Friday, September 22, 2023

Dreams 9/22

 Very long intense dream so the beginning is a bit fuzzy. I think I was at a carnivale and picked up a cure that involved a pot from the gnomes and some dirt. I got home to my old room and read the instructions which were typed on a small piece of paper in the pot. I was supposed to plant whatever I pulled out of my head. So, I began pulling, pulling, pulling, a big green snake, six feet long, out of my hair. When it fell on the floor in front of my cupboard I thought it was dead, but was scared, so ran for my brother. Once he got there the snake was gone, so first, we pulled the covers from the bed, thinking it was hiding there. I had fuchsia, orange, yellow, and white sheets in a geometric pattern, and Glenn asked where I'd gotten them. I told him, Sears, and that he could have them. There was also a rather fat, stuffed George Harrison doll, looked like Sgt. Pepper only overfed, and what I called, "Koosa, Koosa, Koosa!", when I found it: a five foot strange Popeye character, that I think was called Shimp, not a Koosa at all. My Grandma used to say, "Koosa, Koosa, Koosa"!, to my brother, though. Anyways, we never did find the snake, only made a mess of the room, and never got to the closet, either. 

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