Monday, March 11, 2024

Dreams 3/11

 A nightmare I couldn't shake began in a white marble mansion. I was only looking for a bathroom. I went downstairs into the dining room where the staff were gathered round the table. A small, stout, older woman with short ginger hair killed another of the staff with a butcher knife right, there, on the table. She was threatening everybody else when I got the knife off of her and everybody scattered. I went back upstairs to the right where there seemed to be apartments and groups of people living. I still could not find an unoccupied bathroom, I kept getting interrupted and wanted to vomit. Now Ron and another man had joined me, and I told them I had to get rid of the knife because I'd touched it. It had a white handle, and I took it outside to the front of the house, beneath a bayed window in the shrubs where there was a crumbling concrete crypt or something with an out of place lid that was inscribed with a cameo of a woman and some laurel leaves. I tucked the knife under the lid. Now one of the staff had come out into the yard, a woman in a dark dress. She told us that the ginger woman had now killed thirty people, and I was thinking she'd frame me for it. I woke myself but fell right back into it. I was back in the house, alone now. There was a woman's body beneath a window on the floor. I woke myself again, and found the bathroom. 

A Tale of Two Forest Rats