Saturday, March 2, 2024

Dreams 3/2

 First dreamt of a pet store where I bought a Blue Gourami. When I got it home I never even put it in my aquarium but rather took it back to the raven haired woman in the lab coat to trade for three Neon Tetras. My friend, Janeen, from high school, was also shopping there. There was more to the dream, something about the entrance to the shop, but I cannot recall. 

The second dream was here: an adult sleepover. My guests were my ex's Nunny, my school friends, Dana and Colleen, a man who was so familiar, I think he was a younger version of a favorite old coworker of mine, Larry, and other Dream People. First, we were sleeping up in my room with the dolls, but there was more room, less dolls. I had a blue and white fuzzy blow up cushion that kept going down due to two puctures that I tried to patch with bandages from the bathroom cupboard, The next day we went to the den for breakfast. At least one of my friend's, the aunt of "Larry", had a little dog, a brown and white terrier who had crapped all over the floor in front of the back doors. I cleaned it all up and sprayed it with lavender before letting the dogs out. We had set-up some fold-out tables for breakfast. Some were eating cereal when I asked who wanted eggs. "Larry" wanted two hard boiled. I had brought down the toaster and some jam. Colleen moved the couch against the back doors, which wasn't a good idea. There were sheers draped over the doors. There were puzzles and games: The Golden Girls, JAWS, Ready, Steady, Worm!, and Monopoly. 

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