Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter at The Farnsworth House

Had another wonderful Easter at The Farnsworth House in Gettysburg. They had a fabulous buffet set-up in the main dining room. I have only eaten breakfast there, I usually eat in the pub. I like the peanut soup. Had an Easter drink made with elderflower liquor. I'm going to have to get some of that, I love it. The first martini I had in my life was made with that and pear. I love elderberry jelly too. They had a full salad bar, soup, and everything else. I ate: coleslaw, hot macaroni salad, scalloped potatoes, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, peppers, and a chocolate chip cookie. Everything was good even if I don't like sweet potatoes, these were real fluffy. Got to see my room where I'll be staying, Jeremy's Room. I've never stayed there before, only The Sarah Black room and The Mcfarlane room a couple of times over. Our server told me to bring some toys for Jeremy. He was hit by a carriage in the street and brought to that room where he passed away. I've got three authentic Civil War soldiers, General Lee, Reynolds, and an artillery man from Joanna's Furnace. My great-great-grandfather was a Yankee artillery man who survived, which was rare. I've got his fife. Reynolds was from Lancaster and died on the first day of battle. They took his body to the old-fashioned picture place where my Best Witches and I got our pictures taken as loose women with a Rebel officer. I've already gotten them and other things together for Jeremy. This room has been called one of the most haunted rooms in America. We'll see. My server was asking if I'd had any experiences in the house. I heard whistling in the bathroom of The Sarah Black Room, and there was a little dark cloud hovering over the bed. In The McFarlane room things shake and move, but the house sits right on a road where trucks pass and has old windows. I was surprised the darling bookstore was open and having a forty percent off sale. Ron got me Battlefield - Farming a Civil War Battleground by a city slicker who bought a farm in Virginia in the eighties. It looks fascinating. He also got me a Susan Boulet Isis and Osiris bookmark to go with it. We walked around the cemetery and drove along the battlefields. A lot has changed since I've been there, maybe eight years ago. Looks like CONVID killed stuff there too. The History Store is gone, which shocked me. I used to get loads of stuff there for my students and thought to take my Gettysburg board game that I dreamt of there, first. Even The Gingerbread House that had been there since I first went to Gettysburg thirty years ago is now called Eddie's. If the commies have their way it's all going to be a strip mall like down south. No doubt. Can't wait to return. It's pretty much a straight shot down 30 from here. 


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