Thursday, May 18, 2023

Dreams 5/18

 This one has got to be called, At the Maul, see what I can recall. First, I believe I left my old college dorm room where I was living with my roommate from high school on foot. I had to go through the first old dormitory where we had lived, but it had changed drastically. There was a book store and escalators. I was on a mission to find something, only, I'm not sure what. Then, off campus, I had finally reached the mall and picked up a companion, a tall black girl with long braids pulled back into a pony tail. She was athletic looking and wore fuchsia stretch pants and a jacket. There was K-Mart, but we went in at the Edison entrance. I picked up three Monster High dolls, but they looked more like STAR WARS action figures and each came along with a candle, a squishy gel filled tube, and a big hotdog. There was Frankie, Draculaura, and Cleo. The candles were red and green and had already been lit, but were snuffed out. I still don't know who or what we were looking for as we trekked through the mall. I ate one of the hotdogs and felt totally sick. I wanted to vomit. I put the figures in my big purse. I was losing the candles, squishies, and hotdogs along the way as I was still cradling them in the nook of my arm, and the young woman was fast. Guessing she was in her thirties. I don't know my age in dreams, but assume I'm younger. Anyways, one of the hotdogs fell into a pool of muck on the floor, and an older plump black woman went to pick it up and said, "Ew." A black man laughed, and I told them it was a hotdog. At this point I think I only had a candle left, and I lost my companion for a moment, but passed Steve, a boy from grade school, and said, hi. He was dressed in a white jacket and on the phone. Another brown haired man smiled, and I found my friend again who had a balding black man dressed in a light suit with her. He resembled the funny elf on SNL. She was looking for the way out, now, the way we had come in. There was an unfamiliar song playing in the background, something like, "Come bring your horses, sirrah..." Anyways, it was just the two of us again. There was a funny pink escalator that looked more like a joy ride at an amusement park. It was made out of fiber glass and shaped like an oval. There were four compartments like that that looked as if they only seated one, then swung together. No idea how that would work. I recognized some short red crepe paper curtains in the window of a restaurant, and knew that was the way we had come. Finally, she saw a posh shop that had a double entrance done-up in a fancy flame job on a hot pink backdrop. Once we were in, it too, was a busy restaurant, very dark, and crowded. We walked through and out, and there was Edison. I knew I'd be walking home to my parents' house. 

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