Friday, September 15, 2023

Baby Pumpkins

 We're so pleased with our baby pumpkins this year. Maybe the squirells won't steal them. When I first saw a squirell with one I thought he had a ball in his mouth. These ones have grown directly from their mother, that's the best way. That's why you see pumpkin farms with leftover pumpkins. Something about the seeds being protected by their mother is so much better than planting them from seeds. I don't carve all the pumpkins, some, I just leave out some place that is rather protected and gets a lot of water. Alongside the house, beneath a gutter, is ideal. These had a big white warty mother, so I wonder what we'll get. Gourds are the same, but it is best to step on them, bust them up, as their shells are harder than pumpkins. I'm thinking melons are likely the same as I plant melon seeds but don't get any melons. Probably going to have to leave some whole melons out next year. That might work with cucumbers too. 

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