Friday, May 26, 2023

A'pizza Stone

 I was real excited to score a pizza stone at the little market as a three piece set for $17, I've wanted one for longer than I'll admit. They actually had many types of pizza pans ranging from $5 to this, the most expensive. There was even a Dolly Pardon one with a crisper for a couple of dollars less. I made Ron and Shiner a meat lovers pie, and although it looks a'pizza perfect, my old McGyver tin foil on old cookie sheets with olive oil and corn meal beats it. I had put olive oil and corn meal on the stone, quite a bit of oil, to keep the pizza from sticking, but it still stuck all along the perimeter of the crust, and quite frankly, the other McGyver crust is fluffier, with more air pockets, and better. Also, where my cookie sheet pizzas take 13 minutes to bake in a 500 degree oven, this pizza took nearly twice as long. It was still raw after 13 minutes. I'll still use the pizza stone, but I'll cover it in foil with olive oil and corn meal in the future. I might pick up a couple of those little $5 pans, too, they have a handle, and are a bit deeper than the cookie sheets. The Dolly pie on the cover just looked like ordinary pizza joint pizza, which I've never been wild about, so I think I'll skip that, although I'd still like to see Dolly on the dollar bill. Shiner loves it, anyways. He said. "This shit is off the hook, Bitch." 

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