Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bernhard Adam Cemetery & Museum Park

 What a precious day! Ron took me to the oldest cemetery in Reading, Bernhard Adam. It dates from 1744, and was the old Welsh Baptist Meeting House. The walls are crumbling. A dying tree is its only sentinel. There are Revolutionary War soldiers buried here. It is the closest cemetery to DARK SHADOWS as I've ever seen. Told Ron, forget the vultures' sleep this Halloween, bring me back here. It's near by, and I'm pretty sure a hand will dig itself out of the ground to greet me. If you are as enraptured with cemeteries as we are you can get the ebook now. A little paperback ought to be available soon. 

See Bernhard Adam Cemetery

Finally getting to open my Wednesday Addams doll. She's going to be Raven's new roomie. I wanted Enid, but I have so many dolls. Stay tuned... 

Dreams 8/31

 First I dreamed I was in Venice. Then, Theresa, Rick, some Dream People, and I were on a road trip to Gettysburg when we stopped to stay in an old two storey house with white siding; it needed a paint job. We were getting out of the car, which I think was a red SUV, and Theresa was talking about the house. It was getting dark. Inside the place was a dump, and a family was living there: an older mother with her three grown children, two daughters and a son. The oldest girl was taking a bath when we got there, I'd guess she was thirty with short brown hair. The accommodations were adjoining rooms with dirty clothes scattered about. I could hear the youngest daughter with her husband in the next room. He was trying to talk her into sex, but she wasn't having it. I got up because I couldn't sleep and walked about. One of my male companions was blaming the stay on my friend's husband Greg. I was sitting there thinking that Theresa had booked the room, and that Greg wasn't even there, so how was it his fault? I went back to my room. The big dirty green sunken tub where the daughter had been bathing when we got there was empty now. Rick and his girlfriend, Katie, were sitting in a small square bathtub with a white fence around it. Katie was wearing glasses and a white bathing cap. Rick was giving her a hard time about something when he told me it was his aunt Mary Anne's house. I was surprised. It was now morning and I went outside with the brother of the house who had dark hair and was in his twenties or thirties. We were climbing over some large yellow boulders that seemed to be sandstone when I rolled over and woke up. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

OVER MY DEAD BODY: Unearthing the Hidden Histories of America’s Cemeteri...

Not only are The Great Courses free this week, (watching Medieval Cities: York, Wool & Prayer), but so is Curiosity University. I watched Unsolved History with a lady from Stanford. Unlike The Great Courses these are so far only an hour long. I'm watching this now with a teacher from The Naval Academy. Love it already. 

Dreams 8/30

 Dreamed I was back living with Adinda in a dorm room for the third time this month. This was an entirely different dormitory, older. The room was very long and deep. The lighting wasn't so good, and there were clothes and opened suitcases all over, not very homey. Adinda had gone back to Holland for a day, and when she did not return I grew very worried. I reported her disappearance to a young woman with short sandy colored hair. I told her it wasn't like her. If she had planned to stay longer she would've told me. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Beatles - Blue Jay Way

The jays are at the bath, & I'm back in junior high... Watching Wednesday: best principal ever! 

Captivating Tarot

 Like my DARK SHADOWS cards, Captivating Tarot has not been available since I was printing them myself and selling them on regretsy. It's not only available again, but you might pick up reasonable instructions and symbolism cards as well as notebooks. They are not included with the deck as I tried to keep the price down. I attempted to print them out on the cards, but the print was too small to read. I'm going to include them here. 

Buy Captivating Tarot

Shipping is outrageous as usual so join the mailing list. The five dollar off coupon works. 

Tarot Notebook

My Aunt taught me to read cards. I always keep the original intention of playing cards in mind when dealing with the Tarot, seeing them as a kind of spiritual solitaire. I am not at all certain of what kind of force is behind the cards; I just know that they are accurate and true. I have learned to trust the cards as I have come to trust my own intuition. Perhaps that is the power of the cards; I believe they are born of the subconscious and the Jungian notion of the collective unconscious of the world.

I have always read all of the cards, shuffling like a gambler and cutting the deck three times while formulating my curiosities in mind. I tap on the top card three times before laying out the spread.

Keep in mind while dealing with the Tarot that the cards reveal the big picture; that is to say, that you may think something is very important at the time that does not even register with the cards, as they are attempting to reveal something far more critical to you. Most of our human issues are pretty petty in the light of the world, God, life, and death.

I can tell at first glance if the spread is accurate or not. The cards will be rendered inaccurate if you attempt to do several readings for different people, one after the other. Perhaps the reader’s energy is sapped, I believe, or perhaps confusion takes over.

I have color coded this deck. The Major Arcana, being the most powerful cards, have a black background, enveloping everything, reminiscent of the womb, the cave.

The cards are also elemental. Swords/Spades have a red background representing violence, destruction, hatred, war fare, the power of air, the atmosphere, metal, forged by man, the mind and blood of man. Blue, gray, the colors of air, also prevail throughout the suit, as are black and gold, the tangible colors of man. Generally speaking, Swords usually represent people of a militant nature. They usually have dark hair, light skin and eyes, the wintry sort. But, remember, with the Tarot, the physical as well as spiritual nature of the person is represented.

You may think the person to be of one suit, while the cards will deem them otherwise. You must wait and see what the cards say about the person. When doing a reading, the person’s court significator will reveal itself. They may even be represented as a card from the Major Arcana. Their significator may change over the course of time.

That being said, the Wands/Clubs, have a green background, representing the creative force of nature, the power of fire, and wood. It is not a fire of destruction, but the creative, metaphysical fire of passion, magic, and ambition. Wands are doers. While Swords represent the air signs of the zodiac, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, the thinkers, and talkers, Wands represent the fire signs, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, people of a more childish, physical nature, artists, writers, teachers…The active colors of fire, gold and orange, are also spread throughout the suit. Wands usually have brown or auburn hair and light skin and eyes.

Cups/Hearts are represented with a blue background, the element of water, the realm of dreams. They are from the deep, the merpeople, and are often misunderstood, for their world is not the tangible world of man, but the watery depths of the heart. The golden color of the chalice is also dominate throughout the suite; however, unlike Pentacles, not the gold of man, but the golden lined clouds of dreams, captured eternally in the depths of the chalice. Cups are the dreamers, deep water signs, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. They are visionaries. Usually they are fair haired and lovely. Addiction is the ill fated quality of the Cups.

Pentacles/Diamonds have a golden background, representing the earth element, the power of gold, money, and man. They are the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. They represent the power of wealth, family, real estate, the land, and worldly things. Like the Earth, they are slow, but steadfast. They are the best with practical matters and live in the real world with feet rooted to the ground. They are usually dark complected, with dark, curling hair, and deep, rich eyes.

Generalities with the suits concerning race…Not the rule, as with life, so with the Tarot…There are exceptions to every general rule.

Swords: Celtic, Saxon, Asian

Wands: American, Irish, Australian, New Zealand

Cups: Nordic, Anglo, Eastern European

Pentacles: African, Mediterranean, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Indian

Certain races such as the English, Irish, German…etc…are extremely difficult to categorize into one specific suit. For instance, how can all Asians be Swords? That is why it is difficult to determine suites according to physical attributes such as race or even birthdays. Personality and psychology have more to do with the Tarot, where intuition and imagination replace realities such as time or place.

The Royal House

Kings are mature, decisive men of great power. They rule the suits with great calm and authority.

Queens are women of a subtle sort of power. Theirs’ is more power of the manipulative sort. All the Royals are capable of great power of their own making, both good and evil.

Knights are the young, life’s blood of The Royal House, the activists, chivalric, or arrogant, noble, or incredibly stupid, they all portray valor of action as their element. Knights, as in chess, are always depicted on horseback, suggesting their harness on nature. They are men with great power of suggestion. Jacks, in playing cards, are more a combination of Knights and Pages.

Pages are youths, studious, or disruptive and unruly, they often symbolize and personify other elements in a reading. They are both boys and girls.


Please Note: If more than half the cards in a reading are reversed, this does not necessarily mean that they are all ill dignified. Some of the cards, most, I believe, only have one true meaning, which is why I have not included upright and reversed meanings for all of the cards. I have tried to simplify matters without losing the true meaning and integrity of the cards.

The Twenty-two Major Arcana

The Fool dances madly and blindly amongst rose colored clouds. Joy, childishness, stupidity. The Fool is a wise creature that disregards all reasonable, sensible solutions. Carefree and gullible, The Fool follows the heart, is rash, and rushes into whims and folly.

  1. The Mage waits patiently with his blackbirds under cloak of invisibility. He is the keeper of ancient secrets and creative white magic. His realm is the land of dreams. His gifts are knowingness and prophesy.

  2. The High Priestess is an oracle. She lives in a temple atop a hidden spring. Robed in peacock, she has the third eye, the power to see. Dark magic, occult wisdom, feminine power.

  3. The Empress rules. She is a matriarch, a mother or grandmother. She is nurturing and creative. She is nature, the animals, fertile crescents, and caves.

  4. The Emperor A ruler. Animal energy, the animus. The Emperor is thoughtful but still a force to be reckoned with.

  5. The Hierophant Wise man, Magi, holy man. The power of God. God’s will.

  6. The Lovers Love of both a physical and spiritual nature. Overwhelming love, sexual force.

  7. The Chariot Domination, conquest, competition, leadership.

  8. Justice is delicate and blind. She sees into the heart of the matter. She balances the scales and rules with a fist of iron. She is timeless, without race or creed; she works alone.

  9. The Hermit is a spirit guide, a protective being. Wandering alone by candlelight, The Hermit is a wise creature, avoiding contact of the physical realm. An artist or teacher. The Hermit is not lonely.

  10. Wheel of Fortune Fortune, destiny, karma, fate. If ill dignified, fate is against you, but life is a turning wheel, like the tides, it’s cyclical.

  11. Strength Physical and emotional strength. Grace under pressure. Everything is not what it appears to be. Comfort and solace from unexpected sources. Health, immunity, endurance, compassion. A courageous heart.

  12. The Hanged Man is hanging for his treachery, his noble treachery. He has some valuable information, and his pocket watch has stopped. Funny thing is, he could escape if he wanted, but hangs, suspended, seeing the world from another perspective. The rope is the line between life and death. This card also depicts suicide.

  13. Death The Mothman is an omen of death and disaster. All death, red, yellow, and white are dispelled, or perhaps it is ash, or a warning in SONAR. He also symbolizes change, metamorphosis.

  14. Temperance An angel mixing elements into art, she is virtuous, patient, and kind.

  15. The Devil Under cover of night, The Devil is a charming man, staring in fascination with his latest kill. Surrounded with flame, devil’s ivy, and devil’s tongue, he is dangerous and beguiling. He symbolizes pride, greed, and lust. He is sadistic and controlling.

  16. The Tower Cataclysmic events, war, storms. The end of a way of life. Rebuilding out of the ashes. Destruction. May signify worldly events or happenings based upon your own decisions.

  17. The Star We are all made of star dust. The Star is the guardian angel of hope when all seems dark. A glimmer of childlike bliss. The Star is timeless peace. The water from her urn is rejuvenating to the spirit and inner child. Make a wish and trust in the power of the lone little star.

  18. The Moon Intuition, lunacy, strange prophetic dreams. Feminine wiles and dark forces of nature, the cycle of life. If ill dignified, addiction, uncanny events in the night, seduction, mistrust.

  19. The Sun Nurturing force, white light, happiness, well being, abundance. If ill dignified it is a warning of fire, big fires, far away, and watch for small house fires.

  20. Judgment A reckoning. Karmic wake-up call from God. Bliss or the fires of hell.

  21. The World Fate in action. Travel, success. Things are working in your favor. Worldly events.

The Fifty-six Minor Arcana

King of Wands The King is an enterprising figure, subtle pride. He has an adventurous nature and an active imagination. He is kind and generous. He is cunning and analytical. If ill dignified he is boastful and cruel.

Queen of Wands The fiery spirit of The Queen is a creative force. Childlike, she is a graceful dancer and endowed with musical or other creative gifts. She rules the realm of imagination and fruition. Quick witted. If ill dignified she is spiteful and vengeful with a sharp tongue.

Knight of Wands The Knight is imagination on a mission, full force. He is the personification of creative power and force. Chivalrous, charming, and diplomatic, he is an eloquent speaker. Noble heart. Timing is his weakness. Ill dignified he is manic and aimless, arrogant, critical, vengeful, and childish.

Page of Wands Sweet natured, creative youth. A letter. Correspondence. If ill dignified, news is withheld.

Ten of Wands Oppression, backed into a corner, against the wall. Forced surrender. Put down. No escape. Servitude.

Nine of Wands Strength of an almost Godly, magical sort. Strength in opposition, strength of character.

Eight of Wands A flight. A fateful journey. Running away on a whim. Swift action, not well planned.

Seven of Wands Valor, courage against the odds. Weary, but at the vantage point, the higher ground.

Six of Wands Victorious, celebration, the top, champion

Five of Wands Trapped. Pinned atop a precipice, inescapable position. Forceful submission. Outnumbered. Chaos, everything coming at you at once, confusion, witch hunt. The world is cruel and life is not fair. The querent has put themselves in this position to be determined by the rest of the reading.

Four of Wands A dangerous seduction. Inspiration and musings. Completing a cycle or project. If ill dignified beware of a con.

Three of Wands Virtue, kindness, innocence, lady luck, angelic influence. Clarity, simplicity.

Two of Wands The will. Domination. Power. Calling the shots. Standing ground and refusal of conventional standards. Telepathy.

Ace of Wands Creative force of unstoppable energy. It is the fire in the temple of God. It is the power of nature, life, and art, the alchemy of the bees.


King of Swords Mastermind. Militant. Mathematical gifts. Dominion. If ill dignified, controlling, close minded, and sadistic.

Queen of Swords A sad woman, a widow. Coldness, aloof. If ill dignified, destructive and dangerous.

Knight of Swords Brave, youthful warrior, ceases control, power of air harnessed. If ill dignified, violence.

Page of Swords Espionage, a stalker, persistence, secrecy.

Ten of Swords Ruin. Death. Murder. Knife in the back, whether figurative or literal.

Nine of Swords “There are daggers in mens’ smiles” Shakespeare. Cruelty. Sabotage. Illness, the daggers of the mind. Bad sleep and dreams.

Eight of Swords Imprisonment, either literal or razor sharp daggers of the mind. Still, the will remains defiant.

Seven of Swords An exercise in futility, forever defiant, overpowered, outnumbered, odds are against you, however right you may be…

Six of Swords A swift journey over water. Seeking something better and new. The lady leaves her charred homeland for new horizons.

Five of Swords Selfishness, theft, wicked arrogance, insatiable hunger.

Four of Swords A truce is called, wariness, sentinel. The hound is foreboding. The woman, watching from the thorn, has uncanny dreams that seem to blow in the wind.

Three of Swords Sadness, sorrow, broken hearted, pain

Two of Swords This prisoner, bound and blinded, is not vanquished. The suit becomes proceedingly more violent, so this is probably the best of them, for it signifies a draw, a tie, a stalemate, and peace.

Ace of Swords The sword of power. Excalibur. Conquest over thine enemy.


King of Pentacles Wealth, paternity, land holdings. A dark man of power

Queen of Pentacles Materialistic woman of the world. Reality. Concern for the family. A benefactress. If ill dignified, gossip, manipulation, and mind games.

Knight of Pentacles He rides a slow horse. He is late, probably due to laziness. However handsome and charming, he can be something of a dud.

Page of Pentacles A gifted youth, a student, sweet natured, and intelligent. Studies, school. If ill dignified, may be a brat.

Ten of Pentacles Generally speaking, the higher the number of Pentacles, the more money. The finest of everything. Wealth, posh surroundings and lifestyle. Strictly speaking of the material world.

Nine of Pentacles Satisfaction, contentment, gain. The cat is purring. Monetary gain.

Eight of Pentacles Discovering sacred, ancient knowledge. Magic books, the artful philosopher. Visionary. Studious curiosities. Careful with money, prudence, frugal.

Seven of Pentacles Hard work has only provided a meager harvest, but it is enough to get by on. Thankful

Six of Pentacles Giving to the needy. Generosity. Successful philanthropist.

Five of Pentacles Anxiety over money. Worry. Loss

Four of Pentacles Great power of wealth. Establishment. Fortress.

Three of Pentacles Craftsmanship, loving the work that you do. This card pertains to all of the arts. Accomplishment. If ill dignified, or reversed, work is mediocre at best.

Two of Pentacles Money troubles. Unbalanced accounts, bad checks. Debt. Financial doubt and stupidity.

Ace of Pentacles Wealth, abundance, material well being of a solid fateful nature, as if the powers of the hidden Earth, Eldorado, are in your grasp.


King of Cups Loyal and intelligent, The King rules the deep gulf of the subconscious with a brimming cup. He is handsome and responsible. A loyal friend. If ill dignified he is careless and oblivious.

Queen of Cups Lovely and dreamy, The Queen scrys into the cup. She is the essence of water and imaginings of dreams. She is gentle and healing. If ill dignified, she is agitated and moody. She can be lazy and seemingly thoughtless.

Knight of Cups Beautiful and true, The Knight possesses a tempting loving cup, a proposal. He is Galahad or Percival of legend. If ill dignified he is illusory and deceptive.

Page of Cups A heartfelt message. Dreams of an emotional nature. Romantic visions. An invitation. A child

Ten of Cups Happiness, wishes and dreams fulfilled

Nine Of Cups Joy and the pleasure of being a winner, intoxicated state of bliss. Contentment.

Eight of Cups Insecurity, fright, shyness

Seven of Cups A wicked mind, corruption, obscenities, debacle

Six of Cups Rhapsody in blue. Nostalgia. Reminiscing happier times. Sentimental and evergreen thoughts. May lead to deep melancholy and depression.

Five of Cups Disappointment. The fisherman’s basket is empty, and he is too preoccupied with his seemingly bad luck to see the mermaid behind the rock. Dreams, hopes, and plans seem unfulfilled or lacking.

Four of Cups Boredom, luxury, longing for the unattainable

Three of Cups Abundant harvest, yet, like faerie gold, it is not lasting. There is an element of mistrust here, like the movie star who has it all and is still unhappy. Approach business deals with caution.

Two of Cups Perfect love, marriage

Ace of Cups The Holy Grail. The cup Christ drank from, it turns water into wine, heals all wounds, a loving cup, the ultimate trophy. Wishes are fulfilled, dreams come true. Trust in the hand of God. Miracles. The Sacred Heart, it is never empty.


1.) Sometimes I like to pick just one card from the deck and meditate on it. I also find this provokes dreams, which can lead to deeper understanding of myself.

2.) I find the alchemist’s runic reading of only three cards, representing the past, present, and future to be useful at times. In this case, the past, may be distant past, and the future is to be within a year or two.

3.) I usually read the cross spread:




Best possible outcome

1& 2 Significator




Crosses you

















Choose the significator’s, questioner’s or querent’s card from the deck, or who you think may best represent the person you are reading for. Lay it down, face up, shuffle, and cut the deck. If you are reading for someone else, have them shuffle and cut the deck while formulating their questions and concerns in mind. Lay out the first five cards as according to the cross diagram.

2) This card is laid directly over the querent’s card and represents the present and now.

3) This card is crossing the querent and reflects what is opposing, obstacles in the way, whether good or bad.

4) This card is the foundation or basis of the reading and reflects both the past and present environment.

5) This card reflects the querent’s past, perhaps distant, but usually not. It is usually a reflection of how the past affects the future.

6) This card is the best possible outcome of the situation. That does not mean it is the definitive future, but rather, depends upon the actions of the querent. This is, perhaps, the trickiest card of the reading.

7) The card of the future. Could be six months, might be a couple of years

Now lay out the last four cards.

8) This card either represents the querent, is their significator card, or somehow answers or describes them.

9) This card reflects the querent’s environment or home life. Other important people in the querent’s life may appear here.

10) Hopes and fears of the questioner appear here. This card can be a little cloudy as well, because people tend to hide from their fear in one form or another.

11) This card is the final outcome, the most important card of the reading. If you feel that the reading was faulty, you may take this card, use it as the significator card, and start over.

Dreams 8/26

 First I dreamed that Theresa, Ron, and I were in a big plastic greenhouse at night. There was a big bug, we wondered if it was a grasshopper or katydid. Ron caught it and let it go into the night. 

  Next, I was at the dentist. It wasn't my usual dentist, rather a stark white room made from cinder blocks, like a dorm room. There were only a few women working there, but one was my hygienist. I was the only patient. When I was done with my checkup I was at the counter and had a big homemade paper white rabbit. Its eyes were closed with long black lashes. He had a purplish garland around his neck, and his ears were entwined above his head. When I left the office it looked like a busy, sunny, old house full of young women who seemed to be shopping. 

Monday, August 26, 2024


 My chatty friends know how restless and lazy I've been. I don't know about you, but we've had a cruel summer. Finally since my regretsy days my DARK SHADOWS art cards are available again as a thirty-six card deck, all the best now with backings. Although this art is featured in my Fun with DARK SHADOWS book on Amazon, some of them are portraits, and these are cards. I only just opened a Printer's STUDIO shop this weekend, but you will also find a couple of DARK SHADOWS puzzles there, and I'm working on several things like a DARK SHADOWS paper doll notebook and a new satire, Fanging with Claude in response to Planet Scam. Stay tuned. 


Puzzles & More


DARK SHADOWS is a Dan Curtis production.

Join Printer's STUDIO's mailing list for a five dollar off coupon.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Hound Dog for Shiner

Updated ZAZZLE Shop & Sales

 My ZAZZLE shop has gotten an autumn update. Shop Halloween, poetry, paper dolls, and more:

Shop Autumn

They've been offering daily coupon codes and sales. They ship worldwide. 

Dreams 8/25

  First I dreamed I was with my fish, and they were floating through the air. Felix was there. I had to catch them and was worried sick as they were out of the water. 

  Next I dreamed I was here at my computer watching a Fellini type of film. There was a beautiful brunette in a Civil War sort of pale pink chiffon gown with a hoop skirt. She was running over rolling greens when my computer stopped working, and the film cut off. Ron fixed it for me, and I was able to continue the movie. There was a blonde with her hair piled up, She and the dark haired woman were in love. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dreams 8/24

   Another dream where I was rooming with Adinda again at Princeton. This one began in the morning after my first class when I'd realized that I'd lost my schedule and had no idea where I was going. It was a dusky morning, I had a big bag and trekked back to my dorm room looking for my books. Adinda was there sitting cross legged on her bed. The far wall was bookshelves, but mine was empty. Adinda said you know who must've stolen them referring to her old roommate, Joanna. I wandered back out onto the grounds, pretty aimlessly, not knowing where I was going. I was thinking about breakfast and maybe some shopping for books, mostly. I was feeling a little sick and a lot guilty about missing classes. I knew I had three more. There were crowded rummage sorts of shops on campus. There was a brunette who was a Dream Person friend of mine in the one shop that had used books in the front laid out on long tables. She mentioned the one, knowing it was one of mine and free. Although mine had been hardback, this was a used dog eared thick paperback with a pencil scribble in the front. It was titled Faust and had a hunter green leafy background with a closeup oil painting of a faun, a mythological satyr. I put it in my tapestry bag, left it on the floor, and moved on. I found another of my books in hardback, something like Lee Iacoca but not quite. I left it. Now I found a shop selling beautiful hand knit hats. They were ruffled with knit roses, in creams and lilacs. I asked the clerk the price, and she said they were twenty-five dollars. I told her I wanted the purple one and put it on. I roamed across the hall to a stairway painted with lush abstract murals of trees, touched them, and went downstairs to the dining hall that had several rooms full of houseplants like spider plants. I was thinking it was too early for lunch and went back outside. I pondered my classes and how I already had more than one degree so probably should just drop them. I went back to my room and told Adinda I was just going to drop my classes, and she got upset and said that I couldn't because she wouldn't have any other roommate. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Dreams 8/23

   Dreamed I was staying in a hotel with my grade-school girlfriend and either her brother or her friend, can't recall which. I also don't remember his name although it might've been Buddy. Laurie was bigger and had short dark hair like when we were girls. Buddy was an adult, big and chubby with brown hair and Down's syndrome, I'd guess. I was sleeping on the floor in my room in a heap of clothes when Paris from Gilmore Girls came in. She had very long hair. She told me I had to have Buddy at a certain location at a certain time: fourth floor, two o'clock, I think. Laurie dropped Buddy off with me, and we proceeded through the corridors of the hotel. It seemed more like a dormitory, stark, and not up to hotel standards. Buddy led the way. Then, in a stairway, Buddy got shot in the back of the neck with what might've been a tranquilizer dart. There was a clean little hole at the nape of his neck which was about the size of a pen, but there was no penetrator present as if it either vanished into him or simply melted away. I dragged his heavy body into the adjoining lobby off of the stairway. There was a bed there, and a receptionist. I left him in the bed and went up the stairs looking for Paris. I found her in a long deep room that was well lit and looked more like a laboratory with sectioned off white cubicles. There were several thin white women, besides Paris, with long hair who were naked and looked greasy and unkempt. Paris approached me, and while I was telling her about Buddy and his location I looked to the right, and there on the floor was a purple and red full term dead siamese twin baby. Moving on I proceeded to search for my room which I knew was on the other side of the building. I came to a landing where two white women were with a black man. The black man had a red plastic knife, very sharp, like a shank, and he stabbed me in the side with it. I began to place a witch's curse upon them, telling them they'd all die. This was very difficult as I was somewhat paralyzed and gasping for breath. It seemed to work, they were scared, and I was psychotic and dragged myself away. I found a woman and asked her how I could get back to the other side and my room. She told me I'd never get back and that I had been stabbed for what I did to Buddy. At this point I was very distressed and forced myself awake. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Whimpering Twenties

Dear Zelda, 

We can't afford champagne now.

The Kid Smeller gives us free Fentanyl.

The Biltmore is office space. 

New York City is a disgrace. 

This side ain't paradise, my dear. 

It's phony and queer. 

No smoking, they vape. 

I have to escape. 

Cabala Embarrass got here sucking cock. 

We thought Tom was just a dumb jock. 

I miss the parties, these people wear masks.  

CONVID, don't ask. 

It's no masquerade, this Planet Scam.                                      

Glad I'm dead.  

Really, I am.         

Z: The Beginning of Everything Season 1 - Official Trailer | Prime Video

Monday, August 19, 2024

Shop Halloween


Dreams 8/19

   I only remember the end of this dream. I was dressed like a nun and came home to the big green dollhouse where I lived with Dame Darcy. Our mission was to shake down the patriarchy. I must've really kicked some ass because my back was hurting when I woke. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024



From Battlefield:

 "The thing I sensed was that people had been here before, en masse. At times, I have noted a comparable intimation after a public auction, when the last item of furniture has been carted off and the last pickup truck has driven away. The grass is patterned with tire tracks and footprints. The buzz of the crowd, the auctioneer's warble still echo in my ears. A whiff of humanity lingers, a subtle indefinable something, but it is not an olfactory sensation. It, too, is an echo, a reverberation of the auction-goers who were convened an hour earlier. A similar presence lingered in these pastures a hundred and twenty-three years after the battle. After that length of time, I would not have thought it possible to stand at the heart of a battlefield and pick up its living pulse." Peter Svenson

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Dreams 8/17 & Reading Cemetery


  Dreamed that my girlfriend, Tonya, and I were lost and laughing in Reading Cemetery. We were rolling over looking for our graves. It was a really good time. 

  Speaking of which, it may be just a dream: don't know if I'll be getting back to Gettysburg next month, even though I've got an epic package together for Patti at The Farnsworth House. 🙁

  Ending on a good note Reading Cemeteries is available on Kindle and should be released in paperback later today. I thought Lancaster was something else, but Reading Cemetery is the definitive necropolis. 

See Reading Cemetery

Friday, August 16, 2024

It's Official

 I'm working on Reading Cemetery, quite frankly it puts Lancaster and Lafayette to shame. Don't believe the hype, Jim Morrison. Speaking of which, it's official, Barbie has finally gone stark raving mad and flat out hideous. 🤣

Worst Barbie Ever

Dreams 8/16

Dreamed I worked in an aquarium shop, and a little pink baby Betta was floating through the air. I caught him and put him back in his tank. I was cleaning out his tanks and others. At one point he and a cory cat were lying on the bottom of an empty tank which I hurried to fill with water. I had to climb up through a large empty aquarium through a slat in the wall to get to a friend of mine upstairs. She had a colorful circular rag rug on the floor. It was very boho. The next time I climbed up the place and woman had changed. There was a thick white Greek goat hair carpet on the floor which I admired and told her so. She said she had bought the shop. We were walking through the mall when I woke. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Lancaster Cemetery

The ebook is on Kindle. The paperback ought to be out tomorrow. 

That's Service

Starting the box top of my GETTYSBURG game last night I discovered Major General John Reynolds was not buried in Gettysburg National Cemetery, rather Lancaster Cemetery which is less than a half an hour away. Tonight we visited there. The sun was setting, and the cicadas were singing. It was the birthday of the very first grave I read. Funny but I had the same thing happen to me years ago in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond. It was Daddy's birthday. Just like Lilydale I was automatically directed right to Reynolds' grave. I had no idea that Lancaster Cemetery is a world class cemetery rivaling Bonaventure, Lafeyette, and The Ancient Burial Ground. I was so impressed that a paperback and ebook of the excursion will soon be released on Amazon. I'll let you know. 🕊


Dreams 8/15

 Dreamed I was home with Mummy and Daddy. The Magic Shoppe was in their bedroom, and they had opened a restaurant out of the kitchen. The Magic Shoppe was loaded with little patrons, not dolls, rather little people. I took the orders of the guests in the kitchen, but nothing that they ordered was on the menu, so I couldn't fulfill any of their orders. One girl wanted an Octopus to drink, some sort of cocktail that I'd heard of but didn't know how to make. She said it was purple. I asked a dark haired girl upstairs what she'd like, and she ordered a prime rib sandwich and another spirit we were lacking. I was looking around the kitchen to see what might suffice. Back in The Magic Shoppe, downstairs, they had ripped up bits of blue paper like confetti and scattered it across the floor. I told them that I was glad they were having a good time, but could they please attempt to look at the menu. Upstairs I told the girl that we did not have prime rib, but that I could make her a roast beef sandwich. Mummy was there, looking over my shoulder. She asked for a glass of wine, and Mummy said that we had some white. I think I had another dream, thereafter, but it has slipped away. 

O, My Ra! Season 2, Episode 8