Thursday, December 14, 2023

the feeling of going 2017, trailer - Skånes Dansteater - Ben Wright

Marquee TV has redeemed itself with me. It's not woke ass, it's jusr the limey Globe theater that has become intolerable. I've been there, too. Missed a jazz version of Macbeth for a Jack the Ripper tour in Whitechapel that never showed up. There was a sweet bus driver, who was worried about me, but I pity the fool. Looks like I didn't miss much. Anyways, after skipping all of the heinous Shakespearean productions, (Shakespeare was a dead beat dad, afterall), with their cheap paper bag costumes, first, I watched The Royal Ballet's Alice in Wonderland. At first I was put-off by the thirty-five-year-old Alice and tacky looking costumes. I was thinking this is going to be really dumb, but it wasn't. It was good. The Knave of Hearts was quite delectable. Then, I tried the Swedish, The Feeling of Going. I don't like opera, besides Pavarotti, but the music was wonderful. The dance was intriquing, too. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. Mr. Furry Pants and Toilet Paper Face were high points, but the lead and Sweet Voiced Devil were pretty charming, too. My attention span is getting shorter and shorter. It often takes me three days to watch a film. More often I give up within the first twenty minutes, learned not to waste time. But, I watched The Feeling of Going straight through. I'd love the soundtrack. The female lead sounded like a young Kate Bush. 

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