Friday, October 25, 2024

Ten Days

   I dreamed of a woman and an apartment, but I was too tired to scribble down details that have been forgotten. The last ten days have felt like a couple of months. I've always had strange relatations with time and money. I've never given them the attention. Honestly, I don't really believe in either of them. They are both man made concepts designed to keep me in line. I prefer to whirl in circles. It's a good thing too because I'm still not allowed to eat or sleep. Sir Frankie Crisp looks wild, but he's only yawning. I have yet to hear him growl or hiss. He purrs incessantly. This morning he was at my desk trying to fish my pendulum from the velvet bag. I was tired so shut him out like I used to do to Shiner when he would attack me for moving. Then I heard a pounding at my door, not a scratching, not a rapping, a pounding. When I got up the metal bathtub plug was outside my door. He was using it as a knocker. He is up to three meals a day now plus treats. I will not let him get fat, but I think he has grown in the four days we've had him. Sympathy and I are not friends. Mummy called me cold hearted, but sympathy only ever made me feel worse. I do appreciate the cards though. All the LOVE from the bottom of my cold black broken heart. 

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