Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Dreams 12/26

 Dreamt that I was in a small well lit cabin in the woods, it was a very rainy day. There were at least two others with me, a girl, and Leonardo Dicaprio. We had to pee in a shallow glass dish filled with water and a thin dark sponge. It was difficult, hovering. At some point another guy joined us, it might've been my friend, Carl, not sure, but he accused Leo of ruining Christmas when I woke. 

In the next dream my friends Amber and Rick were attending a night class with Ron and me. Ron and I had plans after class that I had to change clothes for. After class I went back into the classroom and bent over to pick something up. Somebody came up behind me and pinched me at the fat along my waistline hard, very hard, it hurt. When I saw who it was, a young blonde man with an asymetrical hair cut, I pinched him back as hard as I could, I think, in the same place, and then someplace else. At this point Rick came into the room, and I exclaimed,"He pinched me really hard, it still hurts!" Rick backhanded him across the face, and he slid to the floor, apparently knocked-out, only I couldn't see how. Then Ron joined us, and I led him out into the hall and explained what had happened. He was very angry, but I told him I had to change, and just wanted to leave. 

These dreams are the result of eleven bread and butter pickle chips. Pickles are the most dream inducing food you can eat, pepperoni is second. 

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