Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Dreams 5/31

 Another really crazy dream: I was a student at the old school where I'd worked, only the place was very different and located across the street from my parents' house in Clover Crest where I grew up. The school was a sort of detention center, now, and we were planning a break-out. One of my old students was there, Selena. We were watching, and waiting by the door which was like a big metal garage door. Selena and another girl were waiting, but I busted out into the night at the very same time that a big black and white van, resembling a police cruiser, busted me. I ran into my parents' house, and this is when it got really wyrd. It wasn't my parents' house but a huge house with two indoor swimming pools and multiple floors. I knew my parents had just bought the place and were away, but I didn't expect there to be students, there, as well, but there were. There was a sort of library and on the top shelf of a wire rack I took a paperback book about a bat. It was richly illustrated and had spiders, so I thought I'd give it to my brother. I went near one of the pools, and up on another landing I could see a white girl with long brown hair who was trying to get the attention of one of the black boys who was working there. There were three boys. I suppose he wasn't taking the bait, so she took her clothes off and was acting like a slut. Near another pool, there were three men, crouching, taking dumps. This was when I got on an intercom and ordered everybody to "Get Out!". I usually do not offer commentary on my dreams, as you never know, and they usually are not revealed straight away; but it seems rather obvious that this one is a peek into what our society has become. 

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