Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Svetlana Zakharova and David Hallberg. "Sleeping beauty". Act 1. The Bol...

I was excited to find free Marquee TV this week. I've read and seen most of Shakespeare's plays but found a few that have escaped me. I decided to start with Troilus and Cressida. Didn't have a big problem with a female Odysseus since boys played female roles in Shakespeare's time, but the fact that she was African not Greek or even attempting Greekness put me off. So, tried Cymbeline next. Shut that straight off with the African prince of England. Alright, then, I used to take my students to the ballet since I knew a principal dancer and worked with the director's wife, I got free tickets. I don't think I've ever seen Sleeping Beauty but love the music. Maleficent was a big man, but that's okay, she's a bad faery. It was very good. The women were beautiful, and that dancer in periwinkle with the feathered cap was hot. I'm working with Donatella again for her Yuletide Fashion collection, so decided to try King John. I was joking with a friend that I bet he was black and gay, but he's a woman. I can't hack this woke ass shit. I might go back to making paper flowers with the flaming Alton on the free Craftsy, then. Might as well. And, if that isn't woke enough for you, I've got a gripe about the Next Door app that I got suckered into, too. First post I commented on, I deleted my account. Here's why: a woman had posted that her package had been misdelivered. My response was something like this: The Pony Hexpress misdelivers and steals my packages regularly, this is why I use UPS. I was LIVID with them about five Christmases ago. They were also in on rigging the election; now we all must suffer The Kid Smeller. Right away a window popped up saying kindness matters and that my post looked suspicious. Would I care to edit or rephrase it? No, I would not and deleted that shit. Another thing, same bad fat people with big hair artist that fakebook used to push CONVID. I suspect Next Door to be fakebook infiltrating the neighborhoods. Well, I'm not letting them in my head. I think most of my neighbors are illegal. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats