Saturday, March 16, 2024

Dreams 3/16

 Pretty epic night for dreams, three, maybe four, but I only remember the second one. Mummy and I were staying at The Farnsworth House in Gettysburg. The place was nothing like the reality of it. The beds were in a long twisted cooridor, like a hostel, I suppose, but still decorated with antiques and quilts like the house really is, only not so nice. It was quite dark. Mummy and I slept in a double wooden bed painted slate blue. I remember some sort of party favor, like a tamborine, but not quite, with a cicus clown was hanging on some wooden rick rack to the right-hand-side of the bed. Since there were so many guests, we shared a bathroom like in Europe or a dormitory, only these beds looked more like something out of Dr. Seuss, there were no dividing walls. The only guest I remember is that butch that drives the monster truck in Little Evil. She, I think, maybe, was in another film about a girls' night. It is pretty funny. Calling her, she, was sleeping in the bed to the right of us. I brushed my teeth for bed, then found a big caramel chocolate bar in a thick black wrapper with gold print that I had a bite of, so was thinking I was going to have to brush them again. 

All I remember of the first dream was being in bed. I might've been sick. It might have something to do with The Civil War, but I'm not sure. 

Now that I've got the second one down, really trying to rack my brains about the others... I think Mummy was in the third one too...

I remember! Ron had given me a big silver charm. It sort of looked like a polished rounded whistle. It had a tiny little ram mounted on it. Told him I had a new chain to wear it on. 

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