Thursday, April 25, 2024

More Dreams 4/25

 Dreamed Annie and Jay lived in an old mansion. They were having a party for Annie's daughter's wedding. I was upstairs on the wooden landing that was covered in many different colorful rugs. Jay said some guy had picked one out, it was floral, and he thought it was loud. I liked it. There was another very colorful one that looked like a Picasso with blue, gold, black, red, and green circles that bordered on loud, however. I was in Annie's daughter's room with her husband. She had a snow globe that looked like there was jellyfish in it. Paulina was one of the party guests. I went downstairs where one of Annie's granddaughters had a room that was more of a nook off the hallway. Her bed was covered in Muppet types of stuffed and furry creatures. She said she'd heard I liked Captain Caveman. Told her I loved Captain Caveman and used to get up at seven in the morning not to miss it. She had a volcano pillow and said she loved it too. 

Dreams 4/25


Dreamed I found a little baby faery fox sleeping curled in a ball. He was smaller than a squirrel and sort of a cross between a red fox and a Firey from Labyrinth. I put a plastic keep over him, which was sort of like a bug house, and scooped him up. Then, in the same plastic container, I had a baby Betta. It was very tiny with a red head and black tail. I have a sugar egg that Mummy had gotten from a bridal shower in the sixties. The egg was in the container with the little fish. Then, I put two big Chinese goldfish in the keeper. The baby escaped into the egg, and I woke myself, distressed. 

Ancient Murders Unearthed: Series 1