Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Dreams 5/29

 What a long strange dream! First, I was staying in a hotel where I became acquainted with a Hispanic man. We spent a lot of time together, and when it came time for me to go we were exchanging emails, addresses, and numbers. I think we were in love. Then, it got really wyrd. I was walking to my car, but it was gone. It must've gotten towed. So, I was standing against this monstrous piece of modern "art" that I suppose was meant to resemble a huge fountain, but it looked more like a Smurf colored kiddie pool without water. I took off my clothes and was standing there, leaning against it, when an Arab with curly unkept hair felt pity for me and took me home to his apartment. This man was a doctor who had a young estranged wife and ten children. His relatives were not pleased with me, so I left. Then, I ran into my friend Matt, and asked him if he could find me a used TOYOTA. I'd never ask that in real life. Never. He said he knew where one was, but that it might take him three days. There were other circumstances about the car that I can't remember. 

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