Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Dreams 7/2
Ron woke me tap, tap, tapping at the door for his supper while I was dreaming. Most of my dreams went out the window. I recall one of my precious little tetras, Shini, I think, the Glowlight, was munched in half, floating in the water. A bit of the other dream that I remember was a blonde woman with short curly hair in a hallway. Otherwise, nada. 🙁
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...