Monday, March 18, 2024

Dreams 3/18

 This dream began at an odd school. It was something like the place where I used to teach. Ancient Egyptians, looked like Isis, and her minion, were taking over. They were very tall, at least twelve feet, solid gold, bedazzled with jewels, with red eyes that shot lasers that killed, caused fires, and destroyed. I think I was a student, not sure. I do know I was trying to get to Eddie Munson's class. He was a teacher with a big Rock'a'doodle hair-do, sitting behind his desk. Then, somehow I'd gotten from the school to the mall. I did a lot of crawling, fast, though, like an insect. The mall was in ruins and the Egyptians were everywhere. I was hiding out in a nook, maybe a nursery. They were after me, but I was alluding them. There was more, and things were getting better, when I woke. 

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