the end when Donna Anna asks the Lord for pity: wine and a'pizza. Don't take me to the opera, Y'all. Might skip The Marriage of Figaro. Might break a rib. 

Dreams 7/20

 Back to forgetting my dreams, so I got up for this one. I was at a sort of harvest festival with Ron. I was dressed in a long black cloak and wore a black mask. There were vendors with booths, Dame Darcy was amongst them. I'd won some kind of title, Harvest Queen, or something. Ron and I proceeded through a long type of corn or hay maze across farm land, barns, and granaries. At the end when everybody was packing up to go I stopped by Dame Darcy's little booth where she was putting away stickers, crochet items, and other crafty wares. There were these little stickers in a strip like mermaids, sailors, and umbrellas. She said I could have five of them. 

She (Original 7" Version)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dreams 7/17

 I've forgotten my dreams again although I might've dreamed about Annie. Anyway, this is what I remember: Ron had bought a big box of donuts that were in the pink and mauve carpeted hallway in a hotel where we were staying. It was a box of eclairs that were strangely vertically packed. I chose a yellow one from the right because it was a bit twisted. The donut was dusted lightly with powdered sugar and had egg in the batter. It was crumbly. The filling was a fluffy lemon meringue like I've never known. It must've had a bit of cream whipped up in it. It was the most sumptious donut I've ever had. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Dreams 7/15

 Dreamed I was staying in a big old robber baron's type of house with a library. It was dark, and I wasn't supposed to be there. I crept into the library and changed my clothes into a long red dress with black heels. Then, I left for class. I had a class with Colonel Klink from Hogan's Heroes. It was still dark, and as I crossed the campus I came to the hill where I had grown up. A beautiful girl, Michelle Cicconti, was behind me. She called to me,"Dana, that fire that you and Annie started with the cigarettes burned down a house. I love you, but..." She had a white scarf tied around her dark hair and wore a long buff colored wool coat. I hurried along remembering Annie and I getting out of the car in a windstorm, we were smoking. Now, I was at school, and it was a crowd of bustling students. I couldn't remember where my class was. It was nine-thirty. I must've missed class before because I was thinking I could not miss anymore. I asked a girl where Colonel Klink's class was, and she directed me. He was waiting at the door, but it wasn't the real Klink, rather a shorter more robust man with a ruddier complexion, but in the dream I accepted him as the Colonel. He wore a dark striped suit. I went into the bright classroom that had tables like a science lab and woke up. 

Rats Can Count: Hong Kong Scientists Uncover Numerical Ability in Rodents

Rats Can Count: Hong Kong Scientists Uncover Numerical Ability in Rodents: A joint research team from City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has made a remarkable discovery that

I'm looking for a number for dreaming of rats to play tomorrow. ✨💰✨

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dreams 7/15

 Dreamed that Dasha, the Russian gymnast assassin from Killing Eve, and I were two rats sitting outside of an opened barn door. We turned into women and did some things that I can't recall before turning back into rats. 

Dreams 7/14

 Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there. I was frustrated and couldn't get the temperature right in the one oven. Then Annie and Jay stopped by. I was pulling all sorts of food, like fresh wrapped sausages that ought to have been in the refrigerator from the second oven where my ex had put them. Then he was there. Jay was showing me how to set the temperature correctly. He said it would be too cold at three-hundred degrees when Ron woke me up. 

THE FOLKLORE OF THE OAK TREE. Acorns, Galls, Superstitions, Oak Apple Da...

Friday, July 12, 2024

Dreams 7/12

 I've forgotten my dreams the last few nights, haven't been sleeping well. Tonight I dreamed Mummy and I were at an old-fashioned country fair. There was a barn with a new wooden floor that held several shops with stalls and then little booth types of shops like you'd see at The Ren Fest outside. There was a blonde woman with a booth, and I wanted three items she was selling: a green cloaked crocheted finger puppet, a tiny walnut box, and something else, some sort of trinket or silver button that is slipping my mind, maybe stationery? She had said that the green puppet had taken a long time to make, and I said, "I bet". It must've been pricey.  Anyway, Mummy had my money and when I went back to the booth it wasn't the same young blonde with the black cord around her neck but an older couple. The woman was putting some vinyl Irish stickers in my little brown bag, and I asked Mummy how much money I had left. She said, "$5,300", and I said, "that couldn't be right". I was thinking more like fifty-three dollars. I told the woman I wanted the crochet doll, that was really just a cloak, that the other woman had called Leanan Sidhe, Glaconer, or something of the like. The man at the booth overheard me and said the blonde was not even Irish, that she was Swiss, and something else about her head and being a phony. I was thinking maybe I couldn't get everything I'd wanted when the woman asked, "You didn't see her, did you?" Assuming she meant the Leanan Sidhe, I said fortunately not, but that I had heard the Banshee at the exact time that my cousin had died, and that there was a young black boy with me outside that heard her too. We thought somebody was getting raped or murdered in the woods, and I went to investigate, but he was too afraid. I was telling her how my cousin's mother was Irish when Shiner woke me up. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Forgotten Dream 7/7

 Keep forgetting I dreamed of a cliff face with a vertical vein of deep blue quartz, a foot wide, and varigated, running through it. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Mozart’s The Magic Flute at the Bregenz Festival (excerpt) | Carnegie Hall+

Free Carnegie Hall this week. I was going to watch Sting, I'm a fan, but it's a winter's concert from eleven years ago, and we're having a blazing July, not in the mood. You can never go wrong with Mozart, and I'm enjoying this from a lake in Poland. It starts around suppertime and goes well into the night. I've got about an hour left. It's pretty incredible. I don't like opera besides Pavarotti. I've always liked the symphony and ballet; but I like anything that's good, and this certainly is. ✨𝄞✨

Monday, July 8, 2024

Dreams 7/8

 Dreamed I found two tiny precious kittens, one gray, the other brown. I was holding them, squeezing them, stroking them, and loving them. They were both boys, brothers. I was definitely keeping them and thinking of names like Astaroth, Francis, and Raphael. 

More Dreams 7/7

 Yes, I finished all twenty-four episodes of Secrets of the Occult while The Great Courses were free with ten minutes until midnight to spare. I learned some. Like with The Black Death as a lifetime occult scholar I might've taught that course. Anyway, I had fallen asleep during some Russian 💩, (that has always bored me). I dreamed that I was toasting and eating bread. I woke thinking it was real and feeling fat. 🤣🥖🤣

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dreams 7/7


This dream took place at a large outdoor summer party. There were picnic tables set up outside. The house seemed to be a small ranch. I think I was pretty young. I was in the house playing when my friends DJ and his wife arrived. DJ had a plastic printed gift bag for me. Inside there was a square glittery sticker book with WOW! on the front cover and a lot of loose Barbie doll clothes. I thanked him. His wife was not the wife I know but a fat green woman with a constant scowl. I was in what might've been a laundry room with some other young boys. I had a small fishtank on a low shelf that was crammed with fish including three large albino cory catfish. Somehow I was transferring the fish from the small tank to a big tank on a top shelf. Above the large tank there was square lattice work that appeared to be woven from jute. There were tiny dwarf frogs climbing there. Now I was on a sun porch talking to some women who might've been gossiping. I think we were eating cake. Anyway, they were talking about my friend Tracey who was at the party. One was talking about Tracey's husband's mistress. She said that he had called it off with her. Another asked what had happened? The gossip said that the mistress had killed herself. Now, Tracey was in the adjoining kitchen looking in a cupboard. Her husband grabbed her and beat her head in against the cupboard door with a fist sized rock as if he was hammering a nail. 

  I had forgotten my dream from a couple of days ago, but I think it concerned my ex-sister-in-law. These are some of my regular Dream People: DJ, Denise, Tracey, and Karyn. There are others including people I do not know in real life but visit my dreams. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Secrets of the Occult | Wondrium Trailers

The Real History of Dracula was fangtastic, and I'm really enjoying these lectures too. This is the last free day of The Great Courses for now, so I'm going to have to squeeze them all in. I must've completed seven of them now including: 1066, The Celtic World, The Black Death, How to Publish Your Book, and more... 

Friday, July 5, 2024

This is How You Stop a Vampire! | The History of Dracula

After finishing all twenty-four episodes of The Black Death I've started The Real History of Dracula on free The Great Courses. It is very good! 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Fourth A'Pizza

It's good. 🎆🍕🎆


Fourth of July Tank Talk

Dreams 7/4

 This dream took place in Gettysburg in the past. I was younger, in my twenties. By my well made cotton eyelet skirts and top I'd say somewhere around 1850. I started off in a hotel with a man. I think it might've supposed to have been my honeymoon. Somehow I'd run away from there with a young woman and wound up in another inn with her. It was a nice suite with several adjoining rooms and a wooden chest. She was romantically inclined, but I was not. She asked why I never touched her seriously. I left her to visit my childhood friend, Bobby, who I presume was staying in yet another inn with his wife who was not there at the time. I was going through the top right-hand drawer of a wardrobe that had a green silk petticoat and a black strapless bra that I took out and glanced over. Bobby said it was his wife's but that I could have it. I returned it to the drawer. He also said he did not understand why I ran off and married a woman, nobody did. 

  Not entirely sure if another school friend, Nick, was the man that I'd run away from at the beginning, or if he was part of another earlier dream that I've forgotten. I do know I dreamed of him last night. Don't know why, just like with The Dream People, I tend to dream about certain people regularly. A lot of them were just acquaintances, we were never that close, at least not on this plane. It's interesting to say the least. I think emotions, maybe even hidden ones, run deeper than we believe, both ways. At any rate, I wish all of my Dream Peeps happiness whether I know them or not. I bet there will be a volume two to Dana's Dreams in a couple years at this rate. 

  Time to make a'pizza. Happy Fourth of July! Free The Quaker Oats Dude motherfucking Demonrats! 🎆

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Dreams 7/3

 Dreamed I was at the gas station. After filling up my tank I pulled my car over to the right-hand-side of the building and washed it. There was an extension cord on the ground and a wand with a soft pad on the end for washing. I went over the windows with the brush last. 

I fell asleep watching The Great Courses The Black Death. I'm up to episode seventeen of twenty-four. I'm glad I went back to it. Goes to show: don't let CONVID stop you. Vishnu wishes you a Happy Fourth of July! 🎆 Down with The Kid Smellin' Demonrats and The New World Order! Let The Quaker Oats Guy go! 

Dreams 7/3

 Dreamed that I was sitting on the floor of a large white tiled bathroom, Mummy was there. On the far wall were lots of framed art and pictures. A floral curtain of pinks and purples hung over the bath. It was very crowded. Not sure what I was doing on the floor, but at one point Mummy told me there was too much stuff, and it was getting to her. Now I was in an apartment that looked like a few rooms in a big old house. I had all of my jewelry stashed in assorted boxes in a pigeon hole desk. I went to get my diamonds, Fantasia and Vette, but their boxes were empty and filled with dirt. Frantically I started looking through all of the boxes and then back to their boxes again, over and over. I couldn't believe that they were gone. I knew Mummy would not have taken them. I heard a guy call from the hall. I stuck my head out the door, told him I was busy, then went back to look for my missing rings. Mummy was back, and I told her the diamonds were missing and that I knew she would not have taken them. She said she did take them, that she really liked them, and that I could not have them back. I was speechless, I could not argue with her. I had a snippet of a dream before this one but it has been lost. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Black Death & The Great Courses II

 Still at The Great Courses, The Black Death. Made it to episode seven. It's getting better. Was it the wine or the corn chowder? No. Now, she's going city by city. They're showing pictures instead of just the teacher: buildings, coins... She is giving first hand accounts. Of course, she is saying that the first hand accounts aren't factual or literal as if I'd trust some interpretation seven hundred years later more. But, hey, it's picking up, and I try to stay positive. 💖💀💖

Plague & The Great Courses

 Free Great Courses again this week. Glad to have gotten a break from all the proud 💩, I'm not proud. Last time we had this channel for free I'd shut off The Black Death after the first episode in a rage because the woman continuously compared it to CONVID. No comparison, did not buy it. Anyways, I was very down today so picked up with episode two. I'm now on episode four, I think; and so far she has not mentioned CONVID again, but has said some other strange things that has a common sense Plague scholar like myself thinking, (which hasn't been outlawed yet, or has it?) Anyways, first, she questioned what the "P" mark in medieval manuscripts referring to plague deaths meant. She talked about pimples and particulars, but according to Kelly in The Great Mortality, by far my favorite book on the subject, and again in Ken Follett's awesome epic World Without End, they never actually mentioned "plague" until hundreds of years later. The people of The Middle Ages referred to it as The Pestilence, so I'd think P stood for that. She was getting ridiculous again, but she's only an English teacher, like me, not an expert like Fauci, (🤣Arrest Fauci🤣), but she said they thought AIDS came from people eating monkeys. It was monkey business, alright, how about some horse sense that you won't hear about? She wondered about the fleas and rats because the outbreaks were much worse in the summer then would die out in winter, where if the fleas and rats were responsible, then it should have had the opposite effect. I won't knock anybody's sense of wonder, but it makes sense that other insects like mosquitoes and ticks were also responsible for carrying the disease as well as fleas, a lot more sense than the gerbils, (I can't make this stuff up), that she was talking about when I shut her off again. 😂💀😂

Dreams 7/2

 Ron woke me tap, tap, tapping at the door for his supper while I was dreaming. Most of my dreams went out the window. I recall one of my precious little tetras, Shini, I think, the Glowlight, was munched in half, floating in the water. A bit of the other dream that I remember was a blonde woman with short curly hair in a hallway. Otherwise, nada. 🙁

Monday, July 1, 2024

DOOR IN THE WOODS 🎬 Full Exclusive Thriller Horror Movie 🎬 English HD 2024

Dreams 7/1 & The Dream People

 This was a long dream, so I will see what I can recollect. Dreamed that I was younger, living with a young man with sandy hair. He was tan and buff. I remember giving him a hug. He was dressed in blue jeans and nothing else. It was an apartment building with more than one floor. The landlord was an older white woman who wore her hair up with pins. After some trouble with her I jumped her in the hall, rolled her to the floor, and warned her to stay away "from my man". There are fuzzy spots, but I remember that later she had a stall of books for sale in the lobby which was full of sunlight due to walls of windows. I had quite a thick paperback in hand. It had a white cover with red print. Pretty sure it was a magic book and might've even had an extra paper between its pages. It had the price written in pencil on the first page. I think it was forty-six dollars. After a bit of deliberation I paid her for the book. She was surprised and called me by name saying something like, "Dana" I was wrong about you. Something to that effect. 

Amendment: I was just reading this dream to Ron and wondering about The Dream People as I often do. I wrote a bit about them in Dana's Dreams wondering are they real? Are they dead or alive? I can't be certain, but I think they are both. I believe the dead visit our dreams, of this I'm pretty sure. I have had too many instances of personal proofs to deny them. But, I just had the revelation that with the living, sometimes, under certain circumstances, I cannot know, perhaps emotional; we can get our wires crossed and tap into each other like a telephone line even if it be on the other side of the world. 

O, My Ra! Season 2, Episode 8