Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Season's Greetings

 Of course my thirty-five Christmas cards have been sent, (everybody isn't dead), and I had some internationals, (The Pony Hexpress now charges $1.50 to send one small international Christmas card), so next year... I've been on the wrong side of Christmas the past couple days. Besides Queen Ann Ron had also gotten me my subscription to Antique Doll Collector this year, and I was in the batrhroom pouring over this month's issue when I came across an article on Christmas dolls that is so darling I just know I'm going to be cutting it up and making special holiday cards for my doll friends with those pictures next year. I also enjoy photographing my dolls and making cards, calendars, and charms. I do dress my dolls seasonally as well, but mostly stick to the Himstedts with that anymore as the paint chips off the antique dolls' bodies the more you dress them. I did discover Heidi, my Otto Dressler, however, has a solid wooden body, though, that way. I presumed it was composition, but through the paint flaking I am able to see beautiful wood grain. Anyways, Dodi and Mistraldespair don an old chair in the foyer greeting us. Both are handmade. I'd gotten Mistraldespair, the snowman, first. There is a grand old sprawling dance hall looking house in the next town over where I first lived when I moved to this corner of the state. I'd walk past, admiring it, imagining what might've gone on there, back in the days of Scrooge. After we moved a shop had set-up, there, The Primitive Barn, which sold primitive things from candles to soap made by local artists. I would drive past for years, like I do, (stubborn), and think I was going to stop in there sometime. A couple of years ago, right about this time, I finally did, and discovered rambling old rooms with creaky floors, garlands of dried herbs, and even an old cupboard which held witchy things like crystals and incense. I didn't know what to get, but Mistraldespair was on sale, half off, and my favorite, although there were a couple of Santas who were also adorable. I've inherited a lot of Christmas stuff, and although I lost most of my original city stuff I first bought in my twenties when I ran away, I've gotten a lot of gifts, too; so it now takes me all day to decorate, and I don't even bring everything down from the attic. It's just too much, and I prefer simple hassle free old-fashioned holidays to the new commercialized screaming headaches. Anyways, I had gone back to The Primitive Barn again around Valentine's Day and got Ron Incense Matches for Mardi Gras, a stuffed rabbit for his Easter basket, and a little bird house for his birthday. I returned in June looking for an Uncle Sam, only to find it closed. That was sad, and I've been working on my Uncle Sam ever since. I'd drive past, (it's along the way to The Pony Hexpress which I still have to use occasionally, unfortunately UPS charges a FORTUNE to post internationally over here: they must work on that), seeing the empty house was for rent. Looks like somebody must've rented it recently as it has a new coat of paint and is looking spiffy. It's a beautiful house, wonder what will open there next. Dodi came from Christmas at Joanna Furnace last year. She was five dollars, and when I bought her from Mr. Glass he said, "Look how surprised she is." He had an antique this year, some church dolls, and an antique doll bed. I'm going to have to bring more money next year. I spent it all on homemade cider this year and could only afford a knit elephant who sleeps in my bed with my other elephants. These two look like they're made for each other. I'm usually not into primitive things as they're mostly crappy, made in China, but my two lovelies are very well made by Pennsylvanian artists. Dodi stays out year round, but I'm always sorry to put Mistraldespair away for Valentines Day. 

Holiday Card

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