Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Dreams 5/23

 Dreamt that I was at a club waiting for my grandmother. The club was very like the Italian club, here, only this one was a legal club, and it was in West Mifflin. It was brightly lit and had fold out tables. First, I was sitting with my aunt at the front of the hall. My girlfriend from grade school was underneath a table to my right in a small pink Egyptian sarcophagus. She lifted the lid to speak to me. There was another, yellow one, a bit bigger, next to Chrissie's, and I was tempted to climb in when my grandmother showed up. She wasn't really my grandmother, she was Ron's mother, but I did not realize this until I woke. I went to the back of the hall to join her. There were some people giving legal presentations back there, one was a blonde woman in a patterned dress. My "grandmother" also had a friend with her, a dark haired older woman in glasses. She said we had to go someplace else for lunch because they had excellent onion rings, so we did. The next place was still in West Mifflin. It was another club, only darker. Once again, we were seated in the back, on the righthand side. They had friends. I had onion rings. My "grandmother's" lady friend said she'd pay, but I left a ten dollar tip. On the way out there was a table on the right that had some sort of door prizes. The entire club had a red glow. The bar was up on the left side by the front door, which was very strange: double layered swollen plexiglass with a slot. Suddenly "grandma" was even smaller than she was in real life, and the bartender said I had to send her out the slot, so I did. I stood there, realizing I'd never fit, opened the door, and slid out while the bartenders were complaining about it. Now, the place was a sort of open market, between alleys. There were a stack of framed posters to my right, on a pallet. The top one was very bright and intricate with Trollzart, the Troll of classical music. I was interested in it, but, now, Shiner had come and run off, and I had to chase him. 

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