Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Police - Message In A Bottle (Official Music Video)

I've always thought that Stewart Copeland was way hotter than Sting. Be still my black heart. Ronn McFarland tried to teach Sting the lute, but said he was nicht so gut. I recall the poster An Englishman in New York on the wall of my freshman dorm. My highschool roomie, who I'd seen BOWIE with, had gotten a scorpion tattoo who she called Sting. Like Stephen King, Gene Simmons, and me, Sting was an old English teacher though. Don't Stand So Close to Me: yeah, I'd got invited to the prom while student teaching not to mention the boys who were after me for twenty years, (it's pretty lame pickins' these days), but I've not been so desperate. Holding out for Stewart. 🤣

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