I couldn't wish for two better Betta. Having said that I know a lot of people say that they can't be kept in an aquarium less than five gallons. I disagree. Felix's tank is a half moon, three gallons, half the size of Mars's six gallon cylinder, and I believe Felix enjoys his lair the most as Mars is usually hanging out at the top between the heater and filter in spite of his den and plants. I'd created this little water garden from plants that weren't doing great in the aquariums mostly due to the salt I'd been treating my fish with. The vessel is left over from a funeral arrangement. The substrate is Bob's bonsai mix. It has four different plants including a Java fern and Marimo moss. I learned how to put it together on KG Tropicals You Tube channel. They're a husband and wife team that I really enjoy. Gamer's Wife is the other You Tube fish channel I watch the most. Anyways, KG hosted the lady who wrote the book on these self sustaining little ecosystems. She keeps shrimp in her's, but mine is too small. I do have a big fish bowl, and I might make another if Triton and Mithras turn out to be a female and have kids, then I could have a spare tank as a hospital. Anyways, the plants seem to like it, and the only thing I'd add to the instructions is that a funnel is useful for water changes. I do a lot of water changes. One other thing concerning my Neon Tetras. Tom Tom have been pretty much great all along. I'd gotten the second tank due to the fact that although they say Neons may be kept with Betta, Felix hated them, and chased them around. They didn't seem to care for the new bigger tank at first, but changed their minds after a couple of days. But, Venus, the latest addition, was swimming funny a couple of days after I added her. I first did a water change and treated the tank with an ammonia neutralizer as well as a water softener, but she still seemed to be swimming funny. I learned from an Aussie on You Tube that these fish are way overbred, are often starving, and prone to birth defects. After treating the tank with a antibiotic and feeding them daphnia and Hikari Betta pellets, (they're real tiny), she was fine and swimming naturally. Just in case I also treated them for parasites because I suffer from compulsions and am pretty much obsessed with happy fish. Mars doesn't bother with the other fish at all. Sometimes he looks at them, that's about it, but I did have them in the tank before him. Felix loves Oscar, the albino Cory cat, and Montezuma, the Inca Gold snail. They're his butler and housekeeper. He doesn't welcome guests, however. Mithras and Triton, the ghost shrimp, are a lot more fun than I'd ever imagined. Everybody seems to love the almond leaves and tourmaline beads. The leaves do darken the water, but Bettas are supposed to like dark water, and I think they do. I only use the dark blue, green, and purple lights. The red light makes Felix mad.
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