Friday, December 22, 2023

Demobat/Democrat: Same Difference

 My friends have been cancelling Netflix like it's a wormy bread board. We only got it streaming for The Dark Crystal anyways. They cancelled that: too good. Anyways, they keep raising their rates with nothing to offer. The commiecast took TCM off of us years ago, so we're left with nothing but Midsomer Murders to watch that has too many Trolls commercials for Ron to handle. He says we're cancelling Netfux as he watched some end of the world shit I'd warned him about where the Trump supporter won't help anybody. It is gag worthy. Everybody hates Krapyersack and Harry and Meghan. It's all Meghan. Harry had an auto in thanks to his mother. How did he manage to ruin that? Got to be his dad's imbred NAZI New World Order genes, all I'm saying. I was always Team Harry, but now, he's just a common SIMP, nothing special. O, hex. What do Demobats have in common with their democratic sires? Both have soul sucking pussy mouths. I'll always love you, Eddie Munson. 🤘💗🤘

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