Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Dreams 5/31

 Another really crazy dream: I was a student at the old school where I'd worked, only the place was very different and located across the street from my parents' house in Clover Crest where I grew up. The school was a sort of detention center, now, and we were planning a break-out. One of my old students was there, Selena. We were watching, and waiting by the door which was like a big metal garage door. Selena and another girl were waiting, but I busted out into the night at the very same time that a big black and white van, resembling a police cruiser, busted me. I ran into my parents' house, and this is when it got really wyrd. It wasn't my parents' house but a huge house with two indoor swimming pools and multiple floors. I knew my parents had just bought the place and were away, but I didn't expect there to be students, there, as well, but there were. There was a sort of library and on the top shelf of a wire rack I took a paperback book about a bat. It was richly illustrated and had spiders, so I thought I'd give it to my brother. I went near one of the pools, and up on another landing I could see a white girl with long brown hair who was trying to get the attention of one of the black boys who was working there. There were three boys. I suppose he wasn't taking the bait, so she took her clothes off and was acting like a slut. Near another pool, there were three men, crouching, taking dumps. This was when I got on an intercom and ordered everybody to "Get Out!". I usually do not offer commentary on my dreams, as you never know, and they usually are not revealed straight away; but it seems rather obvious that this one is a peek into what our society has become. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Shiner's Firefly





Dreams 5/29

 What a long strange dream! First, I was staying in a hotel where I became acquainted with a Hispanic man. We spent a lot of time together, and when it came time for me to go we were exchanging emails, addresses, and numbers. I think we were in love. Then, it got really wyrd. I was walking to my car, but it was gone. It must've gotten towed. So, I was standing against this monstrous piece of modern "art" that I suppose was meant to resemble a huge fountain, but it looked more like a Smurf colored kiddie pool without water. I took off my clothes and was standing there, leaning against it, when an Arab with curly unkept hair felt pity for me and took me home to his apartment. This man was a doctor who had a young estranged wife and ten children. His relatives were not pleased with me, so I left. Then, I ran into my friend Matt, and asked him if he could find me a used TOYOTA. I'd never ask that in real life. Never. He said he knew where one was, but that it might take him three days. There were other circumstances about the car that I can't remember. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Saturday, May 27, 2023



A Royal Doll

Of course I'd heard of Madame Alexander dolls, made in Harlem, but I never knew about Royal Dolls made in Brooklyn since 1914. Believe they stopped making them in the late eighties, but I might be wrong. I've scored one, The Winter Bride, still in her groovy box, for a song, which is good because thanks to dolls I'm going tone deaf. She is bigger than I'd imagined, and just like the Mme.'s she has a wonderful gown and hair-do. If I didn't have too many dolls, I'd want more, so I'll probably be looking for them as gifts because I also like the Pennsylvanian Quaker, (they made dolls representing each state), and the Italian opera doll has a fabulous gown, like a Cissy, only that big doll looks more like a Chrissy with her smile. 

Dreams 5/27

 Dreamt I was living back home at my parents' when I met a young man with brown hair while out walking. Then, he'd break into the house and stalk me. I'd physically throw him out. Once, I called the cops on him, only they weren't any help. I told them they'd better come before I killed him. This boy would not go away no matter what I did. He would try to reason with me. He obviously didn't know any better. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Hetta Turner


A'pizza Stone

 I was real excited to score a pizza stone at the little market as a three piece set for $17, I've wanted one for longer than I'll admit. They actually had many types of pizza pans ranging from $5 to this, the most expensive. There was even a Dolly Pardon one with a crisper for a couple of dollars less. I made Ron and Shiner a meat lovers pie, and although it looks a'pizza perfect, my old McGyver tin foil on old cookie sheets with olive oil and corn meal beats it. I had put olive oil and corn meal on the stone, quite a bit of oil, to keep the pizza from sticking, but it still stuck all along the perimeter of the crust, and quite frankly, the other McGyver crust is fluffier, with more air pockets, and better. Also, where my cookie sheet pizzas take 13 minutes to bake in a 500 degree oven, this pizza took nearly twice as long. It was still raw after 13 minutes. I'll still use the pizza stone, but I'll cover it in foil with olive oil and corn meal in the future. I might pick up a couple of those little $5 pans, too, they have a handle, and are a bit deeper than the cookie sheets. The Dolly pie on the cover just looked like ordinary pizza joint pizza, which I've never been wild about, so I think I'll skip that, although I'd still like to see Dolly on the dollar bill. Shiner loves it, anyways. He said. "This shit is off the hook, Bitch." 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Dreams 5/25

 Might call this, They Can't All Be Good, it wasn't. Began at my old job, only as usual with dreams, the place was different. I was sitting in a new auditorium with others, presided over by two girls, one who I've known, only she, too, wasn't the same. In the dream I liked her, where in the waking world, nobody did. Also, in the dream realm I'd known her longer, back to high school, which wasn't the case. Anyways, the trouble started with her when I wanted to get up out of my seat and leave the auditorium, she just wasn't having it. Now, she was as she was in the real world, and, too bad, so was I. I got really smart and nasty with her, something else I never would have done at work, but she was true to character. I left saying something rude about the uniforms, knowing I'd be fired. Then, I got in my little green car and drove through an old town. I stopped at a house that was having a candy sale because I wanted to get a box of chocolates for Mummy and Theresa. The person checking out in front of me had dropped their money, and I picked it up and handed it back to them. I got two boxes of chocolates for eleven dollars, but I think, they were out of what I wanted. When I got back to my car there were two angry and flabbergasted black boys because now, my car was parked on top of one of the boy's green Camaro. It was a nice seventies model. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Betta aka Simese Fighting Fish

 Got my aquarium up and running after a long while. It's pretty nice. Ron won it for me at auction, new, for $13. The light changes any sort of color you'd desire, plus I've got a ruined castle and some fun plants. Will be getting a Betta couple and a catfish next week, but looks like I can get some Neons, too. I thought Betta ripped their heads off. I know I've had fish that tore the heads off of Zebras and Neons in the past. Must've been Muslims or Tudors. 

Betta Guide

The Pied Piper

                                                                The Pied Piper

Dreams 5/24

 This dream is the result of a fiesta which also left me with a belly ache although I never even made it to the margaritas. Pickles and pepperoni give me wicked dreams, too. Lucky I hardly ever touch pepperoni, but I love pickles. Alright, enough with the introduction, and on with the dream. I was working downtown at night in a bookshop, it was my first day on the job. My boss was a bald black man, I think he was a professor of mine in college, an English teacher, Dr. Green, but I cannot be sure because Dr. Green cancelled class all the time. He said it was due to walking pneumonia. Anyways, there were two other employees, a blonde girl, and a black guy. Like me, the black guy was new, too. I had my first customer to check-out, a dark haired man with a small thin white book. I had no idea how to operate the cash register as it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. My boss showed me that you simply inserted a chip like plastic appendage into the slot on the small thin black box that was the cash register. A little red blip of a light flashed, and that was it. No money changed hands, and I still did not get it. The shop was dimly lit with high white walls filled with shelves loaded with books. The blonde girl seemed fine, but according to my boss, the black guy was more lost than I was, and he was going to let him go. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Girl in the Mirror | Official Trailer | Netflix

Fairy Christmas Tea

                                                      Fairy Christmas Tea

Minerva: Handmade, OOAK Witch


The Queen of Halloween

                                                     The Queen of Halloween

Dreams 5/23

 Dreamt that I was at a club waiting for my grandmother. The club was very like the Italian club, here, only this one was a legal club, and it was in West Mifflin. It was brightly lit and had fold out tables. First, I was sitting with my aunt at the front of the hall. My girlfriend from grade school was underneath a table to my right in a small pink Egyptian sarcophagus. She lifted the lid to speak to me. There was another, yellow one, a bit bigger, next to Chrissie's, and I was tempted to climb in when my grandmother showed up. She wasn't really my grandmother, she was Ron's mother, but I did not realize this until I woke. I went to the back of the hall to join her. There were some people giving legal presentations back there, one was a blonde woman in a patterned dress. My "grandmother" also had a friend with her, a dark haired older woman in glasses. She said we had to go someplace else for lunch because they had excellent onion rings, so we did. The next place was still in West Mifflin. It was another club, only darker. Once again, we were seated in the back, on the righthand side. They had friends. I had onion rings. My "grandmother's" lady friend said she'd pay, but I left a ten dollar tip. On the way out there was a table on the right that had some sort of door prizes. The entire club had a red glow. The bar was up on the left side by the front door, which was very strange: double layered swollen plexiglass with a slot. Suddenly "grandma" was even smaller than she was in real life, and the bartender said I had to send her out the slot, so I did. I stood there, realizing I'd never fit, opened the door, and slid out while the bartenders were complaining about it. Now, the place was a sort of open market, between alleys. There were a stack of framed posters to my right, on a pallet. The top one was very bright and intricate with Trollzart, the Troll of classical music. I was interested in it, but, now, Shiner had come and run off, and I had to chase him. 

Monday, May 22, 2023



Sunday, May 21, 2023

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Friday, May 19, 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023

TIKI Laughs


Dreams 5/18

 This one has got to be called, At the Maul, see what I can recall. First, I believe I left my old college dorm room where I was living with my roommate from high school on foot. I had to go through the first old dormitory where we had lived, but it had changed drastically. There was a book store and escalators. I was on a mission to find something, only, I'm not sure what. Then, off campus, I had finally reached the mall and picked up a companion, a tall black girl with long braids pulled back into a pony tail. She was athletic looking and wore fuchsia stretch pants and a jacket. There was K-Mart, but we went in at the Edison entrance. I picked up three Monster High dolls, but they looked more like STAR WARS action figures and each came along with a candle, a squishy gel filled tube, and a big hotdog. There was Frankie, Draculaura, and Cleo. The candles were red and green and had already been lit, but were snuffed out. I still don't know who or what we were looking for as we trekked through the mall. I ate one of the hotdogs and felt totally sick. I wanted to vomit. I put the figures in my big purse. I was losing the candles, squishies, and hotdogs along the way as I was still cradling them in the nook of my arm, and the young woman was fast. Guessing she was in her thirties. I don't know my age in dreams, but assume I'm younger. Anyways, one of the hotdogs fell into a pool of muck on the floor, and an older plump black woman went to pick it up and said, "Ew." A black man laughed, and I told them it was a hotdog. At this point I think I only had a candle left, and I lost my companion for a moment, but passed Steve, a boy from grade school, and said, hi. He was dressed in a white jacket and on the phone. Another brown haired man smiled, and I found my friend again who had a balding black man dressed in a light suit with her. He resembled the funny elf on SNL. She was looking for the way out, now, the way we had come in. There was an unfamiliar song playing in the background, something like, "Come bring your horses, sirrah..." Anyways, it was just the two of us again. There was a funny pink escalator that looked more like a joy ride at an amusement park. It was made out of fiber glass and shaped like an oval. There were four compartments like that that looked as if they only seated one, then swung together. No idea how that would work. I recognized some short red crepe paper curtains in the window of a restaurant, and knew that was the way we had come. Finally, she saw a posh shop that had a double entrance done-up in a fancy flame job on a hot pink backdrop. Once we were in, it too, was a busy restaurant, very dark, and crowded. We walked through and out, and there was Edison. I knew I'd be walking home to my parents' house. 




 Pinocchio and Florence, the little Italian doll I won at the doll show, are camped out beneath the chateau. I've started quite the Pinocchio collection by accident, but I've always been partial to the fairy and the cricket. This is my third, Italian. He's porcelain and Venetian. I also have a Venetian jester and try to score them when I can for gifts. Plus, I have the original wooden one from the forties, I believe, and an I 💗 Italy one, besides two Del Toros: the set and a 3D printed one. This one will be joining the cast at the chateau, lying and causing trouble. 

Dreams 5/18

 Dreamt that my friend Mike was a teenager again. He was being poisoned with pizza, but nobody would believe me. Once they came after him to burn him at the stake he was a believer. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Dreams 5/17

 Tonight's dream took place in my uncle's old house. We were moving in. Inside it was a lot bigger than it really is. There were cabinets and fireplaces that aren't there. I was with a couple of other people, a woman, for one, that I really don't know. I think the other was a teenage boy. There was one room with a high ceiling with parquet work like you only see on floors. It had large windows around the perimeter. There were so many spiders there that they fell on to my face, and I was screaming, and the others helped me get them off. That place was hence referred to as The Spider Room and avoided. Then, I saw my cousin, looking very young and pink, so much so that I'd forgotten that he's been dead for nearly as long as he was alive. He didn't say anything and left when I remembered he was dead. 

Dreams 5/16

Big dreams tonight, see what I can recall. First, another Billy Hargrave dream from Stranger Things. Mummy and I were visiting his house with my pet, Johnny ferret. Mummy and I were upstairs in Billy's home while Johnny was downstairs in his little tan carrier. I had gone down to clean him out, but Billy was there and had already done it. I was holding and kissing Johnny ferret when Billy kissed me, and I told him I loved him.  

Next, the dream began at a winter carnival around Christmas. It was night and there was snow glistening, but it wasn't very cold. The carnival was sort of a drag, and I found my aunt in the back of one of the tents, working, there. I told her I loved her, and she asked me to bring her a hot sausage sandwich. I told her I'd do better than that. I went walking down a dark corridor, something like Kennywood, Tim was there, and I left him and went into a lit office where there was a girl behind the counter. My friend, Keith, was there, only high school age, probably tenth grade. He looked very cute, smiling and sunny. I told him the carnival was a dud, and we needed his Snow Ball. He agreed. A parade of people came out of the tent, dressed in various winter costumes, the kind you'd see in the twenties, made out of tinsel, crepe paper, and garland. Keith's costume was a snow shower. You could not see him for walking along behind a cascade of iridescent strands of what looked like plastic streamers like people hang across a doorway at parties, only the streamers were regular size. Then, I went and joined a type of carnival game, I guess, it was. I liked the boy at the ticket booth. He was great big with dark hair and looked like Daddy. I found a doll, there, who looked like a little doll with yarn pigtails and a beaded face, but when I picked her up she was life sized, as big as me. She was a soft rag doll and wore a white dress. The Day Will Come When You'll Be Sorry was embroidered across the front. She was three dollars. I kept her and continued looking around. The dark haired boy was with me.  I saw a big stuffed ram sticking out of a brown paper box. He had a red, white, and blue patchwork body with calico like designs. I picked him up, still holding on to the doll and saw he was fifty cents. His horns were dark and when I thought I'd get him for Theresa he suddenly came to life. I went and paid the woman with the brown hair pulled back into a bun and long blue calico dress, who was sitting at the entrance where I found the doll, for both of them. She asked if I took ten dollars off, then, said that it was better that I didn't. I walked on with the dark haired boy. I was wondering what I was going to feed the ram. He had big lit golden eyes which seemed to spin around and sparkled. He was a very happy thing, and I thought maybe Glenn Michael would want him. Then, the boy was playing another kind of game where he wrote the word FROGILE on a slip of white paper. I laughed and told him that fragile was spelled with an A. He seemed embarrassed, and I reassured him that it was alright because I liked them big and stupid. I gave him the doll.  

There might have been another dream that I've forgotten. Not sure, but sometimes I forget the ones in between. 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Gnome

 Grandma and I woke early, what I called, night morning. The cottage was still chill and damp with the smell of wood and must. She went through the little kitchen with the cooler of spring water, cupboards full of hand-me-down dishes from the fifties and older, and sink to the wrap-around sunporch with the late thirties style refrigerator that looked like a small car or a robot from a bad science fiction  movie, the sort you heard nightmarish stories about kids getting locked in. She was wearing a purple floral housecoat and fuzzy slippers, her gray hair was pulled back. I was right behind her, barefoot, in my sheer yellow nightgown she'd made me, I was five-years-old. There was a little window above the metal card table that the squirrels would break-in if we left the peanut butter out. Grandma had it, now, and was packing us a lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread that she slipped into her satchel for later. We ate nectarines then headed back past the dining-room with the big wooden table topped with the green plastic tablecloth printed with white doilies, through the TV room and back to our bedroom which had a double bed, a dresser that had a lacy piece of coral tucked in the corner of the mirror, and prints of big eyed girls dressed as harlequins and ballerinas on the far wall from the window. Sometimes the window got scary at night as there was a post in the back yard of the Weiggand cottage that Mummy said led to a well where the devil slept. There was the brown crick back there, full of crayfish, bluegills, big clams, and water spiders, plus the woods with monkeyball trees where there was another ancient refrigerator and a rolled-up carpet dumped. It was especially spooky when it rained, but it wasn't today, and everybody else was still asleep while we got dressed and left out the front door that had a spring and a hook latch.

  We walked through the dewy meadow where I hunted butterflies. Mr. Gehring, the rotten old landlord, kept it mowed. His riding mower and hateful look were a familiar sight.  Grandma was wearing green slacks with a matching turtle neck sweater, and I had a plastic windbreaker. It did not take long to reach the lake where we fed the geese and went beyond, across the road, into the woods, and up the hill. The birds were chirping their war cries and the floor was soft with old needles. It smelled of pine. After wandering a bit, I knelt down in wonder at a large red and white spotted mushroom with a white stem. Grandma called them toadstools, and I'd asked if toads really sat upon them. She had told me that they did, but The Little People liked them the most. This one had three perfect pine needle walls knitted around the stem, beneath the cap, and looked like a little bus stop for grasshoppers or mice. Grandma sat down beneath a pine at the top of the hill and handed me a sandwich. She told me if I was very quiet and still I might be lucky enough to see The Little People. She, and her brother, my Uncle Ray, who had made me my cradle and fashioned rosaries out of plum and peach pits, often talked about The Little People. It wasn't long for looking when we spied a gnome with a long white beard and a conical red cap. He wore a red jacket with brown pants and was about the size of a rabbit. He moved like a rabbit, too, and as soon as he saw us he scurried over the hill, into the undergrowth, and out of view. 

 The next morning Uncle Ray said The Little People had left me something and handed me a wad of damp newspaper. He told me they'd left it on the window ledge. Unwrapping it, it was a small hard rubber doll, like a Kewpie or one of those squeezey ones whose eyes pop out, only this one was dirty, had a wicked smile with a perverted expression and a big hard on. Mummy saw it, called it filthy, and threw it right in the metal trash can outside the cottage. I wasn't upset with her as it was pretty ugly and creepy. 

  I didn't tell anybody about it anymore until college. I went to school up in the country, not far from Camp. My roommate and I had a couple of strange occurrences, there, too. It was country where you would find lots of unlikely things such as may apples and Indian Pipes. Once we saw something that looked a lot like a hedgehog, only couldn't have been, run under the bed in our dorm room. Another night we saw Dryads dancing in the trees. 

 My friend and I had slept in a very small, one room cottage, there, off of Wolf Creek, one night. She was scared to tears, and I must say, I was frightened, too. We could not so much hear as we could feel that the cottage was surrounded by gnomes of ill intent. 

Dreams 5/14


First, dreamt that I was here with Ron. Where my Ginger Himstedt doll is in the doll room, Maxi, another Himmie, fairer, with kinky blonde hair, dressed in blue, was, and Ron had given her away to an older woman with long strawberry blonde hair, just like my first Himstedt, Tara. I wasn't upset, but was thinking how this meant I'd need another one, probably that Hungarian gypsy, after all. 

In the second dream I was working in a bright white city ice cream parlor with a couple of other girls. It was late at night and we were getting ready to close when Ron's friend, John, from school, came in. He sat down for a bit, then, said, he'd take me home, which he did. Home was in Clover Crest, though, where I grew up, and he parked the car on Gina Dive, and we had to walk the rest of the way around the bend and over the hill. When we got to the house it was a dark bar. A guy I used to work with at BORDERS, Drago, was there, behind the bar, with a couple of other guys. Some girls were sitting at a little round table, one, I think, was Laura, a girl from school. John and I sat at the table next to them for a spell. John said, "Hold on...", referring to one of the girls, with curly brown hair and her yellow tee shirt. Supposedly he was a fan of the band, or singer, Tammy something or other, I think. He said that Tim and he had seen her, and I said, "U oh...". I think I even spoke it aloud from my sleep, and the bar became silent. I told John that he could not mention Tim around these parts as everybody thought he was a real motherfucker. Then, I told him, goodnight, that I was going to bed. 

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Dreams 5/13

 The dream began at a cocktail party in my ex-boyfriend's mother's living room. There were a lot of people there. I think her husband was Robert Wagner. Ron was there, and we were seated at a crowded glass counter. We were having a green drink in a wine glass. I think it was supposed to be wine, but I said I'd never had any wine like that before. I was seated with my bare feet tucked up under me, and Robert Wagner told me to put my feet down. We were supposed to leave from there to a Chinese restaurant across the street for dinner. Then, we were on a bus. I was sitting up front next to the driver and didn't have any shoes on. I was wearing light beige slacks that were too long. The driver had a pair of matching canvas shoes up on the floor amongst other things like a pink rag and some other junk. I knew I had borrowed his shoes before and put them on. Then, we were downtown Pittsburgh, in line for our destination. The line had formed inside between two glass windows that reached the floor. Behind the glass lots of jewels and other precious items were housed. Curt's mother had a large black velvet card full of silver rings in intricate Indian designs and knots and was saying that's how we were going to get in, and how expensive it was. Once inside there were more precious religious items like jewels and books. I had two items to buy one was a small red and white marbled stone statuette, and the other, I think, was a silver cross with green pearls dangling from it. It seemed medieval in design and the figure also had some sort of religious connection like a ushabti, but not. Then I wondered into a red room before going outside where there was an old elephant in running water, almost like a spring, behind dark glass. Barb and Ron were still with me as was some sort of priest in a long dark robe. Barb said there was not an elephant there, but the priest said there was, and she was a mother. I remember seeing the bottom of her feet, the elephant's. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Lucy Gray

Have decided against a twelfth Himstedt, eleven is enough. Instead, totally excited to have scored Wendy Lawton's Lucy Gray. It has been a favorite poem of mine since high school. I used to be a big Wordsworth fan like Keats, Yeats, and Tennyson until I got a gorgeous complete works leather and gold edition at the mission shop for two dollars along with the Keats. I read them both cover to cover and still adore Keats, but Wordsworth is depressing as anything and only has a couple of good poems, Lucy Gray is one of them. Wendy Lawton dolls are not only entirely American made, but Lucy has a wooden body, and I expect will make a great friend for my Schoenhut, Frannie, who I got a handmade crochet cape on the Easter train. I've wanted this doll since the nineties when she cost a small fortune. I'd seen her in the doll magazines. 

 Lucy Gray

Oft I had heard of Lucy Gray:
And, when I crossed the wild,
I chanced to see at break of day
The solitary child.

No mate, no comrade Lucy knew;
She dwelt on a wide moor,
--The sweetest thing that ever grew
Beside a human door!

You yet may spy the fawn at play,
The hare upon the green;
But the sweet face of Lucy Gray
Will never more be seen.

"To-night will be a stormy night--
You to the town must go;
And take a lantern, Child, to light
Your mother through the snow."

"That, Father! will I gladly do:
'Tis scarcely afternoon--
The minster-clock has just struck two,
And yonder is the moon!"

At this the Father raised his hook,
And snapped a faggot-band;
He plied his work;--and Lucy took
The lantern in her hand.

Not blither is the mountain roe:
With many a wanton stroke
Her feet disperse the powdery snow,
That rises up like smoke.

The storm came on before its time:
She wandered up and down;
And many a hill did Lucy climb:
But never reached the town.

The wretched parents all that night
Went shouting far and wide;
But there was neither sound nor sight
To serve them for a guide.

At day-break on a hill they stood
That overlooked the moor;
And thence they saw the bridge of wood,
A furlong from their door.

They wept--and, turning homeward, cried,
"In heaven we all shall meet;"
--When in the snow the mother spied
The print of Lucy's feet.

Then downwards from the steep hill's edge
They tracked the footmarks small;
And through the broken hawthorn hedge,
And by the long stone-wall;

And then an open field they crossed:
The marks were still the same;
They tracked them on, nor ever lost;
And to the bridge they came.

They followed from the snowy bank
Those footmarks, one by one,
Into the middle of the plank;
And further there were none!

--Yet some maintain that to this day
She is a living child;
That you may see sweet Lucy Gray
Upon the lonesome wild.

O'er rough and smooth she trips along,
And never looks behind;
And sings a solitary song
That whistles in the wind.


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Dreams 5/9

Since my laptop died on Cinco de Mayo my last three dreams have been logged in my twenty-three-year-old dream book which only keeps a dozen dreams. I've been logging them on the computer that long. Although I've always been a dreamer, I've been dreaming full throttle the past couple of years. Anyways, in today's dream I was at a Renaissance Festival, although, like most of my dreams, it was unlike any kind of Ren Fest I've ever been. It took place in a magic shop, as in witchcraft: books, crystals, incense, etc...  I had two wooden box like puzzles with a Celtic knot like pattern on top that came apart, so I had to be careful handling them. They had some sort of dark mechanism inside and came complete with cords and plugs. I was carrying both boxes around with me as I intended to buy them but was still browsing. Unlike most witches new age shops that are dark and cramped this one was spacious, well lit, with a lot of glass as in windows, cases, and shelving. I got to the counter to pay the woman for the puzzles. There was another woman behind me. She was mulatto, I'd guess, with dark hair, and although I'd say she was younger than me, she was pretty big. I had scattered a bunch of cash on the counter in all denominations, but as soon as I'd laid it out, it disappeared. The clerk was still awaiting payment, and I knew the woman next to me hadn't taken my money, but it had just vanished. I looked in a colorful lined journal that I had with me on the counter at a bookmarked spot, and there was the money, all eighty-nine dollars, I think, in a neat stack. Still, I told the clerk I could not buy the puzzle boxes it seemed.  

Friday, May 5, 2023