Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dreams 8/24

   Another dream where I was rooming with Adinda again at Princeton. This one began in the morning after my first class when I'd realized that I'd lost my schedule and had no idea where I was going. It was a dusky morning, I had a big bag and trekked back to my dorm room looking for my books. Adinda was there sitting cross legged on her bed. The far wall was bookshelves, but mine was empty. Adinda said you know who must've stolen them referring to her old roommate, Joanna. I wandered back out onto the grounds, pretty aimlessly, not knowing where I was going. I was thinking about breakfast and maybe some shopping for books, mostly. I was feeling a little sick and a lot guilty about missing classes. I knew I had three more. There were crowded rummage sorts of shops on campus. There was a brunette who was a Dream Person friend of mine in the one shop that had used books in the front laid out on long tables. She mentioned the one, knowing it was one of mine and free. Although mine had been hardback, this was a used dog eared thick paperback with a pencil scribble in the front. It was titled Faust and had a hunter green leafy background with a closeup oil painting of a faun, a mythological satyr. I put it in my tapestry bag, left it on the floor, and moved on. I found another of my books in hardback, something like Lee Iacoca but not quite. I left it. Now I found a shop selling beautiful hand knit hats. They were ruffled with knit roses, in creams and lilacs. I asked the clerk the price, and she said they were twenty-five dollars. I told her I wanted the purple one and put it on. I roamed across the hall to a stairway painted with lush abstract murals of trees, touched them, and went downstairs to the dining hall that had several rooms full of houseplants like spider plants. I was thinking it was too early for lunch and went back outside. I pondered my classes and how I already had more than one degree so probably should just drop them. I went back to my room and told Adinda I was just going to drop my classes, and she got upset and said that I couldn't because she wouldn't have any other roommate.