Monday, April 1, 2024

Dreams 4/1

 Dreamt that I was in a grocery store and just before the check-out ailse there was a squeaky werewolf toy. It was bigger than a Barbie, fuzzy, and gray. There was another only it was empty, not stuffed. Then, the good-looking werewolf from TRUE BLOOD, who was also in Pee Wee's Holiday and Metal Lords, was my boyfriend. I was living at home with my parents, it was my birthday. My parents got me a big red pick-up truck. It had an owl face with yellow feathers on the front driver's side. I had it parked across the street, and Joe was upset that I was going home. I told him I had a work party for Vlad in the morning. Then I jumped up and hugged him, wrapping my legs around him. This only made him angrier because he had a white emblem on the side of his truck, an abstract depiction of his old girlfriend, Candace, from my home room, doing the same wrap-around thing. 

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