Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Dreams 5/16

Big dreams tonight, see what I can recall. First, another Billy Hargrave dream from Stranger Things. Mummy and I were visiting his house with my pet, Johnny ferret. Mummy and I were upstairs in Billy's home while Johnny was downstairs in his little tan carrier. I had gone down to clean him out, but Billy was there and had already done it. I was holding and kissing Johnny ferret when Billy kissed me, and I told him I loved him.  

Next, the dream began at a winter carnival around Christmas. It was night and there was snow glistening, but it wasn't very cold. The carnival was sort of a drag, and I found my aunt in the back of one of the tents, working, there. I told her I loved her, and she asked me to bring her a hot sausage sandwich. I told her I'd do better than that. I went walking down a dark corridor, something like Kennywood, Tim was there, and I left him and went into a lit office where there was a girl behind the counter. My friend, Keith, was there, only high school age, probably tenth grade. He looked very cute, smiling and sunny. I told him the carnival was a dud, and we needed his Snow Ball. He agreed. A parade of people came out of the tent, dressed in various winter costumes, the kind you'd see in the twenties, made out of tinsel, crepe paper, and garland. Keith's costume was a snow shower. You could not see him for walking along behind a cascade of iridescent strands of what looked like plastic streamers like people hang across a doorway at parties, only the streamers were regular size. Then, I went and joined a type of carnival game, I guess, it was. I liked the boy at the ticket booth. He was great big with dark hair and looked like Daddy. I found a doll, there, who looked like a little doll with yarn pigtails and a beaded face, but when I picked her up she was life sized, as big as me. She was a soft rag doll and wore a white dress. The Day Will Come When You'll Be Sorry was embroidered across the front. She was three dollars. I kept her and continued looking around. The dark haired boy was with me.  I saw a big stuffed ram sticking out of a brown paper box. He had a red, white, and blue patchwork body with calico like designs. I picked him up, still holding on to the doll and saw he was fifty cents. His horns were dark and when I thought I'd get him for Theresa he suddenly came to life. I went and paid the woman with the brown hair pulled back into a bun and long blue calico dress, who was sitting at the entrance where I found the doll, for both of them. She asked if I took ten dollars off, then, said that it was better that I didn't. I walked on with the dark haired boy. I was wondering what I was going to feed the ram. He had big lit golden eyes which seemed to spin around and sparkled. He was a very happy thing, and I thought maybe Glenn Michael would want him. Then, the boy was playing another kind of game where he wrote the word FROGILE on a slip of white paper. I laughed and told him that fragile was spelled with an A. He seemed embarrassed, and I reassured him that it was alright because I liked them big and stupid. I gave him the doll.  

There might have been another dream that I've forgotten. Not sure, but sometimes I forget the ones in between. 

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