Sunday, December 31, 2023
Dreams 12/30
Dreamt I was having dinner with my parents in a wharf type of restaraunt surrounded by big windows. I went into the restroom, into a stall, to smoke some pot, and for some reason was lining the floor with paper when one of the waiters, a bald Englishman, had a little porcelain Beatrix Potter character: Johnny Townmouse. He asked if I knew who he was and I said, "Johnny Townmouse." He said, "What does he say when I rub his belly?" I didn't know. "Ten shillings", he answered while rubbing his own tight white vest. Just then a younger man barged in. He seemed to be blackmailing me over something, wanting to go into business with me. I told him my dad and brother were outside, that my cousin was a cop, and the other was a lawyer. Then, I was whisked away by a young woman with curly blonde hair in a convertible. She was involved with my ex, I believe. We got to the estate where I was to be married, and my best friend, Theresa, was there. Now, I was rummaging through the cluttered basement, full of boxes and dust, with the blonde, I think, and my ex, who doesn't really exist as far as I know: a big balding guy with brown hair. I had found my Brooke Shields doll that I was looking for, and the big guy told me to haul up the lantern, which was a big silver thing that I knew flashed a pink light. It looked like a lighthouse light. It was two feet high and heavy, but I managed to drag it up the wooden stairs. Now, I had to get ready for my wedding. The tub had no curtain, so I had to attempt to fasten my curtain, here, with ferns, but it kept coming down, and I had to try to improvise. Theresa was crying, upset about the blonde woman. I told her not to worry about her that she was alright. Something was up with my dress, it was missing. Mummy was saying I could wear my prom dress and hoped it still fit. I was thinking, not. The blackmailer was back to hounding me, and I dressed in a long white cotton strapless nightgown like something out of Shakespeare, a crochet skull cap, and had a peacock scarf, that Mummy had gotten for me, over my shoulders. I had my satin wedding shoes on that I'd dressed with peacock feathers, I'd clipped on. Now, I was about to have to marry the black mailer when some sort of switch occured, and I was marrying the big guy instead.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Dreams 12/29
Dreamt I was working at a small card shop at the mall. My manager was a tall young blonde woman who was stylishly dressed. I also had a male coworker. We just sat around there: no customers, and I was thinking it didn't seem very secure. Come closing time I was walking out alone when three young white men in a convertible began to terrorize me. I bit their fingers and tried to poke their eyes. My manager had come, and they sped off, but the next day there was a conspiracy against me which also included the man that I worked with. It was very unnerving, so I woke myself at this point and started getting back at them lucidly, which doesn't count.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Dreams 12/28
Forgot my first dream which was also a nightmare, but in the second I had a little blonde half sister, guessing she was about seven or eight. We were at the seaside when I saw a shop up to the right beyond the beach grass where I wanted to go, so I grabbed her hand and we went along. The store was bright, and I was rummaging through a bin of stones looking for a gift. There was a garden quartz amulet that I was thinking about stealing when I noticed my sister was gone. I was panicking and started screaming like a Banshee when I woke.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Dawn Doll Clone
I've got a Glori clone who I prefer to the Dawn dolls as she has a supple easy to dress body with nice legs, no green split knees. All clones are not the same. I saw one at the doll show who had a cheap hollow body like the dollar store Barbie knock-offs. I'd been looking for another like my Glori for some time. I got this one today from Canada, and she's gorgeous with a pale waxy face, long perfect lashes and glossy dark hair. She's not dark eyed Angie, but a blue eyed Dawn. I'm calling her Julie because I got a Christmas card from one of my English girlfriends today too, and this precious little sweater was stuffed inside. I'm going to have to paint another Pippa painting for her now. She has Pippa and Marie, maybe Penny, we'll see. Looks like Donatella's collection will not be ready for New Years afterall, but she's working on it...
Dreams 12/27
First I dreamt of my ex. The second dream is very foggy as instead of getting up and writing it down I did loads of chores. I think it took place in France and involved a cleaning woman.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
"The Children of Green Knowe" FULL! One of the most beautiful children's...
Dreams 12/26
Dreamt that I was in a small well lit cabin in the woods, it was a very rainy day. There were at least two others with me, a girl, and Leonardo Dicaprio. We had to pee in a shallow glass dish filled with water and a thin dark sponge. It was difficult, hovering. At some point another guy joined us, it might've been my friend, Carl, not sure, but he accused Leo of ruining Christmas when I woke.
In the next dream my friends Amber and Rick were attending a night class with Ron and me. Ron and I had plans after class that I had to change clothes for. After class I went back into the classroom and bent over to pick something up. Somebody came up behind me and pinched me at the fat along my waistline hard, very hard, it hurt. When I saw who it was, a young blonde man with an asymetrical hair cut, I pinched him back as hard as I could, I think, in the same place, and then someplace else. At this point Rick came into the room, and I exclaimed,"He pinched me really hard, it still hurts!" Rick backhanded him across the face, and he slid to the floor, apparently knocked-out, only I couldn't see how. Then Ron joined us, and I led him out into the hall and explained what had happened. He was very angry, but I told him I had to change, and just wanted to leave.
These dreams are the result of eleven bread and butter pickle chips. Pickles are the most dream inducing food you can eat, pepperoni is second.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Saturday, December 23, 2023
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Friday, December 22, 2023
Demobat/Democrat: Same Difference
My friends have been cancelling Netflix like it's a wormy bread board. We only got it streaming for The Dark Crystal anyways. They cancelled that: too good. Anyways, they keep raising their rates with nothing to offer. The commiecast took TCM off of us years ago, so we're left with nothing but Midsomer Murders to watch that has too many Trolls commercials for Ron to handle. He says we're cancelling Netfux as he watched some end of the world shit I'd warned him about where the Trump supporter won't help anybody. It is gag worthy. Everybody hates Krapyersack and Harry and Meghan. It's all Meghan. Harry had an auto in thanks to his mother. How did he manage to ruin that? Got to be his dad's imbred NAZI New World Order genes, all I'm saying. I was always Team Harry, but now, he's just a common SIMP, nothing special. O, hex. What do Demobats have in common with their democratic sires? Both have soul sucking pussy mouths. I'll always love you, Eddie Munson. 🤘💗🤘
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Penny is Warm & Fuzzy
Donatella is scrambling to catch-up with Penny Brown in Warm & Fuzzy. She's hoping her Yuletide collection will be ready for the new year. She'll be working with Kevin, next on Wild Man. Stay tuned... I just scored a Canadian collection with a dark haired Dawn clone like my Glori I so enjoy. That set comes along with some clone and handmade clothes besides a Rock Flower that I will be customizing to sell along with the latest collection. Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Season's Greetings
Of course my thirty-five Christmas cards have been sent, (everybody isn't dead), and I had some internationals, (The Pony Hexpress now charges $1.50 to send one small international Christmas card), so next year... I've been on the wrong side of Christmas the past couple days. Besides Queen Ann Ron had also gotten me my subscription to Antique Doll Collector this year, and I was in the batrhroom pouring over this month's issue when I came across an article on Christmas dolls that is so darling I just know I'm going to be cutting it up and making special holiday cards for my doll friends with those pictures next year. I also enjoy photographing my dolls and making cards, calendars, and charms. I do dress my dolls seasonally as well, but mostly stick to the Himstedts with that anymore as the paint chips off the antique dolls' bodies the more you dress them. I did discover Heidi, my Otto Dressler, however, has a solid wooden body, though, that way. I presumed it was composition, but through the paint flaking I am able to see beautiful wood grain. Anyways, Dodi and Mistraldespair don an old chair in the foyer greeting us. Both are handmade. I'd gotten Mistraldespair, the snowman, first. There is a grand old sprawling dance hall looking house in the next town over where I first lived when I moved to this corner of the state. I'd walk past, admiring it, imagining what might've gone on there, back in the days of Scrooge. After we moved a shop had set-up, there, The Primitive Barn, which sold primitive things from candles to soap made by local artists. I would drive past for years, like I do, (stubborn), and think I was going to stop in there sometime. A couple of years ago, right about this time, I finally did, and discovered rambling old rooms with creaky floors, garlands of dried herbs, and even an old cupboard which held witchy things like crystals and incense. I didn't know what to get, but Mistraldespair was on sale, half off, and my favorite, although there were a couple of Santas who were also adorable. I've inherited a lot of Christmas stuff, and although I lost most of my original city stuff I first bought in my twenties when I ran away, I've gotten a lot of gifts, too; so it now takes me all day to decorate, and I don't even bring everything down from the attic. It's just too much, and I prefer simple hassle free old-fashioned holidays to the new commercialized screaming headaches. Anyways, I had gone back to The Primitive Barn again around Valentine's Day and got Ron Incense Matches for Mardi Gras, a stuffed rabbit for his Easter basket, and a little bird house for his birthday. I returned in June looking for an Uncle Sam, only to find it closed. That was sad, and I've been working on my Uncle Sam ever since. I'd drive past, (it's along the way to The Pony Hexpress which I still have to use occasionally, unfortunately UPS charges a FORTUNE to post internationally over here: they must work on that), seeing the empty house was for rent. Looks like somebody must've rented it recently as it has a new coat of paint and is looking spiffy. It's a beautiful house, wonder what will open there next. Dodi came from Christmas at Joanna Furnace last year. She was five dollars, and when I bought her from Mr. Glass he said, "Look how surprised she is." He had an antique this year, some church dolls, and an antique doll bed. I'm going to have to bring more money next year. I spent it all on homemade cider this year and could only afford a knit elephant who sleeps in my bed with my other elephants. These two look like they're made for each other. I'm usually not into primitive things as they're mostly crappy, made in China, but my two lovelies are very well made by Pennsylvanian artists. Dodi stays out year round, but I'm always sorry to put Mistraldespair away for Valentines Day.
The Police - Message In A Bottle (Official Music Video)
Saturday, December 16, 2023
A Merry Little Christmas
One part Gin
One part Cranberry Juice
One part Ginger Ale
Pour over crushed ice & garnish with Apple Slices & Blackberries
Dreams 12/16
Dreamt of Heath Ledger for the first time in years. We were on a sea cruise. It was crowded, but besides Heath I only recall an elderly woman with dark hair. There was an outbreak on board. Once you were beyond help and had already infected everybody around you, your nose would turn blue and bulbous. We were sitting on the floor of the upper deck, the woman, Heath, and I. Heath's nose had turned blue.
In the next dream I was back home at my parents', it was Christmas. First, we were in the living room, but I had to go upstairs to my old room to fetch Mummy's and Daddy's presents. When I got there I was confounded. I'd sworn I had wrapped them, but they were all unwrapped. Some were on the bed, others were underneath. I can't recall most of the gifts that I was scrambling to wrap, but there was a hardbacked faery book for Mummy, something like At the Bottom of the Garden. There was also something big and difficult to wrap for Daddy, like a fishing rod or a gun, but neither. I wrapped it as best I could and topped it with a big green bow.
Friday, December 15, 2023
The Most Wonderful Friends
Rosemary in Yule Love It
Donatella is working away at her Yuletide Collection, and Rosemary has never looked so festive in Yule Love It. Think we're going to watch Sherazade on the free Marquee TV, (Coppelia wasn't that good), with some Italian white wine, (losing weight cutting back the red wine and cider), and get started on the next piece: Warm & Fuzzy... Stay tuned for Donatella's holiday fashion show at the chateau.
Just picked up a new Lagoona. I am not fond of this new piranha Lagoona. I liked the Aussie. But, I'd gotten a Cleo Skulltimate Secrets locker, who I call Fatra, and am very impressed. I liked the new Lagoona Fearidescent locker, so am really looking forward to a new season of O, My Ra! I've lots of new players besides chompy Lagoona and Fatra like: Elvira, Mistress Dark, teaching Cinematagraphy, Anna Nubis, Sketi Yeti, and Heath Burns.
Yes, We're Not Proud got cancelled, but O, Hex! and Doll Pot had also gotten cancelled too: you never really know.
I've no idea what is up with the funky text with this post. I give up.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
1 HOUR OF REAL FRANCISCAN MONKS CHANTING - Meditate, Study, Relax or Sleep
Her Name had to be Mary, My Adventure to Discover my Doll’s Namesake and...
the feeling of going 2017, trailer - Skånes Dansteater - Ben Wright
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Svetlana Zakharova and David Hallberg. "Sleeping beauty". Act 1. The Bol...
Monday, December 11, 2023
Saturday, December 9, 2023
Back with Bonsai Bob
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Dreams 12/7
Dreamt I'd found two little kittens, one black, and the other was part Siamese, a little blonder and fluffier. The black one was really tiny, but the Siamese was probably six months old. I had them, here, in the house. Daddy was here, too. The little black one had messed in the house because I didn't have litter boxes for them yet. I loved the black one and never wanted to put it down. Then, I dreamt that supper was ready, that I'd made a turkey.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Chocolate Chips: Check
Started my holiday baking with everybodies' favorite: chocolate chip cookies. This recipe was a magazine winner in the eighties, and I've been using it ever since. Not certain of the magazine, perhaps Family Circle.
Pre-heat oven to 375
2 1/4 c unbleached flour
(King Arthur or Navajo are both good. Most others are poison.)
1/4 c oats
1 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
1 c butter, softened
1 c brown sugar (packed)
3/4 c sugar
2 eggs
2 t vanilla
12 oz chocolate chips
(Not Hershey's as they fired their unvaxed employees.)
2 c chopped walnuts
Mix together by hand and place on parchment covered cookie sheets, six per pan.
Bake for 13 min.
Cool on brown paper bags.
Freeze in plastic wrapped containers in a plastic and paper bag. Send frozen.
Dreams 12/3-5
Couple of bad dreams. First, I was with my grade-school girlfriend, Laurie, and we were talking about a boy who got a sexually transmitted disease from school. The virus was called Something Blue.
Next, and worse, I dreamt I had two big brown slugs wrapped up between my teeth, and I had to pull them out.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Christmas at Joanna Furnace
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...