Saturday, September 30, 2023

Thank The Kid Smeller

                                                            Thank A Commie

George Harrison Art Doll


Luciano Pavarotti - The Best of Luciano Pavarotti - Greatest hits

Watermelon Lime Tea

 This makes nice iced tea, just add Splenda. It's refreshing and different. It was also under two dollars at the little market, so I'm going to have to get more. I'm picky about tea, especially iced. I don't like it syrupy or sickeningly sweet. 

Pippa & Marie Doll Case

 I want one. I keep my Pips in a Dark Crystal lunch box. I put them in sandwich bags or wrap them in tissue paper. Donatella has Paisley Pajamas in mind, but I'm finishing sculpting a Peggy Shippen doll just now. Stay tuned. 

Pippa & Marie Doll Keeper

Friday, September 29, 2023

Donatella's Winter Fashion Collection: #1 Glori in Modwinter

 There will be another holiday fashion show at the chateau. Dinah moved to Texas saying she couldn't spend another moment in Commievania, so Donatella has taken over her dress shop. She was also lucky to score Peppermint Kiss from her last show that has sold out. Donatella is one groovy girl, though, so it might be alright. Dinah was really a cowgirl at heart. Donatella kicks off her new collection: Donatella Does Yuletide with Glori in Modwinter. Glori is a special doll, and I like her so much that I might try to get one of those seventies Diana Dawn Doll clones if she's anything like her. Obviously, Glori has a Dawn Doll head, but her body is a Hong Kong clone which I like more than Dawn or Pippa dolls. It is very supple, easy to dress, no green, split knees, nor peg legs. Also, it is more realistic looking, curvier, with bigger breasts, hips, and thighs, but she still fits all the clothes. Trying to Return to Marie's Chateau, a lot has happened since we left. Emma and Punch have moved. An entire coven of Darcinians, led by Prince Lucifer, has occupied the chateau. Doll Land and Commievania has become even scarier since preconvidian times. They're trying depose of Bloody Mary, but that's like getting rid of The Kid Smeller. We'll see. In the meantime if you missed out on the last collection: Dinah's Christmas Collection

Thursday, September 28, 2023


Scrub Me Mamma With a Boogie Beat - 1941

Banned: Whoopie is way more offensive. 

Betty Boop: "Ha! Ha! Ha!" (1934)

Banned, meanwhile my old dentist was the last person to see a missing woman. He "left her off at a truck stop". 

Little Black Sambo | Full Cartoon Episode

How come this is banned but The Cosby Show is still on? Sambo never raped anybody. 

Strawberry Sundae


Heath Burns

 Really looking forward to this guy, I've never had Heath Burns before. I might be a fire sign, but the old Heath never appealed to me; but, for eighteen dollars this guy is hot. Have to get back to O, My Ra! With Mistress Dark, Cousin Fatra, Ana Nubis, Sketi Yeti, and now Heath, oh my ghoul: clawsome! 

Heath Burns

O, My Ra!

The Mad Hairy Fella

 Woo-hoo, I might not have gotten to The Invisible Guardian yet, and I swear I won't give it away before I do like Amy Tan, Ken Follett, and Catherine Cookson; but, my favorite wine is back in town. Having it with mimosa cheese on a pub roll just now. Not a bad day. 

The Mad Hairy Fella

flutter Starlight

 Aw, thanks to the ant events my Flutterpedia is complete. Wish they'd have some more real events. I'll still be playing. It really is my sanctuary. Thanks, Runaway! 💮🦋💮

The Most Beautiful Pumpkin Ever

 Spent the day sick in bed only to wake and discover that Ron had gotten me the most beautiful pumpkin ever. It's too big for me to lift. I'm going to turn it into a magical witch's coach rather than carve it, so I might leave it out for more glorious pumpkins next year. 

Riding the Rainbow


                                                           Riding the Rainbow

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Grizabella from CATS plays Memory


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Dreams 9/26

 This won't be a typical dream post where I stick strictly to the dream. I do not like to embellish my dreams with real world facts. I've made the mistake of confusing my dreams with reality, and that won't happen again. The reason I'm blathering on is that I haven't slept much the last couple of days, so although I sure dreamt today, I was too exhausted to recall much. It happens. Anyways, I dreamt of Jamie from Outlander. There was certainly more involved, perhaps puppets and an alligator, but I'm not sure. I know it wasn't a dirty dream. Those are very rare for me and involve both real and dream people. I say dream people because I'm interested in them. Not sure if they're out there or ghosts, but I think they exist and are not a figment of my wild imagination. So, this post will be more about that wilderness as my actual dreaming. My first dirty dream was about Michael Landon, and I remember it well: he beat me and raped me. I might've been twelve or thirteen. Grandma loved him, but Mummy and I didn't care for him at all, and this was before it was revealed that he was a wife beater. Little House, like The Waltons, always depressed the fuck out of me. I was more a Jeannie/Bewitched fan. No dreams of living in the sticks with sanctimonious white folks. Pass. The next time I had a dirty dream I was in college, they're that far between. That dream did concern a crazy Scotsman, and it's little wonder as he walked around with his dick hanging out of his jeans, only nobody noticed. No wonder Ron's friend's Scots wife said she "came to America for your big cocks". It was very embarrassing as it also included my girlfriend, who is like my little sister, and we were all three beneath a table in a restaraunt. That wasn't entirely Chris's, the Scotsman's, fault, as Adinda was an exhibitionist like Mummy and Daddy, and it was hard to keep any clothes on her. Lucky Michael Landon never got hold of her. Since the dreaming has been out of control the last few years, maybe as I've turned-off, refusing the ghosts, finding them unhealthy, I might get a kiss in a dream, but I also have a harem of men. So, no, I like Jamie and find him handsome, but Murtagh and the savages are more my type. I loved how he chopped that dirty motherfucker's head off and tossed it at the ladies' feet. He's my favorite character by far. Those savages are growing on me fast, though. They're real, not half breeds or orange Oogie Booger make-up. I've inherited Mummy's tee-shirt from the sixties that says, Take Me To Your Tee-pee. I know The Cherokee didn't live in tee-pees, I'm not stupid, a table would do. 

Documentary 'Of Dolls & Murder' Explores Macabre in Miniature

Simcoe: TURN, Handmade Art Doll (American Revolution)


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Dreams 9/24

 This dream began with me exiting through the right hand side of a busy department store. There was a Furby convention and contest happening. These were not those little talking Satanic toys, however, nor the freaks who identify as dogs, but actual strange creatures. At first I thought they were just stuffed toys, but not, they were alive. One, was an old wrinkly bald geezer's head with bat wings round back. It had some sort of fly legs as eye lashes that it was moving around just like a nasty old vomiting fly. Once outside, and they were lining up at the door, it was night and lit by street lamps. I spotted a big pink moth and said, "Hello, beautiful Elephant Hawkmoth!". Then, I saw a bigger moth that resembled a barn owl. It had a big round yellow fuzzy head that looked like a smiley face and large white wings with black polka dots. I reached out my hand, and it landed on my wrist with a "PPPCH" sort of noise. That's when I realized it was sucking my blood, and tore it off. It wasn't easy to get rid of, and I was thinking it must be a big fruit piercing moth. 

VEGETA Quinoa & Veggie Soup

 This stuff is killer. It's Croatian. At two for a dollar at the little market I went back and bought a ton of it. Best soup I've had in a long time. Just add water. 

Good Soup

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Dreams 9/23

 Dreamt I was at my grandmother's at Christmas. I was lying on the couch in the living room. My Aunt Janet came down the stairs and dangled blue and white plastic Christmas ornaments over my head, and I said they were beautiful. Then, Grandma gave me a set of Bavarian hand painted salt and pepper shakers. I think they had windmills painted on them, a pastoral scene. I told her they were my favorite kind of porcelain. She had given me some other gifts, but I can only recall the salt and pepper shakers. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Woo-hoo! (Dawn Dolls & Pippa) Score!

 I'd had a bad week, missing out on a couple of dolls I've wanted for thirty years, and today was even worse, the internet went out, so no Outlander, and I was sick in bed. I played with my Aunt's Dawn dolls as a kid: loved them. I didn't get my first Dress Shop Dawn Doll until a few years ago. Fancy Feet, who I call, Donatella, as no respectable doll has a last name like that, and Kevin soon followed as I only wanted hard leggety dolls; I'm picky, and didn't want any green knees. Around that time I'd discovered Pippa, Palitoy's later seventies version with hard pegged legs and got Marie for under forty dollars. She was, at this time, my most costly, as I'd gotten the others for about twenty bucks, all in like new condition. Decidedly, I liked the Pippa dolls even more than Dawn. Then, awhile ago, just before Christmas, I won a huge astonishing Dawn Doll collection in the big case along with loads of groovy fashions for eighty dollars from the next town over. I get lots of great dolls in Pennsylvania. There were certain fashions that my Aunt had, that were my favorites and I really wanted: Pink Slink, City Slicker, Party Puffery, Maxi Mod, and Strawberry Sundae. I was able to get the rain set, party gown, and Maxi Mod straight away, together, on Ebay from a fun Dawn Doll seller. Pink Slink, my favorite, was acquired at auction, for about twenty dollars from a famous Barbie collector when she passed away. As I was gathering the dolls, I have some English doll friends, like Janey, who have helped me considerably, I was also making clothes, gifting dolls and collections to my Aunt and Best Witches. I like to share, I'm not a greedy person nor a hoarder. Then, I was getting fun collections together with the dolls I didn't want so much, fashions, cases, books, and homemade clothes. I've for sure made my money back this way, selling nice dolls at reasonable prices. Pippa dolls, in particular, are worth their weight in gold, no doubt. My aunt had both the medium and large Dawn Doll cases, and they feature totally mod doll art that I really appreciate. Checkerboard also released some special edition anniversary Dawn Dolls in the nineties, so all good: no green split knees, and I'd scored both Angie and Dale this way who I later sold in collections as decidedly I only wanted to keep vintage dolls. I'd read both Dawn and Pippa books cover to cover. People charge a small fortune for the out of print Dawn Doll book, which I'd scored for about thirty dollars and since sold as a part of a collection that included the coveted Dinah for less than most people charge for the book. These dolls literally sell overnight, and that set was getting all sorts of interest. So glad the lady that scored that set got them as an anti gun commie was after them. Fuck that. So, at this point, my collection was exactly where I wanted it: eleven dolls: five Dawn dolls and six Pips, all in pristine condition, but that Strawberry Sundae, common outfit, and pink poodle still alluded me. I have the black and white dogs, kept them along with the big Dawn Doll case that held that eighty dollar Christmas score. Sold the small and medium cases with the collections that are such fun putting together. I'd made lots of offers and lost many an auction trying for Strawberry Sundae as I wasn't willing to pay so much. I might be batshit doll cra-cra, but I'm not stupid. Wouldn't you know, I've scored this entire fashion collection for less than the price that people were turning down my offers for Strawberry Sundae alone: forty-five dollars. I feel very fortunate, and don't particularly even want some of them, such as the beach set that real Dawn Doll collectors go absolutely ape shit over, so stay tuned, I see other collections for sale in my future. No, I no longer fakebook, so if You happen to be one of my doll friends Mess me via and know that I'm happier trading with loved ones than selling. Only Jasmine, the Asian Pippa, at this point has alluded me because I'm not spending more for a plastic Asian doll than a porcelain antique. 

Dreams 9/22

 Very long intense dream so the beginning is a bit fuzzy. I think I was at a carnivale and picked up a cure that involved a pot from the gnomes and some dirt. I got home to my old room and read the instructions which were typed on a small piece of paper in the pot. I was supposed to plant whatever I pulled out of my head. So, I began pulling, pulling, pulling, a big green snake, six feet long, out of my hair. When it fell on the floor in front of my cupboard I thought it was dead, but was scared, so ran for my brother. Once he got there the snake was gone, so first, we pulled the covers from the bed, thinking it was hiding there. I had fuchsia, orange, yellow, and white sheets in a geometric pattern, and Glenn asked where I'd gotten them. I told him, Sears, and that he could have them. There was also a rather fat, stuffed George Harrison doll, looked like Sgt. Pepper only overfed, and what I called, "Koosa, Koosa, Koosa!", when I found it: a five foot strange Popeye character, that I think was called Shimp, not a Koosa at all. My Grandma used to say, "Koosa, Koosa, Koosa"!, to my brother, though. Anyways, we never did find the snake, only made a mess of the room, and never got to the closet, either. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

How to Make Beautiful Punch Needled Crafts |Tradtional Colonial Crafts|

Lotus: Altar Doll


Dreams 9/19

 Dreamt I was  staying in a small boarding house in an old town with a strange man with sandy hair. I had my coffee pot there and when got up in the morning the stranger was gone along with my coffee pot. Then, I had to wander about the town looking for a way home. There was an octangular buliding that was plastered with what seemed to be small concert posters. It was a lot wider than high, I think it was an old station house for ticket sales. I went in to use the restroom which was dark with an oiled wooden floor and a small green and gold stained glass window. There was a young blonde girl in there with me, and she led me into the next dream that I'll call, Medieval Days. 

I was teaching at school, my students were adults, and we were leaving for Medieval Days. Daddy was there, and there were other old teachers on the crowded bus with us. First stop was a dusky old wooden tavern. We started with a round of drinks and appetizers at my suggestion. I was smoking with the same blonde girl as before, then, we were back on the bus, rolling along. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Dreams 9/17


 Dreamt that ZZ TOP wasn't doing so well and were looking for a new band member. Their last mate was a big young guy with a shaved head and lots of black eye make up. He had a sweet voice and played flute. He was married to the pretty blonde daughter of a woman with a hit show that was something like Pawn Stars meets Hoarders. Anyways, for some odd reason they were all in the den. None of them were the bearded members we all know. They had a little black spider that was their mascot, and there were some problems with her. I asked them who wrote the songs, and it was the flautist. I told him I might be able to help. Now, they were all hiding, crouched in the powder room off of the den. Their spider was outside the door on a little clump of dirt. For some reason I sprinkled SPLENDA on her, and she ran into the powder room, under the sink, as the members came out. Once again they were assembled in the den, on the couch. I told them the spider was different, now, dusty, so she was changed and perhaps, they might write a song about that. I also suggested changing spiders. Told them we got big garden spiders off the back porch as well as some little ones with tiny jeweled bottoms like "sarcophagi". 

Friday, September 15, 2023



Wine Wine Wine

Baby Pumpkins

 We're so pleased with our baby pumpkins this year. Maybe the squirells won't steal them. When I first saw a squirell with one I thought he had a ball in his mouth. These ones have grown directly from their mother, that's the best way. That's why you see pumpkin farms with leftover pumpkins. Something about the seeds being protected by their mother is so much better than planting them from seeds. I don't carve all the pumpkins, some, I just leave out some place that is rather protected and gets a lot of water. Alongside the house, beneath a gutter, is ideal. These had a big white warty mother, so I wonder what we'll get. Gourds are the same, but it is best to step on them, bust them up, as their shells are harder than pumpkins. I'm thinking melons are likely the same as I plant melon seeds but don't get any melons. Probably going to have to leave some whole melons out next year. That might work with cucumbers too. 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Peggy Nisbet's Mary Tudor (Tower Treasures)

                                                                    Mary Tudor

Bourbon Vanilla Bar

 This spot of Heaven has received a C- from Fooducate, a load of fat ass communists who have attempted to turn Orange Bird native. Fuck those commies. Take it from a real teacher who outscored the others 98%: it's absolutely delicious. The commies will be serving up bug bars. A+

Bread Pudding & Phat Ron's Supper

Although the bread pudding tastes nothing like Aunt Wanetta's, (her's was softer, think she used old Wonder Bread), it's very tasty: crusty. Thought you'd enjoy seeing Phat Ron's supper. Frankly, I think he's spoiled rotten. I never drink from a can, but he likes it. 


Early Peas


Dreams 9/14

 So many dreams today, and they all started with me dropping a raw egg on to the kitchen floor.

 Next, I was riding a train at night with Ron and Tim. Ron and I were sitting facing the window. I made a pan of brownies in a toaster oven I had, there, then ate them all. Worst part was I'd take a bite, set my brownie down on the floor, pick it up again, and eat it. 

Then, I was on a sort of interview with two men. The one was gray with glasses. I was discussing how I'd gotten a little autographed poetry book. I think it was Alan Ginsberg, but can't be sure. The book was a small green hardback. 

By the fourth dream I was in a big house with my brother. Felix, my Betta fish, was there. We were playing with him in a sort of doll house. He had water, but not a lot. I took him and put him back in his tank. We had an entire row of fishtanks, all types and sizes. They were out on the ledge of a long open aired veranda facing a lake. Glenn had added a little hexangular one on the end that had schools of tiny ghost looking minnows. They looked like ghost shrimp or glass. 

Finally, Shiner was the star. He was wagging his tail, which was longer, and very happy. He was at the foot of the kitchen steps. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Why Can't I Touch It? (2001 Remastered Version)

Dreams 9/13


Dreamt that I had newly befriended a couple of women in the neighborhood, and I was in one of their houses, although both women were present. I was younger, and they were both young, in fact, the house belonged to one of their mothers. For some reason I needed a shower, and the shower was very strange: a walk in carpeted closet. There were shelves of clothes and some were hanging there as well. I had to move a child's gray and blue striped sweater in order to turn on the shower. Then, I didn't feel well and saw Eleanor, my period, had come. Just then, the two women came in and asked me what I was. I said I was a girl. There was a blood stain on the carpet, so embarrassing. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

They Grow Up So Fast




Dreams 9/12

 Dreamt that I had a big Chinese looking take-out box of some kind of ready to make food. Not sure if it was pasta or cereal. The box was rectangular, but gathered up to a hexangular top. The printing around it was black and gold with some sort of little character, maybe a panda. I had to insert the package into my fish tank in order to prepare it. When I did my tank overflowed, and an albino cory catfish was beheaded in the process, sliced clean through, which caused me great stress; so I removed the food stuff, which was now coming out from the top, in a rush, looking for the catfish. He was there, in the bottom of the aquarium, fine, but there was still, also a severed head. Dreamt, too, that my clay pot was full of buds. 

Monday, September 11, 2023

Sausage Party



Backyard & Bob's Bonsai Mix

More mushrooms as usual, no surprise, but look at the window box from The Little Witches House just due to a couple of tablespoons of Bob's bonsai mix. Out of that. Gave some to all of my plants. Good stuff! 

Mutschler's Rare Plants

Hello from Felix & Mars + a Little Watergarden

I couldn't wish for two better Betta. Having said that I know a lot of people say that they can't be kept in an aquarium less than five gallons. I disagree. Felix's tank is a half moon, three gallons, half the size of Mars's six gallon cylinder, and I believe Felix enjoys his lair the most as Mars is usually hanging out at the top between the heater and filter in spite of his den and plants. I'd created this little water garden from plants that weren't doing great in the aquariums mostly due to the salt I'd been treating my fish with. The vessel is left over from a funeral arrangement. The substrate is Bob's bonsai mix. It has four different plants including a Java fern and Marimo moss. I learned how to put it together on KG Tropicals You Tube channel. They're a husband and wife team that I really enjoy. Gamer's Wife is the other You Tube fish channel I watch the most. Anyways, KG hosted the lady who wrote the book on these self sustaining little ecosystems. She keeps shrimp in her's, but mine is too small. I do have a big fish bowl, and I might make another if Triton and Mithras turn out to be a female and have kids, then I could have a spare tank as a hospital. Anyways, the plants seem to like it, and the only thing I'd add to the instructions is that a funnel is useful for water changes. I do a lot of water changes. One other thing concerning my Neon Tetras. Tom Tom have been pretty much great all along. I'd gotten the second tank due to the fact that although they say Neons may be kept with Betta, Felix hated them, and chased them around. They didn't seem to care for the new bigger tank at first, but changed their minds after a couple of days. But, Venus, the latest addition, was swimming funny a couple of days after I added her. I first did a water change and treated the tank with an ammonia neutralizer as well as a water softener, but she still seemed to be swimming funny. I learned from an Aussie on You Tube that these fish are way overbred, are often starving, and prone to birth defects. After treating the tank with a antibiotic and feeding them daphnia and Hikari Betta pellets, (they're real tiny), she was fine and swimming naturally. Just in case I also treated them for parasites because I suffer from compulsions and am pretty much obsessed with happy fish. Mars doesn't bother with the other fish at all. Sometimes he looks at them, that's about it, but I did have them in the tank before him. Felix loves Oscar, the albino Cory cat, and Montezuma, the Inca Gold snail. They're his butler and housekeeper. He doesn't welcome guests, however. Mithras and Triton, the ghost shrimp, are a lot more fun than I'd ever imagined. Everybody seems to love the almond leaves and tourmaline beads. The leaves do darken the water, but Bettas are supposed to like dark water, and I think they do. I only use the dark blue, green, and purple lights. The red light makes Felix mad. 


Dreams 9/11

 Two dreams: first, I was back in the old house in Oakland only it was a bit different, more a combination of that house and the house in Sinking Spring. I was up on the third floor, looking out the window, but I was not myself, rather another girl. Christopher Lee, the vampire, was just outside, trying to get in at me when I broke the window and vanished into the night. Now, I was myself, outside, trying to track the girl down. She disappeared into a small brick ranch across the street. The lights were on. There were wrought iron bars across the windows. But, now, Christopher was after me, myself, and I bounded back into the house, up the staircase, unto the landing of the second floor. I wasn't quick enough to make it to the third floor. He had grabbed my feet and tripped me up. He was trying to bite me, but instead, I attempted to bite him. I was gnawing at his throat, but couldn't break through when I lapsed into the next dream. 

Now, I was in a night class in a dimly lit room with an older woman and a boy from school. There were computers. The boy was showing me pictures, big, eight by tens, in an album with plastic sleeves, of his son. I said he looked like him, but he said not that he looked like his mother. "I know my family," he said. I said that blue eyes were very rare when his were black. Then, I was telling them all about Shiner. I was looking through my purse for a picture of him that I couldn't find, so pulled him up on the computer. 

A Traditional Dessert |Bread Pudding + Chicken Supper| No Talking 1820s ...

Sunday, September 10, 2023



The Great Bee Adventure



Dreams 9/10

 Dreamt that I was outside with Artie on a bright summer's day. He introduced me to his sister and her husband. She happened to be Tanya Roberts. She asked if I wanted to see their apartment and slid open a garage type of door. Inside, upstairs, there were shelves full of brass knick-knaks like bells and candlesticks, looked like a flea market. Then, I slid down a slide to the second floor where she had a big stereo case with a glass door. In there she had two cats and a big fluffy gray owlet. The cats were pawing at the door. I let them out. I told her she was not going to be able to keep the owlet in the "terrarium" forver, and she said he was fine.