Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Dreams 5/9

Since my laptop died on Cinco de Mayo my last three dreams have been logged in my twenty-three-year-old dream book which only keeps a dozen dreams. I've been logging them on the computer that long. Although I've always been a dreamer, I've been dreaming full throttle the past couple of years. Anyways, in today's dream I was at a Renaissance Festival, although, like most of my dreams, it was unlike any kind of Ren Fest I've ever been. It took place in a magic shop, as in witchcraft: books, crystals, incense, etc...  I had two wooden box like puzzles with a Celtic knot like pattern on top that came apart, so I had to be careful handling them. They had some sort of dark mechanism inside and came complete with cords and plugs. I was carrying both boxes around with me as I intended to buy them but was still browsing. Unlike most witches new age shops that are dark and cramped this one was spacious, well lit, with a lot of glass as in windows, cases, and shelving. I got to the counter to pay the woman for the puzzles. There was another woman behind me. She was mulatto, I'd guess, with dark hair, and although I'd say she was younger than me, she was pretty big. I had scattered a bunch of cash on the counter in all denominations, but as soon as I'd laid it out, it disappeared. The clerk was still awaiting payment, and I knew the woman next to me hadn't taken my money, but it had just vanished. I looked in a colorful lined journal that I had with me on the counter at a bookmarked spot, and there was the money, all eighty-nine dollars, I think, in a neat stack. Still, I told the clerk I could not buy the puzzle boxes it seemed.  

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