Monday, July 15, 2024

Dreams 7/15

 Dreamed I was staying in a big old robber baron's type of house with a library. It was dark, and I wasn't supposed to be there. I crept into the library and changed my clothes into a long red dress with black heels. Then, I left for class. I had a class with Colonel Klink from Hogan's Heroes. It was still dark, and as I crossed the campus I came to the hill where I had grown up. A beautiful girl, Michelle Cicconti, was behind me. She called to me,"Dana, that fire that you and Annie started with the cigarettes burned down a house. I love you, but..." She had a white scarf tied around her dark hair and wore a long buff colored wool coat. I hurried along remembering Annie and I getting out of the car in a windstorm, we were smoking. Now, I was at school, and it was a crowd of bustling students. I couldn't remember where my class was. It was nine-thirty. I must've missed class before because I was thinking I could not miss anymore. I asked a girl where Colonel Klink's class was, and she directed me. He was waiting at the door, but it wasn't the real Klink, rather a shorter more robust man with a ruddier complexion, but in the dream I accepted him as the Colonel. He wore a dark striped suit. I went into the bright classroom that had tables like a science lab and woke up.