Friday, March 15, 2024

Dreams 3/14

 First dreamt that I was staying in a dark little cabin with my friend Matt and some of his other friends. The place was dusty, and I was sleeping curled up on an old soft chair with a pale green blanket. Some girl, who was dressed like a tramp with tattered black fishnet stockings, walked past and dropped her lit Capri cigarette on the floor, that made me get up. As I was telling her off I got bit by three mosquitoes. I went into the small bathroom to see that my bites, on my neck and hand, had swelled into blisters. I popped the one on my hand. Coming out from there, Matt, too, was wound up on a chair. He said he planned to love me and something else I did not make-out. I asked him, but he didn't repeat himself. I picked up another cigarette butt from the old carpet and woke. 

The next dream took place at a mall. I had a pretty teenage girl with long red hair and a dark haired boy, maybe Spanish, with me. Not sure why, but they were orphans. We were holding onto the boy, but he pulled away. Now I was waiting in line with the girl when she stole a gallon of ice-cream and was eating it with a plastic spoon. As we passed the colorful shops we came upon the boy again. Then, the girl, who was very tall, over six foot, was standing nude in a giant human sized aquarium with her red hair swirling all around her when I woke. 

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