Thursday, October 31, 2024
Halloween 2024
Frankie's First Halloween
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Shannen's Gifts
Free HBO and MAX this week, looks like a load of commie 💩 there. Watching The Watchers, it's alright. Shannen O'Lantern's seeds with salt and butter, (out of oil), took twice as long to bake but taste twice as good. Frankie loves them. He also loves guinea wings. Although he could come and go from the fairy cottage to the barn he does not try to run away. He actually gets nervous that I'm going to toss him out. Sir Frankie Crisp is eating good in the neighborhood. He loves to play with toilet paper and paper towel rolls. My black Betta, Lennox, is doing well too. He's so black you can't see his eyes, beautiful. I used half of Shannen's sweet meat to make a dozen homemade pumpkin muffins. They're good. I still have a pot in the fridge to bake a cake with later. I've been captive in the kitchen long enough. I've got a costume for tomorrow that I've not been able to wear, so I'll see you then. Have a Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Shannen O'Lantern
I had taken Frankie's advice only to have forgotten my dream again- gone. It has been a while since I've blogged about my fish. The only good things about this past cruel summer after WWII Weekend were my books and my aquariums. I enjoyed a fabulous healthy happy time with them. We had gone to the Poconos Saturday to eat at The Waterwheel. When I got up that morning everybodies' favorite Paradise Betta the Tetra Killer was dead. He got put in a seashell and placed in the fish cemetery along with Felix and Mars. I moved Julius to his tank as he was outgrowing the frog tank. He seems happier with the three catfish: Oscar, Ector, and Govinda. Tattoo, the esmerald cory cat, in the frog tank is big. I'd been feeling sorry for him being the only cat there and considered moving Oscar back to his original frog tank. He's my oldest fish: I've had him for seventeen months. I expect him to live to be five like my cats I've had in the past. He's just too happy with his Glo cat friends for me to upset, so I got another esmerald for Tat, Rose. They are overjoyed, and it is very pleasing to watch. I had only gone to the pet store to get the catfish plus another Glow Light tetra for Shini. She schools with the neons and black neons in Merlin's cylindrical tank, but Vishnu had eaten her kin: Buddah, Lassit, and Atif before I moved her. I felt sorry for little Shini and picked up Garrish for her. I'm glad I did, and glow tetras are so much fun to watch whirling around a tall tank. I have been wanting a black Betta for a while. I only seem to see them when I don't have the room for them. That's how I got stuck with that murderous bitch Juno, my first and last female. Like Juno Lennox is a Black Orchid. He is small and young, so he fits well with the frogs and cats. I could not resist him. He's gorgeous. They had a White Opal male too. Some day I would like to have one.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Friday, October 25, 2024
SNL turns on Kamala Harris with hilarious parody as she is ‘abandoned’ b...
Ten Days
I dreamed of a woman and an apartment, but I was too tired to scribble down details that have been forgotten. The last ten days have felt like a couple of months. I've always had strange relatations with time and money. I've never given them the attention. Honestly, I don't really believe in either of them. They are both man made concepts designed to keep me in line. I prefer to whirl in circles. It's a good thing too because I'm still not allowed to eat or sleep. Sir Frankie Crisp looks wild, but he's only yawning. I have yet to hear him growl or hiss. He purrs incessantly. This morning he was at my desk trying to fish my pendulum from the velvet bag. I was tired so shut him out like I used to do to Shiner when he would attack me for moving. Then I heard a pounding at my door, not a scratching, not a rapping, a pounding. When I got up the metal bathtub plug was outside my door. He was using it as a knocker. He is up to three meals a day now plus treats. I will not let him get fat, but I think he has grown in the four days we've had him. Sympathy and I are not friends. Mummy called me cold hearted, but sympathy only ever made me feel worse. I do appreciate the cards though. All the LOVE from the bottom of my cold black broken heart.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Breakfast with Frankie
We watched a wonderful rendition of Wuthering Heights last night that rivals my favorite A&E's from the nineties. It's only a couple of years old. That's a favorite book, I love the Brontes. We have free FlixFling (or something) this week. We watched Carved on hulu the other night too. That was not the worst horror flick, but it's no competition for Pumpkinhead. Know I dreamed of Theresa, but can't remember, although Frankie was trying to get me up for breakfast. When I would not get up he decided to go down and make breakfast himself. Shiner always supervised his meals, but Frankie jumps up on the counter. It was Lysoled about a hundred times last night, only twice so far this morning.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Fanging with Frankie
Frankie enjoys the simple things: a bag, a rug, and a ball of yarn. He likes watching the juvenile robins taking a bird bath. We wakes up early and attacks my restless leg syndrome. This morning he checked into The Collins Port Inn quite literally. My cat proofing continues. He's clawsome.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Frankie's First Days
Monday, October 21, 2024
Leftists React to Trump Working at McDonalds
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Sir Frankie Crisp
The Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Monday, October 14, 2024
Only got 😉 in my new $5 tee-shirt, no dirty looks. Wanted You Missed 🖕😎🖕, but they only had that in Super FAT. Notice there are no fat folks at Republican rallies, they must all be demonrats. Proof + commies are lazy and eat nasty food.
Dreams 10/14
Second try: translating the dream scribble. I started off sleeping in a big bed with good sheets. I wasn't alone, there was at least a man and a woman sharing the bed with me and a madame watching. My bed partners were still sleeping when the madame wanted us to get busy. I wasn't into the kink and scampered out of bed. I was running up and down the grand wooden staircase looking into the rooms. The place wasn't that well kept. There was a man looking for me, and at some point I dove under an unmade bed with a navy blue spread and hid. I finally escaped the house. Once outside in the morning light I could see it was a red brick Victorian. It had an interesting set of four small square windows lined up in the back. The man was still coming after me, I was crawling over big wet rocks. The ground was muddy. I have written suicide in my notepad, but I can't remember that. The dream notepad works. I probably would've completely forgotten this dream.
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Did 60 Minutes Commit Fraud In Its Kamala Interview?
Elders Cut Meadery
Love bees, love honey, didn't think I liked mead. Have tried Rebel Hive again and again. Sorry, but no doctoring, and I'm crafty as fuck, can make me like it. I like this stuff! I tried it at Joanna Furnace's Apple Festival last year, I believe it was raspberry, and I'm no huge fan of raspberries, I'm more a mulberry elderberry girl, but it was good. Yesterday I scored a mixed four pack: cider, orange, raspberry, and lemon. The cider is tasty and so is the orange. I'm a fan. Want the lime. I know the farmers markets and super markets sell Rebel Hive. I'm going to have to look for this or order online: Elders Cut Meadery 🐝🍯🐝
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Joanna Furnace Apple Festival
Dreams 10/12
I thought I'd foiled my dream forgetfulness by leaving the closet light on and sleeping with a pad and pen at hand. If only I'd learn to decipher the dream script I'd be set: working on it.
First I dreamed of Matt Koett again, he'll be pleased to know. I've been told time and again by roosters to stop naming in my blog. I usually don't include surnames, and to avoid the commies I make 💩 up, (Bitch with the Hammer, Killary, Oogie Booger, Michael, Kid Smeller, Cabala Embarrass), but I don't have to be persnickety when it comes to Matt, never have. So back to the dream, or what I can make out of it. I was at home with my parents getting dressed in my childhood bedroom. Matt came over, and we were all going out to eat. Now, the final clue says "Darcr"... Oh! I just figured it out! Yes, it says Darcy. We met Dame Darcy while we were out, and Matt fell in love. It's nice to go back in time with Matt. I've always been good at deciphering scribbles and pronouncing names, why I was a hit as an English teacher besides being so much fun.
Anyway, the next dream was not fun, and what's more, I think I've dreamed it before. I was in the cellar of a corporation where I worked, I came down stairs and saw a blonde woman with a bobbed haircut dressed in blue work coveralls standing against an open stainless steel door. When she saw that I had busted her she became small and clay and tucked herself away in a plastic to go container, only I grabbed it, opened it, and squeezed her into mush. Too bad for me one of her many partners in crime saw me do it and called out for help. Now they were after me. They were all dressed in the blue coveralls. Still holding fast to the container and Play-doh mush girl I scampered away, but they were in pursuit. The place was very industrial: stainless steel, blue plastic, with a concrete floor. I had reached a metal fire escape outside. The first to catch up with me was a girl with a little brown ponytail. Here it says, "koaong"? No idea. Anyway, she was trying to kill me, they were shouting about what I'd done to Play-doh Girl, and didn't want it to get out. I hit Ponytail Girl in the head, hard, with a big rock and she fell from the fire escape. The chase persisted. Each time one would get close to nabbing me I'd disappear. I think I was beginning to do this lucidly as I try to pull myself from nightmares especially when I'm in mortal danger. There is another word I can't make out, "seinal"? Maybe it's signal as they were calling out to each other. I'll work on it. Maybe it's a Dream Word like the Dream People. It's an interesting new twist. Back to the dream, my pursuers were all men at this point, and I'd pop out of sight anytime they became too much of a threat. The final one was Matt Czuchry. He was standing against a set of lockers singing a song. The song went something like this: the girl you didn't get doesn't love me. The chorus sang, "evil grows". And, some people wonder, but no. I had nothing to drink. These dreams are the result of being out of wine. My favorite, Mad Hairy Fella, El Goru, from Spain, is in season. Yes, I’ve strayed a bit, which usually doesn’t happen, but it’s relative.
Friday, October 11, 2024
Jelly Roll Morton - The Pearls (1988)
Thursday, October 10, 2024
O, My Ghoul!
O, my ghoul, I thought she was just a commie hyena ho who sucked old political cock, let pedophiles off the hook, and was Oogie Booger's buddy to get where she is. I didn't realize she was a complete moron. I had eighth grade students that could speak better than this. Even the special ed kids were better. It's not funny.
Holy shitter, I think the commies have already deleted the video. I shouldn't be surprised. I hate shitter and all psycho media. I had quit shitter back when Oogie Booger was president. I continued to recieve his commie 💩 even after SPAMMING him. Then, after Elon Musk took over I magically, (that goes out to Dame Darcy ✨), started getting emails from X. I started to use it, only to get suspended. Now, they won't let me delete my account, says it's because I'm suspended. In other words, still 💩.
As my great grade school girlfriend put it, "we're fucked".
PS: The Kid Smeller Knows what a Moronic Liar She Is
Dude, she's a little long in the tooth to suck her way out of this 💩.
Sho' nuf' tain't no Roller Girl.
Dreams 10/10
I had three dreams, but the third has been lost to the ether. First, I was working in a department store with a tall blonde woman and two dark haired guys. We were wearing blue smocks. I was standing on a strange wooden stand that was something between a church pew and a music stand. The blonde was standing next to me. We were looking for something. I was on the ground and picked up a large polyglot crystal. It might've been rainbow or peacock obsidian. It was midnight blue with iridescent hues and shone like glass. I wanted it, I think, and asked one of the men the price. I think it was around seventy-nine dollars which wasn't bad considering the size and weight of it.
Next I was in something like Mummy's kitchen but it was different. Theresa and a boy were with me as well as Johnny ferret. There was a mossy little hole, very soft and green. I had stepped away for a minute and Johnny had vanished down the hole. I was upset with Theresa for allowing it to happen. I was looking for Johnny and calling him. Ron came in and asked what I was looking for. I told him Johnny ferret, and he asked what a ferret was. I explained to him that it was something like a weasel. Then, I noticed it was not a hole at all rather a pipe and that Johnny never could have fit through it. I found Johnny, was very grateful, and was holding and snuggling him. Wish I could remember the third dream, it wasn't bad.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Dreams 10/9
I've only been sleeping every three days three times as much, which is good for Fanging with Claude anyway. I dreamed of little gray bats, very cute.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Monday, October 7, 2024
I Like Bats
Sunday, October 6, 2024
Dreams 10/6
I had a nightmare. An ugly redhead in a yellow t-shirt and I were fighting. She attacked me, and I was trying to get her off of me. She had a razor blade and cut my wrist when I forced myself awake. My wrist was bothering me.
Vermont Teddy Bears
I have three of these from Ron: the devil and vampire Valentines bears and the Irish bear. They are very nice old-fashioned teddies, well made in America. Nice gifts with lifetime warranties, not going to get that at Hell Mart. 🧸
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Dreams 10/3
Dreamed that I was helping Shiner down the ramp when he slipped down behind it. I woke up, bolted upright, saying, "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" out loud. It seemed very real.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Dreams 10/1
Dreamed I had a little dark haired girlfriend that traveled with her dog. She'd stay in hotel rooms with a middle-aged man who she worked with and the dog who might've been a Pomeranian mix. She was reclining at the pool showing me pictures of the man sleeping in bed. She was very friendly and animated.
Spare Me
Maybe I've Spammed You
Sometimes I get lost in retrospect. Other times I could not give a fuck. This is how to survive. Shrinks are all crazy by nature. Blocking can help. Nobody knows this better than I. If you have been wearing on my soul, if you have little love or creativity to carry you, I've likely added you to lots of SPAM. It's alright. I was in Hawaii as a kid. It was not Hawaii 5 0 even if Danno signed my napkin at the luau, rather a bunch of fat SPAMmers. I'm a 2%er. I cannot let the 98% drag me down with them. The FIX is in, Cabala Embarrass will be president, no doubt. I report her ads as scams too. Gag me, used to it.
Don't care. 🤮
Love me or hate me, don't hope to change me.
Cabala was speaking in the liquor store today saying The Donald would lock you up for getting an abortion. I cannot deal with imbeciles like this. Never could. ☮ Roger Waters was at Mr. Celente's peace rally, but he's no Van Morrison. He's been jabbed so many times he makes Syd look like a smart ass. Spare me.
Available as an ebook, soon to be released in paperback, Pottsgrove Manor and Saint Michael's Cemetery is another Pennsylvania picture...
Dreamed I was back in the kitchen of the old house in Oakland. I wanted to take a shower in one of two ovens. First, my brother was there....
I dreamed that I was getting married. It was summertime by the pool. There were Tiki. I don't remember a lot of details. It was prior t...