Saturday, May 13, 2023

Dreams 5/13

 The dream began at a cocktail party in my ex-boyfriend's mother's living room. There were a lot of people there. I think her husband was Robert Wagner. Ron was there, and we were seated at a crowded glass counter. We were having a green drink in a wine glass. I think it was supposed to be wine, but I said I'd never had any wine like that before. I was seated with my bare feet tucked up under me, and Robert Wagner told me to put my feet down. We were supposed to leave from there to a Chinese restaurant across the street for dinner. Then, we were on a bus. I was sitting up front next to the driver and didn't have any shoes on. I was wearing light beige slacks that were too long. The driver had a pair of matching canvas shoes up on the floor amongst other things like a pink rag and some other junk. I knew I had borrowed his shoes before and put them on. Then, we were downtown Pittsburgh, in line for our destination. The line had formed inside between two glass windows that reached the floor. Behind the glass lots of jewels and other precious items were housed. Curt's mother had a large black velvet card full of silver rings in intricate Indian designs and knots and was saying that's how we were going to get in, and how expensive it was. Once inside there were more precious religious items like jewels and books. I had two items to buy one was a small red and white marbled stone statuette, and the other, I think, was a silver cross with green pearls dangling from it. It seemed medieval in design and the figure also had some sort of religious connection like a ushabti, but not. Then I wondered into a red room before going outside where there was an old elephant in running water, almost like a spring, behind dark glass. Barb and Ron were still with me as was some sort of priest in a long dark robe. Barb said there was not an elephant there, but the priest said there was, and she was a mother. I remember seeing the bottom of her feet, the elephant's. 

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