Dreamt that I had newly befriended a couple of women in the neighborhood, and I was in one of their houses, although both women were present. I was younger, and they were both young, in fact, the house belonged to one of their mothers. For some reason I needed a shower, and the shower was very strange: a walk in carpeted closet. There were shelves of clothes and some were hanging there as well. I had to move a child's gray and blue striped sweater in order to turn on the shower. Then, I didn't feel well and saw Eleanor, my period, had come. Just then, the two women came in and asked me what I was. I said I was a girl. There was a blood stain on the carpet, so embarrassing.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...