Sunday, March 31, 2024
Easter at The Farnsworth House
Dreams 3/31
Dreamt that I was staying in a motel with Ron. I was out back with a big red tub, fighting it up a muddy hill in the woods. A racoon was watching.Then, I was back in our room, and there was a black woman bathing in the same red tub. Sitting at the table Ron and I were discussing my job hunt. I said I could work at the mall awhile. He told me I didn't have any experience teaching. I said otherwise. Then, he told me we could lease our motel room out while we were away.
Two nights ago I'd forgotten to mention that I dreamt two big green glow fish were in my cube aquarium. There was another dream, too, that I'd forgotten because I was not feeling well enough to bother remembering. Must consciously try to remember dreams.
Friday, March 29, 2024
The Best People
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Monday, March 25, 2024
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Fun with Dark Shadows Paper Dolls & More
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Dreams 3/21
Dreamt that Theresa and I were staying at a cottage in the country at the end of a dirt road. Stevie Nicks was there giving an intimate concert from the front porch. I was singing with her, and totally butchered the first song, not knowing the words. I rocked Gold Dust Woman. Theresa had to leave early as she had another engagement.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Dreams 3/19
So many dreams to report! First, I was in a colony. It might've been Reading, 1775. It was quite primitive, wet, and cold. I was supposed to marry some stranger, but chose Thomas, an old school friend from Denmark, instead. He was wearing a long green wool coat. He had fallen into the frozen creek and lost his clothes. I pulled him out by his arms and covered his naked body with a green woolen blanket. He was freezing.
I was hearing the Tom Tom Twins Genius of Love playing in my head.
Just like that I find the next dream slipping away, (I think Mummy was there), so I'm going on to the last, while I've got it. I was the passenger in my Kiwi friend, Tracey's, car. She had rather short red hair styled like Sheena Easton's, only a bit longer in the back like we wore in junior high, not a mullet, though. We were driving through tunnels when we came to an animated land like the old BEATLES cartoon. They were singing this song, something about a woman, a countess, of sorts. I was holding a phone out the window, trying to look up the song. We knew it, only we were sure it wasn't a BEATLES tune.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Dreams 3/19
Dreamt I was in a strange room and opened a box of insects. Two enormous iridescent beetles spilled out, one bigger than the other. They looked like Japanese beetles only way bigger and longer. The big one was more elongated than the other. They seemed to clasp on to each other, and I managed to captured them by placing a jar over them on the floor. There was also a big walking stick who scampered off. I lost him. The worst of the cache was an enormous gray wooly spider. He was bigger than my hand. His head was squarish. He tumbled down into a yellow blanket, and I tried to squash him. I think I might've gotten one of his legs, but he got away, and I was too nervous for sleep.
Pretty sure the next dream had Ron in it, but I can't remember.
Monday, March 18, 2024
Apparently I'm back on X. I had quit back when I SPAMMED Obama's posts but continued to recieve his commie BS. It's a new account. I'm just starting to look for my fav peeps. I had quit all psycho media, so we'll see how long this lasts. My former shitter account was uc like my fakebook.
Dreams 3/18
This dream began at an odd school. It was something like the place where I used to teach. Ancient Egyptians, looked like Isis, and her minion, were taking over. They were very tall, at least twelve feet, solid gold, bedazzled with jewels, with red eyes that shot lasers that killed, caused fires, and destroyed. I think I was a student, not sure. I do know I was trying to get to Eddie Munson's class. He was a teacher with a big Rock'a'doodle hair-do, sitting behind his desk. Then, somehow I'd gotten from the school to the mall. I did a lot of crawling, fast, though, like an insect. The mall was in ruins and the Egyptians were everywhere. I was hiding out in a nook, maybe a nursery. They were after me, but I was alluding them. There was more, and things were getting better, when I woke.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Dreams 3/17
The following dream took place in Salem village, 1708. There was a famous dark haired actor in the middle of it, I just can't place him, but his face was very familiar. The setting was a farm. The villagers had all ganged up on the man with the black hair. They had him running through hay and obstacles, trying to burn him out. He never quit, and in this aspect the dream became much like a video game. He'd be crawling, then up again, running. By some miraculous intervention the mob was not succussful in their attempts to murder the man. He wore a white shirt and rose up out of the harvest with his arms outspread.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Dreams 3/16
Pretty epic night for dreams, three, maybe four, but I only remember the second one. Mummy and I were staying at The Farnsworth House in Gettysburg. The place was nothing like the reality of it. The beds were in a long twisted cooridor, like a hostel, I suppose, but still decorated with antiques and quilts like the house really is, only not so nice. It was quite dark. Mummy and I slept in a double wooden bed painted slate blue. I remember some sort of party favor, like a tamborine, but not quite, with a cicus clown was hanging on some wooden rick rack to the right-hand-side of the bed. Since there were so many guests, we shared a bathroom like in Europe or a dormitory, only these beds looked more like something out of Dr. Seuss, there were no dividing walls. The only guest I remember is that butch that drives the monster truck in Little Evil. She, I think, maybe, was in another film about a girls' night. It is pretty funny. Calling her, she, was sleeping in the bed to the right of us. I brushed my teeth for bed, then found a big caramel chocolate bar in a thick black wrapper with gold print that I had a bite of, so was thinking I was going to have to brush them again.
All I remember of the first dream was being in bed. I might've been sick. It might have something to do with The Civil War, but I'm not sure.
Now that I've got the second one down, really trying to rack my brains about the others... I think Mummy was in the third one too...
I remember! Ron had given me a big silver charm. It sort of looked like a polished rounded whistle. It had a tiny little ram mounted on it. Told him I had a new chain to wear it on.
Friday, March 15, 2024
Dreams 3/14
First dreamt that I was staying in a dark little cabin with my friend Matt and some of his other friends. The place was dusty, and I was sleeping curled up on an old soft chair with a pale green blanket. Some girl, who was dressed like a tramp with tattered black fishnet stockings, walked past and dropped her lit Capri cigarette on the floor, that made me get up. As I was telling her off I got bit by three mosquitoes. I went into the small bathroom to see that my bites, on my neck and hand, had swelled into blisters. I popped the one on my hand. Coming out from there, Matt, too, was wound up on a chair. He said he planned to love me and something else I did not make-out. I asked him, but he didn't repeat himself. I picked up another cigarette butt from the old carpet and woke.
The next dream took place at a mall. I had a pretty teenage girl with long red hair and a dark haired boy, maybe Spanish, with me. Not sure why, but they were orphans. We were holding onto the boy, but he pulled away. Now I was waiting in line with the girl when she stole a gallon of ice-cream and was eating it with a plastic spoon. As we passed the colorful shops we came upon the boy again. Then, the girl, who was very tall, over six foot, was standing nude in a giant human sized aquarium with her red hair swirling all around her when I woke.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Saint Paddy's Day Salad
Dreams 3/13
Dreamt that I was going to school at CMU. It was a big round glass building with green steel support. I went through all of my classes. They were in auditoriums. Let's see what I can recall. I had a class, Tattooing. The professor wondered if I'd get more tattoos, and I told him, no. None of my other classees were ordinary, either. I had loads of classes, back to back. Unfortunately, seems as I sit here, trying to reel them back in, I'm coming up with a blank. But, there were some sorts of science classes, maybe space, perhaps, Mycology? I think there was an atypical Art History type of course as well, can't be sure. Egyptology? Botany? I know I was thinking it would be a wonder if I made it through the semester. Apparently, I would not.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Dreams 3/12
First, forgot I'd dreamt that a big brown moth was on the dining room table last night.
Moving on, I was in an unfamiliar cottage with Mummy. There were lots of little cabinets, and I was looking for wine. Then, I couldn't find a glass. Once I did I was chatting with Mummy across the counter when I dropped my glass, but it didn't break or spill. The base of the glass was twisted out of place, however.
Four Billion
Monday, March 11, 2024
Dreams 3/11
A nightmare I couldn't shake began in a white marble mansion. I was only looking for a bathroom. I went downstairs into the dining room where the staff were gathered round the table. A small, stout, older woman with short ginger hair killed another of the staff with a butcher knife right, there, on the table. She was threatening everybody else when I got the knife off of her and everybody scattered. I went back upstairs to the right where there seemed to be apartments and groups of people living. I still could not find an unoccupied bathroom, I kept getting interrupted and wanted to vomit. Now Ron and another man had joined me, and I told them I had to get rid of the knife because I'd touched it. It had a white handle, and I took it outside to the front of the house, beneath a bayed window in the shrubs where there was a crumbling concrete crypt or something with an out of place lid that was inscribed with a cameo of a woman and some laurel leaves. I tucked the knife under the lid. Now one of the staff had come out into the yard, a woman in a dark dress. She told us that the ginger woman had now killed thirty people, and I was thinking she'd frame me for it. I woke myself but fell right back into it. I was back in the house, alone now. There was a woman's body beneath a window on the floor. I woke myself again, and found the bathroom.
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Dreams: 3/10
This dream had a soundtrack: Dr. Hook's Sharing the Night Together. It was about a thirty-something man with short hair and glasses. He collected tiny live octopi in shadow boxes as miniaturists do. The octopi were all colors. The man seemed sort of sad.
Saturday, March 9, 2024
Dreams 3/9
Dreamt that somehow my fish were out. Ron was here and was trying to help me gather them. I caught a little catfish beneath a glass, then a beautiful red Betta. I scooped another Betta up from the floor with my hand and plopped him back in the water. He was a huge blue and white one, really gorgeous.
Friday, March 8, 2024
Dreams 3/8
Dreamt that I was standing in Mummy's living room peeking out from the curtains, it was still dark. A young blonde boy at a bus stop was looking over his shoulder at me. Somehow the kids had turned the bus driver against me, and she left without me. Mummy didn't really want to drive me to school.
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Wonder Woman
Whether or not Wonder Woman and Cat Woman killed each other, and I had to bury them in a yellow pencil box beneath Aunt Wanetta's Pussy Willow that got struck by lightning three times, I enjoy Amazon Island. I do. Not sorry.
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Dreams 3/4
Monday, March 4, 2024
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Dreams 3/2
First dreamt of a pet store where I bought a Blue Gourami. When I got it home I never even put it in my aquarium but rather took it back to the raven haired woman in the lab coat to trade for three Neon Tetras. My friend, Janeen, from high school, was also shopping there. There was more to the dream, something about the entrance to the shop, but I cannot recall.
The second dream was here: an adult sleepover. My guests were my ex's Nunny, my school friends, Dana and Colleen, a man who was so familiar, I think he was a younger version of a favorite old coworker of mine, Larry, and other Dream People. First, we were sleeping up in my room with the dolls, but there was more room, less dolls. I had a blue and white fuzzy blow up cushion that kept going down due to two puctures that I tried to patch with bandages from the bathroom cupboard, The next day we went to the den for breakfast. At least one of my friend's, the aunt of "Larry", had a little dog, a brown and white terrier who had crapped all over the floor in front of the back doors. I cleaned it all up and sprayed it with lavender before letting the dogs out. We had set-up some fold-out tables for breakfast. Some were eating cereal when I asked who wanted eggs. "Larry" wanted two hard boiled. I had brought down the toaster and some jam. Colleen moved the couch against the back doors, which wasn't a good idea. There were sheers draped over the doors. There were puzzles and games: The Golden Girls, JAWS, Ready, Steady, Worm!, and Monopoly.
Friday, March 1, 2024
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...