Thursday, September 14, 2023

Dreams 9/14

 So many dreams today, and they all started with me dropping a raw egg on to the kitchen floor.

 Next, I was riding a train at night with Ron and Tim. Ron and I were sitting facing the window. I made a pan of brownies in a toaster oven I had, there, then ate them all. Worst part was I'd take a bite, set my brownie down on the floor, pick it up again, and eat it. 

Then, I was on a sort of interview with two men. The one was gray with glasses. I was discussing how I'd gotten a little autographed poetry book. I think it was Alan Ginsberg, but can't be sure. The book was a small green hardback. 

By the fourth dream I was in a big house with my brother. Felix, my Betta fish, was there. We were playing with him in a sort of doll house. He had water, but not a lot. I took him and put him back in his tank. We had an entire row of fishtanks, all types and sizes. They were out on the ledge of a long open aired veranda facing a lake. Glenn had added a little hexangular one on the end that had schools of tiny ghost looking minnows. They looked like ghost shrimp or glass. 

Finally, Shiner was the star. He was wagging his tail, which was longer, and very happy. He was at the foot of the kitchen steps. 

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