Sunday, May 14, 2023

Dreams 5/14


First, dreamt that I was here with Ron. Where my Ginger Himstedt doll is in the doll room, Maxi, another Himmie, fairer, with kinky blonde hair, dressed in blue, was, and Ron had given her away to an older woman with long strawberry blonde hair, just like my first Himstedt, Tara. I wasn't upset, but was thinking how this meant I'd need another one, probably that Hungarian gypsy, after all. 

In the second dream I was working in a bright white city ice cream parlor with a couple of other girls. It was late at night and we were getting ready to close when Ron's friend, John, from school, came in. He sat down for a bit, then, said, he'd take me home, which he did. Home was in Clover Crest, though, where I grew up, and he parked the car on Gina Dive, and we had to walk the rest of the way around the bend and over the hill. When we got to the house it was a dark bar. A guy I used to work with at BORDERS, Drago, was there, behind the bar, with a couple of other guys. Some girls were sitting at a little round table, one, I think, was Laura, a girl from school. John and I sat at the table next to them for a spell. John said, "Hold on...", referring to one of the girls, with curly brown hair and her yellow tee shirt. Supposedly he was a fan of the band, or singer, Tammy something or other, I think. He said that Tim and he had seen her, and I said, "U oh...". I think I even spoke it aloud from my sleep, and the bar became silent. I told John that he could not mention Tim around these parts as everybody thought he was a real motherfucker. Then, I told him, goodnight, that I was going to bed. 

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