Sunday, September 17, 2023

Dreams 9/17


 Dreamt that ZZ TOP wasn't doing so well and were looking for a new band member. Their last mate was a big young guy with a shaved head and lots of black eye make up. He had a sweet voice and played flute. He was married to the pretty blonde daughter of a woman with a hit show that was something like Pawn Stars meets Hoarders. Anyways, for some odd reason they were all in the den. None of them were the bearded members we all know. They had a little black spider that was their mascot, and there were some problems with her. I asked them who wrote the songs, and it was the flautist. I told him I might be able to help. Now, they were all hiding, crouched in the powder room off of the den. Their spider was outside the door on a little clump of dirt. For some reason I sprinkled SPLENDA on her, and she ran into the powder room, under the sink, as the members came out. Once again they were assembled in the den, on the couch. I told them the spider was different, now, dusty, so she was changed and perhaps, they might write a song about that. I also suggested changing spiders. Told them we got big garden spiders off the back porch as well as some little ones with tiny jeweled bottoms like "sarcophagi".