Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Dreams 5/24

 This dream is the result of a fiesta which also left me with a belly ache although I never even made it to the margaritas. Pickles and pepperoni give me wicked dreams, too. Lucky I hardly ever touch pepperoni, but I love pickles. Alright, enough with the introduction, and on with the dream. I was working downtown at night in a bookshop, it was my first day on the job. My boss was a bald black man, I think he was a professor of mine in college, an English teacher, Dr. Green, but I cannot be sure because Dr. Green cancelled class all the time. He said it was due to walking pneumonia. Anyways, there were two other employees, a blonde girl, and a black guy. Like me, the black guy was new, too. I had my first customer to check-out, a dark haired man with a small thin white book. I had no idea how to operate the cash register as it was like nothing I'd ever seen before. My boss showed me that you simply inserted a chip like plastic appendage into the slot on the small thin black box that was the cash register. A little red blip of a light flashed, and that was it. No money changed hands, and I still did not get it. The shop was dimly lit with high white walls filled with shelves loaded with books. The blonde girl seemed fine, but according to my boss, the black guy was more lost than I was, and he was going to let him go. 

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