Monday, May 13, 2024

Dreams 5/13

 It was a dreaming night. First, I was back in my childhood bedroom in high-school. Daddy was there. I was late getting ready for school, so stressed-out and scrambling. I put on my brown hat and was about to grab some buds out of a covered crystal dish propped up on some books on the right side of my dresser. The buds were white, round, and a bit fluffy. They were about the size of small grapes. The stems were soft, thick, and pale green. Daddy popped his head in and asked if I could get him some of them. I was surprised, but told him, sure, that Mummy got them for me from Mr. McSomething. 

The second dream took place at a big funeral. We had taken a bus to get there. My childhood friend, Kelly, was with me as well as a blonde dream girl. The blonde was a bit drunk, I think. Somebody was peeved with her as she had taken some jewelry from the dead woman that others thought she shouldn't have. I was on the blonde's side, but I don't think Kelly was. 

In the last dream I was back in college. It began in a diner. My friends introduced me to a new exchange student who was a Sioux Indian. He was older, looked to be in his forties or fifties. I was sitting at a corner table with them in the front left chair, wearing a short cotton red and white skirt. The Indian tried to kiss me, I wouldn't let him, so he went under my skirt, and the dream got pretty dirty. I fled the diner with images of the Indian's conquests in mind. Now I had two costume tops, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch. I chose Oscar and put him on over my skirt. I passed a courtyard where three power girls were sitting at an outdoor table. They were wearing matching suits and hats: pink, blue, and yellow. Of course they were laughing at my get-up. Then, I was back in the diner again with the Indian, only this time he had a metal sitar. I asked him if they thought he was a fucking Pakistani, and we all laughed. His uncle owned a bar in town. At this point I became intriqued with the Indian and began going lucid when I woke up.