Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Dreams 5/15

Another dreaming night: first I was staying with Dame Darcy. We were having loads of fun making big black cat cookies. At least I think they were cookies, might've been pancakes. I was about to go to sleep next to her bed on my futon on the floor when this woman with a bobbed hair cut said she was sleeping there. She had a rolled up mattress, said it was a water mattress, and that my futon would work well. I told her it would not, that the wood would cause her water mattress to leak, and that it was mine. 

Next, Alex was living back with his parents in Pittsburgh. We were planning a motorcycle trip to shake down a political scandal. I was concerned about what clothes to bring. I thought jeans, calculating that three pair might be enough. I was thinking I could wear my college Express black backpack with the lipstick print on my back. I thought I could wear my jeans more than once and asked Alex if we could go to laundromats. He said, yes. His motorcycle was really small with big handlebars. It had a little drawer on the bottom that held loose change. I wondered where I would put my Cabbage Patch Kids sleeping bag. He said we were going shopping for the trip. It was a bookstore, and his sister, named Summer, worked there. I had picked out a stuffed leather Eeyore, a clothespin fairy in a dark printed gown with black painted hair and antennae, and some various one dollar sale stationery items, one of which was in a little blue and white tin with an old house. As I was checking out with Summer, I was thinking I only had twenty-three dollars in the bank and started putting things like Eeyore back. I'd gotten the stationery, and Summer told me I needed one more item, so I got the fairy too. Now, we were back at Alex's parents, sitting at the kitchen table. Alex was eating some noodles when his other sister came in. Her dark hair was pulled back tight, and she wore a red hoodie with a black print. She sat down at the table with us and grabbed my hands. "Look how small you are!", she said. "Look how small you both are!" Now, Alex's mother came into the kitchen, only like his sisters, it wasn't really her. I envisioned her other son's grave, just then, in a hole beneath a bush with a smiley face drawn in the dirt. He had killed himself. I said, I was sorry that somebody had dug him up and buried him with my cousin. She got very upset with me and left. Alex went into another room and was pulling out the top drawer of a dresser. I was behind him, I apologized, and said that I did not know why I had brought his brother up. He told me he did not want to talk about that asshole. 

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