Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dreams 7/7


This dream took place at a large outdoor summer party. There were picnic tables set up outside. The house seemed to be a small ranch. I think I was pretty young. I was in the house playing when my friends DJ and his wife arrived. DJ had a plastic printed gift bag for me. Inside there was a square glittery sticker book with WOW! on the front cover and a lot of loose Barbie doll clothes. I thanked him. His wife was not the wife I know but a fat green woman with a constant scowl. I was in what might've been a laundry room with some other young boys. I had a small fishtank on a low shelf that was crammed with fish including three large albino cory catfish. Somehow I was transferring the fish from the small tank to a big tank on a top shelf. Above the large tank there was square lattice work that appeared to be woven from jute. There were tiny dwarf frogs climbing there. Now I was on a sun porch talking to some women who might've been gossiping. I think we were eating cake. Anyway, they were talking about my friend Tracey who was at the party. One was talking about Tracey's husband's mistress. She said that he had called it off with her. Another asked what had happened? The gossip said that the mistress had killed herself. Now, Tracey was in the adjoining kitchen looking in a cupboard. Her husband grabbed her and beat her head in against the cupboard door with a fist sized rock as if he was hammering a nail. 

  I had forgotten my dream from a couple of days ago, but I think it concerned my ex-sister-in-law. These are some of my regular Dream People: DJ, Denise, Tracey, and Karyn. There are others including people I do not know in real life but visit my dreams.