Sunday, September 24, 2023

Dreams 9/24

 This dream began with me exiting through the right hand side of a busy department store. There was a Furby convention and contest happening. These were not those little talking Satanic toys, however, nor the freaks who identify as dogs, but actual strange creatures. At first I thought they were just stuffed toys, but not, they were alive. One, was an old wrinkly bald geezer's head with bat wings round back. It had some sort of fly legs as eye lashes that it was moving around just like a nasty old vomiting fly. Once outside, and they were lining up at the door, it was night and lit by street lamps. I spotted a big pink moth and said, "Hello, beautiful Elephant Hawkmoth!". Then, I saw a bigger moth that resembled a barn owl. It had a big round yellow fuzzy head that looked like a smiley face and large white wings with black polka dots. I reached out my hand, and it landed on my wrist with a "PPPCH" sort of noise. That's when I realized it was sucking my blood, and tore it off. It wasn't easy to get rid of, and I was thinking it must be a big fruit piercing moth. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats