Friday, March 29, 2024

The Best People

Aw, I got so many cards again I had to put them around the entry like Christmas. I really know the best people. And, so many say I'm missed. It's one thing to be loved, but another to be missed, maybe better because you might love somebody but not miss them. I LOVE and MISS YOU too! Thank You! And, not just for the birthday cards and gifts but also for chatting me up. 🎈 There are no less than seven Ariens in my life and since Easter crept up so fast this year I'm afraid some of my cards and gifts may be late. They'll get there. Sent out one card already, Hola!✨, and have cookies to bake and wedding soup to make for my second ram after Easter. ɤɤɤɤɤɤɤ I'm having a good time today putting my new doll book together. I'm working on magic dolls and faeries just now, up to page forty-seven. I presume this one will be paperback like Hoagie which ought to be out soon; but, I've got a 270 page watercolored hardback book in the works too. I've also been enjoying The Good Place. Daddy would've loved it. Season two had me laughing silly last night. Good stuff. 💕

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