Friday, May 31, 2024

Not Proud

These massive double rainbows are from a couple of days ago, but my tablet had been offline since our electricity goes out. I've always been able to sense and smell rainbows, so I look for them. We get a lot of rainbows here right over the house, real big ones too. These were special though, two full rainbows. 🌈🌈

In Rainbows 


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dreams 5/30

 Let's see what I can remember from this dream, I never got a chance to write it down. I was in a class with Eddie Munson and Rory Gilmore. I think it was a science lab. Then, I was at a party, and a high-school friend, Janeen, was there. She gave me a blue Betta in a jar with a little plant. I was trying to find an appropriate container to keep him in. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Music of the Night - Gerard Butler | Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phant...

Stone Free: A Tribute to Jimi Hendrix

The lights were out while I was attempting a Memorial Day potato salad, (New World Order). I had so many candles going Barnabas would've felt at home. Got some new fish, Vishnu, the Paradise Betta, and Ganesha, the orange cory cat Glow Fish. If these don't take I'm switching to goldfish. Told the lady at Redner's that wanted me to come back for some cold wine, "Thank you, but I don't put up with commie BS". 

Friday, May 24, 2024

From BATTLEFIELD by Peter Svenson


"The rebel yell, a bloodcurdling scream of fear and fearlessness, was a Confederate soldier's personal talisman against the odds. Soldiers from both sides yelled as they advanced upon each other (as soldiers have always done), but the rebel yell was different. It was a combination of baying at the moon and cussing without words: a white man's war whoop. To my mind the rebel yell signaled the obsolescence of those eightteenth-century tactics in that it functioned not only as a war cry, but also as an expression of pure terror, a soulful reaction to the deadly science of gunnery. To maintain courage in a hail of lead that pierced the body with holes the size of a dime and exited with holes the size of a fist, to maintain courage against the pressure of canister shot that clipped huge gaps in battle lines- to keep one's mind amid the din and smoke of the carnage- it was necessary to scream at the top of the lungs. It had nothing to do with valor." 

"Like the general in Dr. Strangelove who rode an A-bomb out the open hatch, combatants will continue to yell the rebel yell, or something that approximates it, but nobody will be listening. Technology does not have ears or a soul." 

Dreams 5/23

 I dreamed that I was shopping at a store that sold pond supplies as in lily pads, water hyacinth, and the like. There were frogs and koi. It was damp, and I recall rocks, algae, and concrete. It might've been Mutschler's, probably. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dreams 5/23


I'd forgotten to document my dreams, working on The Three Witches Magic Shoppe, so we'll see what I remember. First, I was shopping with Mummy at a flea market with lots of sparkling sequined dolls. There were puppets too. I don't think I had a lot of money on me. The second dream took place in Gettysburg in a metaphysical shop and cave. My girlfriend, Amber, from high school, was there. There were lots of crystals in the shop in little paper velvet lined display boxes, all laid out on table tops. I'd stolen a crystal, felt guilty, and put it back. Amber's hair was gray and piled up on her head like a Gibson girl. She was lagging behind in the cave. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Back by Popular Demand

Shiner and I, that is. Mine has mushrooms and onions. I'd sat down on the couch with a slice while Shiner's plain red pepper cooled, and he jumped up and tried to take my hand off. These are plain parm a'pizza because I'd gotten vegan mootz by accident. What is that? Bean curd? Anyways, no good for a'pizza. Gilmore Girls are also to blame. Coffee is brewing now. 💕🍕💕


Saturday, May 18, 2024

More from Bonsai Bob

I thought the chandeliers were original to the three-hundred-and-twenty-something-year-old house, but no. They are from the house where Bob was born that they tore down long ago. The shop was a stop on the Underground Rail Road, but the God forsaken government wants to tear it down for the road. 😡 I left some homemade a'pizza for Bob. Ron also got me a burro's tail that I've wanted my entire life. I've named him Fabian since Bob opened for him, The Beach Boys, and The Yard Birds. There was one in Vincent Science Hall where we went to school. Annie and Jay got a couple of plants from Bob too as well as a couple of bags of his bonsai mix. God bless Bob Mutschler, what a treasure. 🎕 



Friday, May 17, 2024


Took some a'pizza down to Annie and Jay. They had an Indian rope plant for me. That was my favorite plant that passed away with Daddy. Made some a'pizza for Bonsai Bob. Introducing him to Annie and Jay tomorrow. Fun times. 💕🍕💕

Portishead - Wandering Star (Official Video)

Awaiting on You All (2014 Remaster)

Beware of Darkness (2014 Remaster)

Primus - DMV (Official Music Video)

Dreams 5/17

 This dream took place at an elementary school. It might've been a pre-school as the children were young, but I think more first grade. It was rather warm and dark. I don't remember all of the details. There was a corrupt teacher with short sandy colored hair who was in her thirties or forties. There was also a dark haired male teacher. An unruly little blonde girl seemed to run the school. During a dodge ball game she hit the pain in the ass teacher right in the face with the ball. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Dreams 5/16

 Dreamed I was an older teen, maybe, and staying at an island resort where I met some friends, a girl with shoulder length sandy colored hair and a tall blonde boy. I was wearing my mermaid swin suit with matching shorts, sandals, and a straw hat. There was a hotel with a swimming pool. There was a younger blonde boy, maybe a pre-teen, who brought to mind Lord of the Flies. He had constructed a sort of natural platform for himself out of palms and the like and surrounded it with tiki torches. He wore a leather loin cloth. There was another boy at the pool who was interested in me. When it came time to go I was inside the hotel with my two new friends, inviting the girl to come visit me. At the same time, without actually asking, I was hoping the blonde boy would come visit too. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Welcome Julius & Tam Lin!

Dreams 5/15

Another dreaming night: first I was staying with Dame Darcy. We were having loads of fun making big black cat cookies. At least I think they were cookies, might've been pancakes. I was about to go to sleep next to her bed on my futon on the floor when this woman with a bobbed hair cut said she was sleeping there. She had a rolled up mattress, said it was a water mattress, and that my futon would work well. I told her it would not, that the wood would cause her water mattress to leak, and that it was mine. 

Next, Alex was living back with his parents in Pittsburgh. We were planning a motorcycle trip to shake down a political scandal. I was concerned about what clothes to bring. I thought jeans, calculating that three pair might be enough. I was thinking I could wear my college Express black backpack with the lipstick print on my back. I thought I could wear my jeans more than once and asked Alex if we could go to laundromats. He said, yes. His motorcycle was really small with big handlebars. It had a little drawer on the bottom that held loose change. I wondered where I would put my Cabbage Patch Kids sleeping bag. He said we were going shopping for the trip. It was a bookstore, and his sister, named Summer, worked there. I had picked out a stuffed leather Eeyore, a clothespin fairy in a dark printed gown with black painted hair and antennae, and some various one dollar sale stationery items, one of which was in a little blue and white tin with an old house. As I was checking out with Summer, I was thinking I only had twenty-three dollars in the bank and started putting things like Eeyore back. I'd gotten the stationery, and Summer told me I needed one more item, so I got the fairy too. Now, we were back at Alex's parents, sitting at the kitchen table. Alex was eating some noodles when his other sister came in. Her dark hair was pulled back tight, and she wore a red hoodie with a black print. She sat down at the table with us and grabbed my hands. "Look how small you are!", she said. "Look how small you both are!" Now, Alex's mother came into the kitchen, only like his sisters, it wasn't really her. I envisioned her other son's grave, just then, in a hole beneath a bush with a smiley face drawn in the dirt. He had killed himself. I said, I was sorry that somebody had dug him up and buried him with my cousin. She got very upset with me and left. Alex went into another room and was pulling out the top drawer of a dresser. I was behind him, I apologized, and said that I did not know why I had brought his brother up. He told me he did not want to talk about that asshole. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Dreams 5/14

 Dreamed that I was in a parking lot and somebody had a tub of iced tea sitting on the ground next to their car. I could not stop drinking it. Then, I was working in a clothing store, and a former student of mine had just got out of The Marines and was coming to visit. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Lenore Loomington

 I'd wanted her, and I've ordered her. At least Mattel made enough of her. They really pissed me off with Elvira, Jack and Sally, and Stevie. I nearly stopped buying from them altogether. I was lucky to have recieved Elvira as a gift, but no way I'm buying the others off of the cursed toy hacks. 

Dreams 5/13

 It was a dreaming night. First, I was back in my childhood bedroom in high-school. Daddy was there. I was late getting ready for school, so stressed-out and scrambling. I put on my brown hat and was about to grab some buds out of a covered crystal dish propped up on some books on the right side of my dresser. The buds were white, round, and a bit fluffy. They were about the size of small grapes. The stems were soft, thick, and pale green. Daddy popped his head in and asked if I could get him some of them. I was surprised, but told him, sure, that Mummy got them for me from Mr. McSomething. 

The second dream took place at a big funeral. We had taken a bus to get there. My childhood friend, Kelly, was with me as well as a blonde dream girl. The blonde was a bit drunk, I think. Somebody was peeved with her as she had taken some jewelry from the dead woman that others thought she shouldn't have. I was on the blonde's side, but I don't think Kelly was. 

In the last dream I was back in college. It began in a diner. My friends introduced me to a new exchange student who was a Sioux Indian. He was older, looked to be in his forties or fifties. I was sitting at a corner table with them in the front left chair, wearing a short cotton red and white skirt. The Indian tried to kiss me, I wouldn't let him, so he went under my skirt, and the dream got pretty dirty. I fled the diner with images of the Indian's conquests in mind. Now I had two costume tops, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch. I chose Oscar and put him on over my skirt. I passed a courtyard where three power girls were sitting at an outdoor table. They were wearing matching suits and hats: pink, blue, and yellow. Of course they were laughing at my get-up. Then, I was back in the diner again with the Indian, only this time he had a metal sitar. I asked him if they thought he was a fucking Pakistani, and we all laughed. His uncle owned a bar in town. At this point I became intriqued with the Indian and began going lucid when I woke up. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

American Museum of Treasures 6

American Museum of Treasures 5

American Museum of Treasures 4

American Museum of Treasures 3

American Museum of Treasures 2

American Museum of Treasures 1

Cajun Justice: Rougarou | A&E

I 💗 this show! More fun than Scooby Doo

Dreams 5/11

 I dreamed I was standing on a balcony with my two ex-sister-in-laws looking down on a cobblestone courtyard. My ex was at a door with a woman with dirty blonde hair, she wore a tea length dress with a pink feather boa. He was kissing her, and my ex-sister-in-law yelled, "Ew!" There was another woman down there, to the right, seated at a cast iron garden table. She looked up and said. "That's why I never went out with him. I knew that would happen." 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Dreams 5/10

 I dreamed I was a teenager, living in The Farnsworth House with my parents. My boyfriend was Gabriel, Claire's first good-looking psychotic boyfriend on Six Feet Under. Gabriel was coming to dinner. We were seated at a big polished red wood dining table. I can't recall all the details, but he had killed somebody. 

Thursday, May 9, 2024

JØRCK - "You Let The Looseness In" (Official Video)

Dreams 5/9

 I dreamed I was sharing an apartment with my Kiwi girlfriend and three others: a woman and two men. They were sick of me, particularly the men so were trying to get rid of me. I kept vanishing or changing into a moth or a bird, none of which I could pull-off for long. The two dark haired men were getting really angry and swatting at me because I kept flying around their heads and in their faces. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Gettysburg Four: More

I really had a blessed trip to Gettysburg this time. I left just after six in the morning, it was pretty foggy with a sprinkling of rain. I was in town by eight, and the rain had stopped. After the Eisenhower farm I was driving the auto tour of the battlefields when a sudden downpour forced me to pull over to the visitor's center where the cyclorama is. It was a strange storm for Pennsylvania, more suited to Florida. I was only sitting in my car a couple of minutes when the rain had slowed, so I grabbed my umbrella and proceeded to the visitor's center book store when I came across this fellow, a snapper, quite big. He must've come up from Spangler's spring. There were also baby chipmunks, Mummy called those, grinnies. The other pictures are from General Meade's headquarters. The rain had completely stopped once I'd reached the bookstore. My favorite Civil War book is still A Diary from Dixie by Mary Chesnut. I like Shelby Foote's Stars in their Courses too.


Gettysburg Three: Eisenhower House

All of the times I've been to Gettysburg I've never made it to the Eisenhower farm. It's beautiful. He had a landing pad and putting green. The house is not open for tours, but you can see it all online. You have to drive down a murderous gravel road to get there. Hadn't thought to bring my Ike doll. He always goes to World War II Weekend with us. 


Gettysburg Two: The Farnsworth House

The birds were a lot noisier than the gentlemen from Georgia who were the only other over night guests in the house besides me. I had closed the door in the hallway late at night after the staff had gone, but it was open again by four in the morning. Kind of doubt that was the Georgians. I had a lot of fun in Jeremy's room and think I'll stay in the Eisenhower room next time. That's in the original part of the house like Jeremy's and the McFarlane room where I have also stayed. The gents were staying in the Sara Black room facing the street where I've stayed at least twice. I probably will stay in all of the rooms in time. The breakfasts are way too big for me, they're man sized. 


Gettysburg One: Mehitable

 Mehitable had loads of fun staying in Jeremy's room at the Farnsworth House in Gettysburg. 

Confederate Walk, Gettysburg

Gettysburg National Cemetery

Jeremy's Room Two

Jeremy's Room One

Guess what, I broke shitter's rules and my account is suspended. 🤣 So much much for free speech, that didn't last long. Psycho media sucks: mycommiespace, fakebook, GHETTO, Truth Psycho: all of it. It's likely because I reported the kid smeller as impersonating @TheRealDonaldTrump. I also blocked loads of 💩 like OFRA. Why doesn't Weight Watchers take her for everything? Wonder how long I'll have a YouTube chanel, I already can't get into my first one. I've been reporting ads as misleading scams there, ads for the kid smeller, Pfizer, Moms of Science, stuff like that. Wonder why the sponser of Moms of Science is not disclosed, Sorositis. Not science. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

Dreams 5/3

 I dreamed that Ron had gotten me a couple of Himstedt dolls off of Ebay, a Children of the World and a smaller older one. When they arrived, however they were not the dolls that he had ordered. Neither of them were even Himstedts. They both resembled dolls from the seventies. One was big and plastic, about the same size as a Himmie, only not the quality, more like a big walker doll with sleep eyes and artificial hair. The other looked like a soft doll with a red yarn top knot that I had as a toddler and had forgotten only it was much bigger, maybe three times the size, and her gingham printed body was more muted. I gave the seller one star and said I'd be returning them as they were not the dolls we'd bought. I was upset. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Dreams 5/2

 Dreamed that I lived in a house that had a big smasher old stone house next door where my mother-in-law had lived. I was led all through the house by a woman with short dark hair who I think was my sister-in-law. She wasn't a realtor, but was saying she leased the house, or something, and was going to sell it herself. It was fully furnished, and I recall a green and purple printed couch with a granny square afghan draped over the back.She wasn't pleased when I told her that it was not going to be easy to sell it herself. 

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