Sunday, March 31, 2024

Dreams 3/31


Dreamt that I was staying in a motel with Ron. I was out back with a big red tub, fighting it up a muddy hill in the woods. A racoon was watching.Then, I was back in our room, and there was a black woman bathing in the same red tub. Sitting at the table Ron and I were discussing my job hunt. I said I could work at the mall awhile. He told me I didn't have any experience teaching. I said otherwise. Then, he told me we could lease our motel room out while we were away.

Two nights ago I'd forgotten to mention that I dreamt two big green glow fish were in my cube aquarium. There was another dream, too, that I'd forgotten because I was not feeling well enough to bother remembering. Must consciously try to remember dreams. 

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