Saturday, December 16, 2023

Dreams 12/16


Dreamt of Heath Ledger for the first time in years. We were on a sea cruise. It was crowded, but besides Heath I only recall an elderly woman with dark hair. There was an outbreak on board. Once you were beyond help and had already infected everybody around you, your nose would turn blue and bulbous. We were sitting on the floor of the upper deck, the woman, Heath, and I. Heath's nose had turned blue. 

Sea Cruise

In the next dream I was back home at my parents', it was Christmas. First, we were in the living room, but I had to go upstairs to my old room to fetch Mummy's and Daddy's presents. When I got there I was confounded. I'd sworn I had wrapped them, but they were all unwrapped. Some were on the bed, others were underneath. I can't recall most of the gifts that I was scrambling to wrap, but there was a hardbacked faery book for Mummy, something like At the Bottom of the Garden. There was also something big and difficult to wrap for Daddy, like a fishing rod or a gun, but neither. I wrapped it as best I could and topped it with a big green bow. 

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