Friday, September 22, 2023
Woo-hoo! (Dawn Dolls & Pippa) Score!
I'd had a bad week, missing out on a couple of dolls I've wanted for thirty years, and today was even worse, the internet went out, so no Outlander, and I was sick in bed. I played with my Aunt's Dawn dolls as a kid: loved them. I didn't get my first Dress Shop Dawn Doll until a few years ago. Fancy Feet, who I call, Donatella, as no respectable doll has a last name like that, and Kevin soon followed as I only wanted hard leggety dolls; I'm picky, and didn't want any green knees. Around that time I'd discovered Pippa, Palitoy's later seventies version with hard pegged legs and got Marie for under forty dollars. She was, at this time, my most costly, as I'd gotten the others for about twenty bucks, all in like new condition. Decidedly, I liked the Pippa dolls even more than Dawn. Then, awhile ago, just before Christmas, I won a huge astonishing Dawn Doll collection in the big case along with loads of groovy fashions for eighty dollars from the next town over. I get lots of great dolls in Pennsylvania. There were certain fashions that my Aunt had, that were my favorites and I really wanted: Pink Slink, City Slicker, Party Puffery, Maxi Mod, and Strawberry Sundae. I was able to get the rain set, party gown, and Maxi Mod straight away, together, on Ebay from a fun Dawn Doll seller. Pink Slink, my favorite, was acquired at auction, for about twenty dollars from a famous Barbie collector when she passed away. As I was gathering the dolls, I have some English doll friends, like Janey, who have helped me considerably, I was also making clothes, gifting dolls and collections to my Aunt and Best Witches. I like to share, I'm not a greedy person nor a hoarder. Then, I was getting fun collections together with the dolls I didn't want so much, fashions, cases, books, and homemade clothes. I've for sure made my money back this way, selling nice dolls at reasonable prices. Pippa dolls, in particular, are worth their weight in gold, no doubt. My aunt had both the medium and large Dawn Doll cases, and they feature totally mod doll art that I really appreciate. Checkerboard also released some special edition anniversary Dawn Dolls in the nineties, so all good: no green split knees, and I'd scored both Angie and Dale this way who I later sold in collections as decidedly I only wanted to keep vintage dolls. I'd read both Dawn and Pippa books cover to cover. People charge a small fortune for the out of print Dawn Doll book, which I'd scored for about thirty dollars and since sold as a part of a collection that included the coveted Dinah for less than most people charge for the book. These dolls literally sell overnight, and that set was getting all sorts of interest. So glad the lady that scored that set got them as an anti gun commie was after them. Fuck that. So, at this point, my collection was exactly where I wanted it: eleven dolls: five Dawn dolls and six Pips, all in pristine condition, but that Strawberry Sundae, common outfit, and pink poodle still alluded me. I have the black and white dogs, kept them along with the big Dawn Doll case that held that eighty dollar Christmas score. Sold the small and medium cases with the collections that are such fun putting together. I'd made lots of offers and lost many an auction trying for Strawberry Sundae as I wasn't willing to pay so much. I might be batshit doll cra-cra, but I'm not stupid. Wouldn't you know, I've scored this entire fashion collection for less than the price that people were turning down my offers for Strawberry Sundae alone: forty-five dollars. I feel very fortunate, and don't particularly even want some of them, such as the beach set that real Dawn Doll collectors go absolutely ape shit over, so stay tuned, I see other collections for sale in my future. No, I no longer fakebook, so if You happen to be one of my doll friends Mess me via and know that I'm happier trading with loved ones than selling. Only Jasmine, the Asian Pippa, at this point has alluded me because I'm not spending more for a plastic Asian doll than a porcelain antique.
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